Press release from the Annual General Meeting of Rabbalshede Kraft AB (publ)

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Rabbalshede Kraft AB (publ) held its Annual General Meeting yesterday, May 3, 2012, in Gothenburg under the chairmanship of Karl-Erling Trogen. President Thomas Linnard held a speech for shareholders in which he described the Company’s work and growth in the 2011 fiscal year. In addition, he commented on the favorable production in early 2012, information which was published in the year’s first interim report ahead of the Annual General Meeting.

The Meeting adopted the Parent Company’s income statement and balance sheet and the consolidated income statement and balance sheet. The Meeting resolved on the allocation of unappropriated earnings and unrestricted funds at its disposal in accordance with the Board’s proposal: KSEK 18,838 to be carried forward and KSEK 292,061 to be placed in a share premium reserve. The Board of Directors and President were discharged from liability for the 2011 fiscal year.

In accordance with the Nomination Committee’s proposal, Karl-Erling Trogen, Fredrik Bergh Thorén, Karin Kronstam, Reine Rosén and Anders Strålman were elected members of the Board. Karl-Erling Trogen was elected as the new Chairman until the close of the next Annual General Meeting. Furthermore, the Meeting resolved in accordance with the Nomination Committee’s proposal that Board fees for the period from January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012 will be paid in an amount of SEK 540,000, of which the Chairman is to receive SEK 180,000 and all other Board members elected by the Annual General Meeting and not employed by the company are to receive SEK 90,000. Fees to the Board’s Audit Committee are to be paid for the same period in an amount of SEK 80,000, of which the Committee’s Chairman is to receive SEK 40,000 and other Committee members are to receive SEK 20,000. It is proposed that no fee be paid to the Board’s Remuneration Committee. The Meeting adopted the Nomination Committee’s proposal that instructions be established concerning the Nomination Committee.

The auditing firm Ernst & Young AB, with Authorized Public Accountant Stefan Kylebäck as Auditor-in-Charge, was elected for a mandate period until the end of the Annual General Meeting for the 2012 fiscal year. The Meeting resolved that fees to the auditors shall be paid against invoices approved by the company.

The Meeting approved guidelines for remuneration and other terms of employment for Group Management in accordance with the Board of Directors’ proposal.

For the period until the next Annual General Meeting, the Meeting granted authorization for the Board of Directors on one or more occasions up until the next Annual General Meeting, and with or without deviation from preferential shareholder rights, to resolve on new share issues, and/or issue of convertibles and/or issue of subscription warrants.

For further information, please contact;
Thomas Linnard, Managing Director, Tel. 46 (0) 525-197 11, 46 (0) 706-100 120

This is Rabbalshede Kraft
Rabbalshede Kraft AB (publ) is a fast-growing player in wind power with four wind farms in operation, one farm under construction and about 350 wind turbines in the procurement, application or planning phase. Rabbalshede Kraft’s overriding objective is to create value growth for the Company’s shareholders – proprietarily, in partnership with other companies and through the divestment of entire farms and individual wind turbines – by contributing to the commissioning of 250 turbines by 2015. To guarantee the long-term capital requirements that the planned build-out requires, the Company is preparing an application for listing on the NASDAQ OMX Stockholm exchange. Follow the Company’s progress at
