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European High Growth Opportunities Securitization Fund requests conversion of convertible bonds

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European High Growth Opportunities Securitization Fund has by notice to the board of directors of QuickCool AB (Publ) ("QuickCool") called upon its right to conversion of convertible bonds previously issued in accordance with the financing solution announced by QuickCool through a press release on 21 June 2018.

QuickCool has received notification from European High Growth Opportunities Securitization Fund regarding conversion of convertible bonds into 511 111 shares in QuickCool, corresponding to SEK 500 000 of the convertible loan.

The conversion price per share is SEK 0,97. Upon registration at the Swedish Companies Registration Office QuickCool’s total share capital will amount to SEK 15 105 220 kronor and the total number of shares will amount to 18 881 525.

For additional information, please contact:
Fredrik Radencrantz, CEO

Phone: 046-286 38 40
E-mail: fredrik.radencrantz@quickcool.se

This information is such that QuickCool AB is required to make public in accordance with the EU’s market abuse regulation (MAR) and the Swedish Securities Market Act. The information was made publicly available by the Company’s contact person on 25 July, 2018.

Quickcool is a Swedish medical technology company, whose business concept is to save lives and prevent brain damage in acute ischemia (Inadequate blood supply to the brain) by developing and providing a unique and globally patented cooling system, the Quickcool SYSTEM. Quickcool is active in the fast-growing market, Targeted Temperature Management (TTM), for brain-protective cooling treatment of patients with e.g. acute cardiac arrest and stroke. QuickCool’s solution protects the brain by cooling in the nasal cavity and thus takes advantage of the innate heat exchanger in the nose. QuickCool’s Intranasal method offers gentle and uninterrupted cooling treatment for sedated patients. Quickcool is listed on Spotlight Stock Market and conducts its business at Ideon Science Park in Lund. For more Information, please refer to www.quickcool.se


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