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The Annual General Meeting of Q-Med AB (publ) was held on May 3, 2006, at 3 p.m on Q-Med’s premises at Fyrisvallsgatan 7, Uppsala. Dividend The meeting decided that a dividend of SEK 3 per share shall be paid to shareholders. Board and fees The meeting decided to re-elect Håkan Edström, Anders Milton, Pia Rudengren, Åsa Rödén and Bengt Ågerup for the period up until the end of the next Annual General Meeting. Bertil Hult and Pernilla Ström were elected as new members of the company Board. The meeting also elected Pia Rudengren as the Chairman of the Board. The meeting also decided that Board fees of SEK 1,050,000 in total be paid for the period 2006/2007, with SEK 300,000 to the Chairman of the Board and SEK 150,000 to each of the other members of the Board, except for Bengt Ågerup, which means an increase in fees of SEK 60,000 and SEK 30,000 respectively, compared with the previous year. Auditors’ fees shall be paid in accordance with reasonable invoicing for the period up until the end of the next Annual General Meeting. A fee of SEK 180,000 in total shall be paid for work on the audit committee, to be divided among the three members. Election committee The Annual General Meeting decided that the election committee shall continue to consist of three members and re-elected Robert Wikholm as Chairman with the assignment of finding, at the latest during the third quarter, two representatives from the major owners to be included in the election committee, and that a fee of SEK 60,000 be paid to the election committee, to be allocated in accordance with the decision of the election committee. This is an unchanged fee compared with the previous year. Articles of association The meeting decided to adopt changes in the Articles of Association with a view to adapting them to the Swedish Companies Act (2005:551). Share split The Annual General Meeting decided to adopt a 4:1 share split, whereby one share is replaced by four new shares of the same kind. In the light of this, it was decided that the Articles of Association be changed to state that the number of shares shall be at least 80,000,000 and at the most 320,000,000. The record day for the split is planned to be May 31, 2006. Principles for remuneration Finally the meeting decided on principles for remuneration and other conditions of employment for senior management in accordance with the proposal of the Board. Queries should be addressed to: Anne Rhenman, Director Investor Relations and Corporate Communications Tel: +46 (0) 70-974 90 15

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