Quantros at ASHRM 2013: Driving healthcare safety across the continuum of care
Quantros’ new QPrecision release demonstrates healthcare safety across four pillars of major healthcare providers: acute, ambulatory surgery, physician clinic, and pharmacy
Quantros, the leading provider of quality, safety, and clinical business intelligence solutions is demonstrating how it enables safety reporting across the continuum of care at the American Society of Healthcare Risk Management (ASHRM) Annual Conference. At booth #501, Quantros shows how the new QPrecision release of its safety event management solution, Safety Event Manager, supports the continuum of care, focusing on acute, ambulatory surgery, physician clinic, and pharmacy care settings.
QPrecision, the newest release of Safety Event Manager, is the most streamlined, accurate, and intuitive safety event reporting software to support the full continuum of care. QPrecision features patent-pending Smart Classification™, the world’s first intelligent event classification solution for healthcare.
Smart Classification is a cutting-edge clinically-intuitive technology that allows event reporters to classify incidents faster and more precisely. For the first time, events can be classified using the reporter’s own words. Smart Classification leverages Quantros’ unique database of more than three million standardized safety events to suggest likely event types based on an automated analysis of the narrative description. Visit Quantros at booth #501 to see a demo of Smart Classification and all the new features of the Safety Event Manager QPrecision release.
Complementing Safety Event Manager is Quantros’ IRIS, a configurable web-based dashboard that provides snapshot views of overall inpatient hospital performance, displaying trends, distribution, and variations in performance. IRIS works with Safety Event Manager to analyze UB-04 billing data and evaluate potentially reportable events that may have been missed by front line staff. Hospital leaders use IRIS to view performance improvement across multiple areas, including readmissions, patient safety indicators, hospital acquired conditions, and potentially preventable complications.
Patient safety experts are on hand at Quantros’ booth to explain the opportunities of Quantros Patient Safety Center (QPSC), Quantros’ patient safety organization. Participation in QPSC is the best way for hospitals to prepare for the Health Insurance Exchange mandate set to take effect January 1, 2015. QPSC can enable facilities of all care settings to report patient data seamlessly through Quantros’ safety and reporting solution suite.
Solutions for the continuum of care available for demonstration at Quantros booth (#501) include Safety Event Manager, featuring the new release, QPrecision; IRIS, for multiple safety and quality metrics; and the Quantros Patient Safety Center, one of the first federally-registered patient safety organizations.
To schedule a product demonstration at ASHRM, October 27-30 in Austin, Texas, email sales@quantros.com.
All visitors to Quantros booth (#501) are entered in a raffle to win an airfare voucher with Virgin America. The raffle winner will be announced at Quantros’ ASHRM after party at Cru Wine Bar October 28 at 6:30pm. More prizes and giveaways will also be announced at the party. Email sales@quantros.com for details.
Beeta Ouraie
Marketing Manager
Office: (408) 324-7987
Mobile: (408) 750-4565
Quantros helps healthcare providers improve quality and patient safety by empowering organizations, at every level, with the actionable intelligence they need to improve outcomes and reduce risk. Quantros provides cloud-based tools and resources for the full spectrum of the healthcare industry in the areas of safety and risk management, quality and performance improvement, accreditation and compliance, and centralized decision support. Today, more than 8,500 healthcare provider entities, including over 6,000 retail pharmacies, use Quantros solutions to capture meaningful data to effectively drive the decisions that improve the safety and quality of care.
For more information, visit www.quantros.com.