Puurakentajat to supply the solid wood frame to the new Martta Wendelin daycare center

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Press release  Puurakentajat Oy 26 January 2021 at 10.15 a.m. (EET)

Puurakentajat Group Ltd., the Finnish expert in solid wood construction, will provide the solid wood frame and be in charge of its installation for the new Martta Wendelin Daycare Center in Tuusula.

The building will be the largest CLT daycare center in Finland in terms of cubic meters. The building made of solid wood will be a 3 200 sqm, modern, healthy and safe daycare center for more than 240 children. In addition to the normal use of the daycare center, the versatile building space can easily be transformed for other purposes during evenings and weekends.

The main contractor of the construction project is Arkta Rakennuskultti Oy. Principal designer of the project is Architects Frondelius + Keppo + Salmenperä Oy.

The construction contract complies with the environmental criteria of the Nordic Swan Ecolabel, which ensures that the building is environmentally friendly throughout its life cycle.

Puurakentajat’s work begins in April 2021, and the daycare center is scheduled to be completed in May 2022.

“It is great that Puurakentajat has again been picked as constructor of a new solid wood daycare center. This is the largest daycare center built of solid wood in Finland. It is also the fifth daycare center project, where Puurakentajat supplies the CLT wooden frame and installation. This project enhances Cross Laminated Timber as a modern building technique. It also strengthens Puurakentajat’s reputation as a highly experienced CLT builder, especially in demanding projects like this where the objective is to build a healthy and safe learning environment for children. This project is further evidence of the considerable growth potential in solid wood construction and it gives us further confidence in our efforts to reach our growth targets in challenging market conditions”, said Mikko Leino, CEO of Puurakentajat Group Oy.

“This is our first CLT daycare center project and we are very excited about it. Arkta Rakennuskultti wants to be at the forefront of ecological construction. Hence, we are particularly pleased to be involved in this project, which will allow us to construct a Nordic Swan Eco labelled daycare center. As main contractor of this project we are also pleased to pick an experienced supplier of CLT frames and installation”, said Marko Kähkönen, CEO of Arkta Rakennuskonsultti Oy.

Puurakentajat has picked Stora Enso and Versowood as material suppliers for the construction project.

In building design, it is increasingly important to find solutions that can curb climate change and optimize the recyclability of materials throughout the building's life cycle. By using wood materials the carbon footprint is reduced during the construction phase. Wood materials also enhance carbon-neutrality throughout the building’s life cycle. Wood buildings are long-lasting and the material is also fully recyclable. Interest in solid wood construction is growing at an accelerating pace.

More information:
Puurakentajat Group Oy Mikko Leino, CEO
Tel. + 358 40 551 4055


Puurakentajat Group Oy is a Finnish expert in wood and Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) construction with decades of experience of solid wood construction and renovation. We design, produce and build ecologically sustainable and healthy residential properties, apartment buildings and e.g. daycare centers and schools. Our core expertise is efficient and environmentally friendly CLT construction. All buildings are built from PEFC-certified trees. CLT construction enables modern architectural solutions and contributes to economic, environmental and health efficiencies. We build solid wood buildings where people feel well.
