Q-Free has been awarded an order for tags from Centro Gestao Meios de Pagto (CGMP) in Brazil valued at 34 MNOK.
This order is the third call off from the earlier announced frameagreement of 205 MNOK (22 October 2010). This order implies that a totalof 123 MNOK has been called off from this frame agreement.
- Tag deliveries are an important part of our business and as such Brazil represents one of the most important markets for the company. After this order we have delivered close to 4 million tags in Brazil, CEO Øyvind Isaksen comments.
Q-Free has a fully owned subsidiary in São Paulo, Brazil.
Trondheim 26 August 2011
For further information, please contact:
CEO Øyvind Isaksen, cell: 47 905 59 401
CFO Roar Østbø, cell: 47 932 45 175
About Q-Free
'Q-Free is a leading global supplier of solutions and products for RoadUser Charging and Traffic Surveillance having applications mainly withinelectronic toll collection for road financing, congestion charging,truck-tolling, law enforcement and parking/access control. Q-Free offers solutions and products based on state of the art technology, and is theleading supplier within DSRC (tag), ALPR (Automatic License PlateRegistration) and GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) basedsolutions, with deliveries in Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East andNorth- and South America. The company has approximately 275 employeesand is represented in 17 countries. Headquarter is based in Trondheim,Norway. Q-Free is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange with the ticker QFR. www.q-free.com