Raisio Plc, Stock Exchange Release, 18 March 2010
In May 2008, the Board of Directors of Raisio plc decided on a share-based
incentive scheme of three years as a part of the incentive and commitment scheme
offered to Raisio Group's key personnel. The purpose of the scheme is to combine
the objectives of owners and key personnel in order to increase the
capitalization value of the company, commit the key personnel to the company and
to offer them a competitive reward system based on shareholding.
The scheme allows, during three years, to distribute a maximum total of
1,600,000 free shares already in the company's possession after the share
repurchases carried out in 2005-2008. The rewards are paid partly as company's
shares, partly in cash. Cash payments are made to cover the taxes and fiscal
fees arising from share-based rewards.
On 18 March 2010, the Board of Directors of Raisio plc has decided on the
share-based incentive scheme for the third earning period, which is the
financial year 2010. The earnings criterion applied is operating result in
proportion to net sales, in addition to which a prerequisite for receipt of the
reward is that a certain net sales during the fiscal year 2010 will be reached.
The number of free shares to be distributed is a maximum total of 600,000. The
amount of earned rewards will be determined on the grounds of reaching of set
targets after the completion of financial statements in the spring 2011, and the
potential reward will be paid to the persons within the scheme in December 2012.
The shares distributed as a reward are subject to a disposal restriction and
return obligation that are valid until 1 January 2014 in case the employment or
job contract of the person in question will end prior to the expiration of the
disposal restriction. There are 61 persons within the scheme in the third
earnings period.
Heidi Hirvonen
Communications Manager
tel. +358 50 567 3060
Further information:
Call requests to Mr Simo Palokangas, Chairman of the Board, will be forwarded by
Heidi Hirvonen.
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