Netto leads green initiative with 90 per cent peat-reduced range
Discounter sets the standard with peat-reduced composts for ethical gardeners
Netto is boosting its green credentials by becoming the very first UK supermarket to exclusively stock a 90 per cent peat-reduced growing media range in all of its 196 stores. Manufactured by Liverpool-based, White Moss Horticulture, Seery’s Multi-Purpose Compost, Growing Bags and Decorative Woodland Bark containing ‘New Life’ are exclusive to Netto. All products are produced using amenity and kerbside organic green material collected in Liverpool and throughout the North West, providing local employment and diverting over 100,000 tonnes of waste away from landfill every year. Explains Charles Kay, Managing Director for Netto: “We’ve worked with White Moss for many years and have stocked their peat-reduced compost in selected stores for the last five years. “The Government had set a target for the UK to use alternatives, such as ‘New Life’, to replace 90 per cent of the peat used in retail growing media requirements by the end of 2010. We are not aware of any other major supermarket or DIY retailer achieving this status. In partnership with White Moss, we are fully committed to reaching the recent revised Government target for retail growing media to be peat free by 2020. “We’re extremely proud of our achievement and are experiencing huge demand for this product as gardeners become more and more aware of the environmental consequences of commercial peat extraction.” States Charles: “By partnering with White Moss Horticulture, a firm which is a member of the Growing Media Association (GMA) and a full member of the Growing Media Initiative (GMI) which was developed to help the UK meet the Government’s targets for peat reduction, Netto can play a vital role in raising consumer awareness of peat reduced composts. “Netto’s own application for GMI membership also demonstrates our unique pioneering status amongst UK supermarkets. It’s also an added endorsement as we exclusively sell GMI approved products. “There are many reasons why gardeners still use peat based compost, not least because they believe it’s cheaper than sustainable alternatives. At Netto, that’s simply not the case since a bag of Seery’s Multi-Purpose Compost with added ‘New Life’ costs just £2.99 for 55 litres (or two for £5) or £3 for three Seery’s with ‘New Life’ grow-bags.” Adds Martin Cooper, Sales Director at White Moss: “Mainstream Multi-Purpose Composts are generally only around 50 to 60 per cent peat-reduced and can cost as much as twice the price for half the quantity. So, at 90 per cent peat-reduced our Seery’s product range really is the most sustainable, environmentally-friendly compost available. “Peat-reduced composts have historically had a reputation, amongst some gardeners, for being unreliable. This may have been true with some of the first generation products but with advances in technology, today’s peat-reduced composts provide an excellent quality growth medium which provides proven growing results.” Continues Martin: “For gardeners who want a sustainable, ethical alternative to peat, Seery’s with ‘New Life’ is the answer. It’s recycling in its purest form and with such a short journey from source to manufacture, it has the added bonus of having a very low carbon footprint. It also offers excellent re-wetting and moisture retention properties compared to traditional peat-based composts. “Moreover, we’re actively restoring over 100 acres of former peatland to a wetland habitat over the next five years. “We’ve already restored over 60 acres of wetland habitat, satisfying the whole of Lancashire’s reed bed creation requirement for the next 10 years. With the support of retailers such as Netto and their customers, we hope to safeguard these unique areas of our environment for the benefit of future generations and wildlife alike.” Ends. More information: Kirsten Howells, Tel: 01302 730330 / Mobile: 07752 043181 or email: About Netto in the UK The first Netto store in the UK opened in Leeds in 1990. Today, Netto has 196 supermarkets across the UK, 3,500 employees and plans to open a number of brand new stores over the next 12 months. The UK stores support centre is based in Pontefract, West Yorkshire with facilities of over 300,000 square feet which include customer care, training and recruitment departments. As “The UK’s leading discounter”, Netto prides itself on its streamlined and highly efficient distribution and management which enable it to deliver great service and the lowest prices around. Netto History & Family There are currently more than 1000 Netto stores across Denmark, Germany, Poland, Sweden and the UK. Key facts about Netto include: • According to research, Netto is the most competitive food retailer in the UK. • Netto stores offer a range of 1,400 lines in food and non-food items. • In addition, Netto regularly stocks 160 weekly special offer items at major discounts. • Netto stocks a range of well-known branded items as well as it own quality value brands. • Netto is the pioneer of low cost, great value retailing in the UK. It aims to deliver the best quality products to its customers at the lowest prices. Netto can do this through its ability to broker the best deals with suppliers throughout the globe; its ability to maintain low overhead costs and one of the most efficient distribution networks in European retailing. The Dansk Supermarket group operates five major retail chains in Denmark. These chains are Netto (Discount Food), FOTEX (Supermarkets), BILKA (Hypermarkets), TOJ & SKO (Discount Clothing and Footwear) and A-Z (Variety Stores). Dansk Supermarket Group is owned by F. Salling and the A.P. Møller Group. For more information about Netto, visit