Rabbalshede Kraft publishes the Annual Report for 2018

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The Annual Report will be distributed by traditional mail to shareholders who have requested this. You can order a printed Annual Report via email: info@rabbalshedekraft.se

For additional information, please contact:

Fredrik Samuelsson, Energy Trading- and IR Manager
Tel. +46 (0) 525-197 13 | E-mail; fredrik.samuelsson@rabbalshedekraft.se

This is Rabbalshede Kraft
Rabbalshede Kraft AB (publ) plans and establishes proprietary land-based wind farms, in collaboration with other players or for divestment whereby the Company is able to offer operating services. Rabbalshede Kraft was formed in 2005 and currently manages 197 wind turbines of which 105 turbines are own or co-owned. The electricity produced from the Company’s wind farms in operation is sold in the open electricity market, Nord Pool. Follow the Company’s progress at www.rabbalshedekraft.se


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