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Trondheim 15 January 2016; The Board of Q-Free ASA has received a request from shareholders representing approximately 21 percent of the total shareholding in the Company (KLP and KLP fondene, Storebrand Asset Management, Statoil Pensjon and Statoil Forsikring) for an extraordinary general meeting with the following agenda:

-election of Chairman of the Board

-election of members of the Board

The Board will according to the Public Companies Act § 5-7 (2) call for an extraordinary general meeting, which will be held within four weeks. The notice will be published no later than 21 January 2016.

For further information, please contact:

Charlotte Brogren: +46 705935646

Acting Chairman of the Board of Directors

Q-Free ASA

About Q-Free

Q-Free is a leading global supplier of products and solutions within the global ITS market. The Q-Free Group has approximately 430 employees with offices in 20 countries and presence on all continents. The Q-Free head office is in Trondheim, Norway. Q-Free is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange under the ticker QFR.


Twitter: @Q-FreeASA
