Press invitation Rewriting the Future in Partnership

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(Stockholm/Geneva, 29 June 2007): In conjunction with the UN Global Compact Leaders Summit in Geneva on 5-6 July, the International Save the Children Alliance invites you to an informal gathering to discuss effective and strategic global partnerships between business and INGOs. It will be an opportunity to hear about Save the Children’s experience in this field and to meet other delegates to the summit, before the official welcome reception hosted by the President of Switzerland.

The event will include short presentations by Mr. Barry Clarke, Chair of the International Save the Children Alliance, Ms. Cathy Heseltine, Vice President, Marketing and Category EMEA at Starbucks and Mr. Dave Williams, CEO of Impact DTG, a consultancy specializing in innovative partnerships between the private and INGO sectors.

When: 4 July at 5.30 – 7.00 pm
Where: St. Gervais at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel de Rhone, Quai Turrettini 1, Geneva
5 minutes walk from the venue of the official Global Compact Leaders Summit welcome reception

RSVP by 2 July 2007 to

For more information about Global Compact Leaders Summit, go to:

Rewrite the Future: an opportunity to invest and rewrite the future for children
The Millennium Development Goals are promises made by all world leaders. They include the promise that all children will go to school by 2015. Every child has the right to education but today 77 million children are out of school with 39 million of them living in conflict affected fragile states. Apart from bringing knowledge, education also gives children a sense of normality and hope for the future. In conflict affected fragile states, education contributes to the creation of stable societies, peace and economic development. No country has achieved sustained economic growth without attaining near universal primary education.

Save the Children’s Rewrite the Future global campaign aims to ensure that 3 million out-of-school children gain access to good-quality education in conflict-affected countries by 2010 and to improve the quality of existing education programmes for a further 5 million children.

Investment in children’s education is an investment for the future – and therefore an important investment for the private sector. Mr. Barry Clarke will make a short presentation of Rewrite the future at the event on July 4th.

Press inquiries
If you are interested in interviews with Mr. Barry Clarke or with Mrs. Charlotte Petri Gornitzka, Secretary-General, Save the Children Sweden, who is also attending the event and the UN Global Compact Leaders Summit, please contact PR- and Press Officer Petra Hallebrant, Save the Children Sweden, or + 46 70 19 00 777.

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