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Raisio plc   Stock Exchange Release 26 March 2009                               

RAISIO'S ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 26 March 2009                                   

Raisio plc's Annual General Meeting approved the financial statements for the   
financial year 1 January - 31 December 2008 and discharged the members of the   
Supervisory Board and the Board of Directors, as well as the Chief Executive    
Officer, from liability. The AGM decided to pay a dividend of EUR 0.07 per      
share. The Board of Directors' proposals to the Annual General Meeting were     
approved without changes as well as the proposal by some shareholders for the   
amendment of the Articles of Association as for the age of the members of the   
Board of Directors.                                                             

A total of 2,904 shareholders were present in person or represented by proxy at 
the AGM held in Turku, representing 35.6 million shares, or 21.6 per cent of the

DIVIDEND PAYMENT                                                                

The AGM decided to pay a dividend of EUR 0.07 for each restricted share and each
free share for the financial year ending 31 December 2008. The dividend will be 
paid on 7 April 2009 to all shareholders included in the shareholders' register 
on the record date of 31 March 2009. No dividend will be paid on shares held by 
the company.                                                                    

AMENDMENTS TO THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION                                       

The AGM decided to amend section 14, paragraph 2 of the Articles of Association 
thus that a person who has turned 68 before the commencing of the term cannot be
elected a member of the Board of Directors.                                     


The Annual General Meeting authorised the Board of Directors to decide on the   
repurchase of a maximum of 5,500,000 free shares and 1,375,000 restricted       
shares. The authorisation expires on 26 September 2010.                         

Furthermore, the Annual General Meeting authorised the Board of Directors to    
decide on share issues by (1) disposing of all of the company shares and any    
repurchased shares - a maximum total of 16,460,000 shares, 1,801,500 of which   
can be restricted shares - and by (2) issuing a maximum of 16,500,000 new free  
shares against payment. The share issue authorisations will expire on 26 March  
2014 at the latest.                                                             

Details of the authorisations are available in the stock exchange release issued
on 12 February 2009.                                                            

The authorisation to repurchase company shares and the authorisation to issue   
shares given by the Annual General Meeting in 2008 expire on 26 March 2009.     


The number of Supervisory Board members was confirmed to be 25. Members         
appointed to the Supervisory Board for the term beginning at the now ended      
Annual General Meeting and continuing until the Annual General Meeting 2012     
include Cay Blomberg, Holger Falck, Johan Laurén, Antti Lithovius, Jarmo        
Mäntyharju, Heikki Pohjala, Rita Wegelius and Tapio Ylitalo. Of them Mr Blomberg
and Mr Mäntyharju are new members of Supervisory Board. 
The number of members of the Board of Directors was confirmed to be five, and   
Anssi Aapola, Erkki Haavisto, Satu Lähteenmäki, Simo Palokangas and Michael     
Ramm-Schmidt were reappointed members for the term beginning at the now ended   
Annual General Meeting. At its meeting held after the AGM the Board of Directors
elected Simo Palokangas as its Chairman and Michael Ramm-Schmidt as its Vice    
Authorised public accountants Johan Kronberg and Mika Kaarisalo were elected as 
regular auditors for the financial year 2010, with authorised public accountants
PricewaterhouseCoopers Ltd and Kalle Laaksonen as deputies.                     

RAISIO PLC                                                                      

Heidi Hirvonen                                                                  
Communications Manager                                                          
Tel. +358 50 567 3060                                                           

Further information:                                                            
Janne Martti, Director, Finance and Treasury, tel. +358                         
50 556 6521                                                                     

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Key media                                                                       
