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  • The proposal by the nomination committee of Q-linea AB (publ) for election of members of the board of directors

The proposal by the nomination committee of Q-linea AB (publ) for election of members of the board of directors

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Q-linea AB (publ) (Nasdaq Stockholm: QLINEA), announced today the proposal by the nomination committee of Q-linea AB (publ) for election of members of the board of directors.

The nomination committee of Q-linea AB submits the following proposals to be presented at the annual general meeting of shareholders to be held on 22 May 2019, with regard to the number and election of members of the board of directors.

The nomination committee proposes seven members of the board of directors and no deputy members of the board of directors.

The nomination committee proposes the following persons for re-election as members of the board of directors: Erika Kjellberg Eriksson, Marianne Hansson, Hans Johansson, Ulf Landegren, Mats Nilsson, Marcus Storch and Per-Olof Wallström.

Jon Heimer has informed the nomination committee that he declines re-election due to personal reasons.

The nomination committee proposes Erika Kjellberg Eriksson to be re-elected as chairperson of the board of directors.

The members of the nomination committee are Öystein Engebretsen (Investment AB Öresund, chairperson of the nomination committee), Erika Kjellberg Eriksson (Nexttobe AB, chairperson of the board) and Jannis Kitsakis (Fjärde AP-fonden).

Information about all persons proposed as members of the board of directors of Q-linea AB, the nomination committee’s statement regarding the proposal for the board of directors and the nomination committee’s complete proposal can be found on Q-linea AB’s website, www.q-linea.com, and will, free of charge, be sent to the shareholders who request the company to do so.

April 2019
The nomination committee of Q-linea AB (publ)

For more information, please contact:

Jonas Jarvius, CEO, Q-linea AB 
+46 (0)70-323 77 60

Anders Lundin, CFO, Q-linea AB
+46 (0)70-600 15 20

About Q-linea

Q-linea is an innovative research, development and manufacturing company that primarily develops instruments and disposables for rapid and reliable infection diagnostics. Q-linea’s vision is to help save lives by ensuring antibiotics continue to be an effective treatment for future generations. Q-linea develops and delivers preferred solutions for healthcare providers, enabling them to accurately diagnose and treat infectious disease in the shortest possible time. The company’s lead product ASTar™ is a fully automated instrument for antibiotic susceptibility testing (AST), giving a susceptibility profile within six hours directly from a positive blood culture. For more information, please visit www.qlinea.com.


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