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Raisio plc Stock Exchange Release 13 February 2008                              

RAISIO PLC'S FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2007                                          


In 2007, turnover from continuing operations increased by 4.8 per cent to EUR   
421.9 million (EUR 402.6 million in 2006).  
Operating result from continuing operations totalled EUR 9.9 million (EUR -2.4  
million in 2006) and the reported operating result, including one-off items, was
EUR 10.6 million (EUR -28.1 million).   
Earnings per share from continuing operations were EUR 0.05 (EUR -0.02). The    
Board of Directors proposes a dividend of EUR 0.04 per share.                   
Raisio's main targets in 2008 are continuous improvement in profitability,      
internationalisation and growth.       
Raisio's turnover in 2008 is expected to increase and the operating result from 
continuing operations, excluding one-off items, is expected to improve from the 
previous year. All divisions are expected to post positive annual results       
although the pressure on profitability will increase in feed. The overall       
operating result in the Food Division is expected to be positive, although the  
target operating result rate of 5 per cent will probably not be achieved due to 
increased marketing inputs, new product launches and preparations for entry into
new markets. The Ingredients Division is expected to increase turnover and      
improve profitability.                                                          

Figures for the comparison period are given in brackets.                        

Key figures, result from continuing operations                                  
|                 | 10-12 | 10-12 |   7-9/ |   4-6/ |   1-3/ |   2007 |   2006 |
|                 |     / |     / |   2007 |   2007 |   2007 |        |        |
|                 |  2007 |  2006 |        |        |        |        |        |
| Turnover, EUR   | 109.2 |  98.6 |  109.8 |  106.1 |   96.8 |  421.9 |  402.6 |
| million         |       |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| Operating       |   1.7 |  -5.1 |    3.7 |    3.3 |    1.2 |    9.9 |   -2.4 |
| result, EUR     |       |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| million         |       |       |        |        |        |        |        |
|   % of turnover |   1.6 |  -5.2 |    3.4 |    3.1 |    1.2 |    2.3 |   -0.6 |
| Result before   |   0.8 |  -4.8 |    3.2 |    2.8 |    2.1 |    8.8 |   -1.0 |
| taxes, EUR      |       |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| million         |       |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| Earnings per    |  0.02 | -0.03 |   0.01 |   0.01 |   0.01 |   0.05 |  -0.02 |
| share (EPS),    |       |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| EUR             |       |       |        |        |        |        |        |
The figures do not include one-off items.                                       
The figures have been adjusted to comply with the changes in continuing         
operations and in the accounting principles of derivatives.                     

Key figures, balance sheet                                                      
|                    | 31.12.20 | 30.9.200 | 30.6.2007 | 31.3.2007 | 31.12.200 |
|                    |       07 |        7 |           |           |         6 |
| Return on          |      3.6 |      4.8 |       3.7 |       3.1 |      -9.1 |
| investment, %      |          |          |           |           |           |
| Equity ratio, %    |     77.9 |     76.9 |      78.2 |      74.9 |      75.0 |
| Gearing, %         |    -12.5 |    -16.6 |     -10.1 |     -11.1 |     -19.1 |
| Equity per share,  |     1.70 |     1.70 |      1.71 |      1.70 |      1.73 |
| EUR                |          |          |           |           |           |

Matti Rihko, Chief Executive Officer                                            

“The year 2007 was historic, worldwide, in terms of agriculture and the food    
industry. The long-term trend in which the prices of renewable raw materials    
decreased steadily and food accounted for an increasingly small share of        
households' consumption expenses turned in the opposite direction. There were   
two reasons for this change. Approximately half a billion people in Asia        
improved their income level. In particular, the increased demand for meat and   
milk products raised the demand for grain used in feed. Another significant     
factor was the increased use of biofuel.                                        

Raisio's main theme in 2007 was to improve profitability. The company succeeded 
well in this despite the record rise in raw material prices. To improve         
profitability, the company streamlined and simplified its operations, divested  
unprofitable business operations, reduced overcapacity, made the organisation   
less hierarchic and enhanced the business model. Furthermore, Raisio was one of 
the first to predict the change in the grain market and it took active measures 
to make its result less dependent on grain price and its volatility.            

To ensure future success the company must emphasise customer-orientation, focus 
on its strongest brands and the most interesting product groups, as well as     
enhance co-operation with customers and raw material suppliers.                 

As a forerunner in ecological, plant-based nutrition and one of Europe's most   
innovative grain companies, Raisio is excellently positioned to face the change 
in the food industry. Essential in this change is the impact that climate change
will have on consumers' choices."                                               

OCTOBER-DECEMBER 2007                                                           

Turnover grew by 10.8 per cent to EUR 109.2 million (EUR 98.6 million).  
Operating result from continuing operations improved, totalling EUR 1.7 million 
(EUR -5.1 million). 
Equity ratio was 77.9 per cent.  
Raisio and Unilever made an agreement on partial cross-licensing of plant sterol
and stanol patents.                                                             

Operating result from continuing operations excluding one-off items             

In October-December, Raisio's turnover increased by 10.8 per cent over the      
comparison period and amounted to EUR 109.2 million (EUR 98.6 million). The Food
Division posted a turnover of EUR 50.3 million (EUR 50.1 million), Feed & Malt  
EUR 54.0 million (EUR 43.9 million) and Ingredients EUR 11.6 million (EUR 10.1  

Turnover for business operations, EUR million                                   
|                | 10-12/ | 10-12/ |  7-9/ |   4-6/ |   1-3/ |   2007 |  2006  |
|                |   2007 |   2006 |  2007 |   2007 |   2007 |        |        |
| Food           |   50.3 |   50.1 |  48.6 |   48.5 |   49.8 |  197.1 |  196.5 |
| Margarines and |   29.6 |   29.2 |  27.6 |   28.0 |   28.9 |  114.1 |  118.6 |
| soy-oat        |        |        |       |        |        |        |        |
| products       |        |        |       |        |        |        |        |
| Milling        |   20.6 |   20.8 |  21.0 |   20.5 |   21.0 |   83.0 |   78.1 |
| products       |        |        |       |        |        |        |        |
|   Other        |    0.2 |    0.0 |   0.0 |    0.0 |    0.0 |    0.2 |    0.0 |
| Internal sales |    0.0 |    0.0 |   0.0 |    0.0 |   -0.1 |   -0.2 |   -0.1 |
| Feed & Malt    |   54.0 |   43.9 |  59.3 |   53.0 |   40.4 |  206.7 |  179.0 |
|   Feed         |   48.9 |   40.0 |  48.6 |   43.4 |   34.6 |  175.5 |  157.7 |
|   Malt         |    5.0 |    3.9 |  10.7 |    8.7 |    5.7 |   30.1 |   20.0 |
|   Other        |    0.3 |    0.1 |   0.2 |    1.0 |    0.2 |    1.7 |    1.7 |
| Internal sales |   -0.2 |   -0.1 |  -0.1 |   -0.1 |   -0.1 |   -0.6 |   -0.4 |
| Ingredients    |   11.6 |   10.1 |  10.2 |   10.7 |   12.5 |   44.9 |   49.7 |
| Other          |    0.1 |    0.2 |   0.1 |    0.1 |    0.1 |    0.4 |    0.6 |
| Other          |   -6.7 |   -5.7 |  -8.4 |   -6.1 |   -5.9 |  -27.1 |  -23.3 |
| inter-division |        |        |       |        |        |        |        |
| Total          |  109.2 |   98.6 | 109.8 |  106.1 |   96.8 |  421.9 |  402.6 |

In the last quarter, Raisio's profitability improved over the comparison period,
although the prices of grain raw materials remained record high. The Group's    
operating result in October-December was EUR 1.7 million (EUR -5.1 million). The
Food Division posted an operating result of EUR -1.1 million (EUR -4.8 million),
Feed & Malt EUR 0.7 million (EUR 0.4 million), Ingredients EUR 2.4 million (EUR 
1.5 million) and other operations EUR -0.4 million (EUR -2.3 million).          
Depreciation, allocated to other operations in the income statement, totalled   
EUR 4.6 million (EUR 5.3 million) in October-December.                          

Raisio recognised impairments in the fourth quarter, which had a negative net   
impact of EUR -1.2 million on the operating result. The most significant of     
these was an impairment of EUR -1.5 million. It targeted the flake mill that is 
part of the milling business.                                                   

The Group's net financial items in October-December totalled EUR -1.0 million   
(EUR 0.4 million). Raisio amended its accounting principles for financial       
statements concerning the recognition of raw material futures. This was done    
because the requirements for hedging in IAS 39 were not met, and because big    
fluctuations in the fair value of derivative contracts affect the operating     
result at a different time than raw material use. Changes in the fair value of  
soy and rapeseed futures are now recognised under financial income and expenses.
They were previously recognised under other operating income and expenses.      

The fourth-quarter result before taxes was EUR 0.8 million (EUR -4.8 million).  
The fourth-quarter result after taxes was EUR 2.5 million (EUR -4.7 million).   
Earnings per share in October-December were EUR 0.02 (EUR -0.03). Return on     
investment was 3.6 per cent (-9.1%).                                            

Research and development expenses in the fourth quarter totalled EUR 2.1 million
(EUR 2.6 million), or 1.9 per cent of turnover. Investments were EUR 10.2       
million (EUR 8.4 million), or 9.3 per cent of turnover. The biggest single      
investment concerned the feed plant constructed in Ylivieska.                   

Changes in business operations and the group structure                          

In October, Raisio sold its 25% holding in Obory, a Polish dairy company. Obory 
will continue to produce Benecol drinks for Raisio. Raisio closed its wheat and 
rye mills in Nokia and laid off their personnel. Flake production continues     
normally in Nokia. A contractual amendment signed in October returned the       
Benecol brand and plant stanol ester rights to Raisio from its long-term partner

Raisio adopted a new business model for operations in October, in which the     
brands and commodities functions are handled separately. The new organisation   
structure, implemented in October, also separated commercial operations from    
production. The new business model and organisation structure ensure that       
operations are consumer- and customer-oriented and cost-effective.              

The revision of Raisio's legal structure started at the beginning of October,   
when Raisio plc transferred its administrative service function to the          
newly-founded Raision Konsernipalvelut Oy. Other measures related to the        
revision were implemented at the turn of the year. These are described in detail
in the Board of Directors' report.                                              

In December, Raisio and Unilever signed an agreement on partial cross-licensing,
which grants non-exclusive rights to the global plant sterol and stanol patents 
defined by the companies. The agreement brought an end to the patent opposition 
proceedings between the two companies.                                          
Raisio sold Monäs Feed Oy, a producer of special feeds, to a local player in    
December. The company's result is treated under discontinued operations, and the
comparison figures have been amended accordingly.                               

Events after the review period                                                  

In January, Raisio's partner, British Biologicals, initiated test marketing of a
nutritional powder containing Benecol in India. Limited test marketing is       
carried out in a few major cities and the product will be introduced to medical 

Raisio and a Swedish Lantmännen signed an agreement in January concerning       
ownership arrangements in their jointly owned companies. Based on the agreement,
Lantmännen handed over its 25% holding in Melia Ltd, a Finnish mill, to Raisio. 
In turn, Raisio handed over its 50% holding in the joint venture company GoGreen
AB and its 27% holding in the AS Rigas Dzirnavnieks milling company in Latvia.  
Full ownership of Melia gives Raisio better opportunities to develop the Elovena
brand independently.                                                            

RAISIO PLC                                                                      

Heidi Hirvonen                                                                  
Communications Manager                                                          
tel. +358 2 443 2242 or +358 50 567 3060                                        

Further information:                                                            
Matti Rihko, CEO, tel. +358 400 830 727                                         
Jyrki Paappa, Chief Financial Officer, tel. +358 50 556 6512                    

A press and analyst event will be arranged on Wednesday, 13 February 2008, at   
1:00 pm in Helsinki. It will be held at the Hotel Scandic Simonkenttä, the      
Pavilion meeting room on the 8th floor. The address is Simonkatu 9, Helsinki.   

A teleconference in English will be held on 13 February 2008 at 2:30 p.m.       
Finnish time, tel. +358 (0)9 8248 4448, Pin code 9658.                          

Raisio plc's annual report will be published week 11, and the Annual General    
Meeting will be held on Friday, 27 March 2008. The interim report for           
January-March will be published on 5 May 2008, for January-June on 1 August 2008
and for January-September on 31 October 2008.                                   

The financial statements review has not been audited.                           

REPORT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2007                                           

Raisio's main target in 2007 was to improve profitability. The company's        
measures to enhance business operations and adjust them to the market situation 
in order to improve profitability were effective, despite the grain raw material
prices nearly doubled in the second half of the year.                           

Raisio made its result less dependent on volatility in grain prices by adding   
predictability to purchase prices and flexibility to sales prices. This was done
by adopting new pricing models. The Group structure was also streamlined and the
brand strategy in the Food Division was revised. Raisio's brands are now offered
to consumers under three worlds: breakfasts and snacks, spreads and baking      

Raisio's vision is to be a forerunner and a specialist in ecologic, plant-based 
nutrition with leading brands. The company's product range includes foods and   
functional food ingredients, as well as feeds and malts. A raw material base    
consisting of cultivated products gives Raisio good opportunities to develop as 
a company with ecologically sustainable operations.                             

The Group's main targets in 2008 are continuous improvement in profitability,   
internationalisation and growth.                                                

TURNOVER FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS                                             

In 2007, Raisio's turnover increased by 4.8 per cent to EUR 421.9 million (EUR  
402.6 million in 2006). The Food Division posted a turnover of EUR 197.1 million
(EUR 196.5 million), Feed & Malt EUR 206.7 million (EUR 179.0 million) and      
Ingredients EUR 44.9 million (EUR 49.7 million).                                

The strongest growth was recorded in the turnover of Feed & Malt. Turnover also 
grew in the Finnish margarine and soy-oat businesses, as well as in Russia,     
where flake sales continued to grow strongly.                                   

Turnover from outside Finland accounted for 37.5 per cent (39.4%), that is, EUR 
158.0 million (EUR 158.7 million).                                              


The Group's operating result in 2007 was EUR 9.9 million (EUR -2.4 million) and,
including one-off items, EUR 10.6 million (EUR -28.1 million). The Food Division
posted an operating result of EUR ‑5.8 million (EUR -10.5 million), Feed & Malt 
EUR 8.2 million (EUR 5.6 million), Ingredients EUR 9.5 million (EUR 7.8 million)
and other operations EUR -2.1 million (EUR -5.3 million). Depreciation,         
allocated to operations in the income statement, totalled EUR 18.3 million (EUR 
21.5 million).                                                                  

The Group's net financial items totalled EUR -0.7 million (EUR 1.8 million).    
Raisio amended its accounting principles for financial statements concerning the
recognition of raw material futures. This was done because the requirements for 
hedging in IAS 39 were not met, and because big fluctuations in the fair value  
of derivative contracts affect the operating result at a different time than raw
material use. Changes in the fair value of soy and rapeseed futures are now     
recognised under financial income and expenses. They were previously recognised 
under other operating income and expenses.                                      

Raisio's result before taxes was EUR 8.8 million (EUR -1.0 million). The result 
for the reporting period before taxes was EUR 8.3 million (EUR -2.0 million).   
The period's taxes were EUR -0.6 million (EUR -1.0 million). Earnings per share 
were EUR 0.05 (EUR -0.02). Return on investment was 3.6 per cent (-9.1%).       

ONE-OFF ITEMS                                                                   

Raisio's balance sheet items have been measured in compliance with the IFRS,    
using updated business plans and the forecasts based on them. The divestment of 
the unprofitable flour sales in the Nokia unit led to an impairment of EUR -1.3 
million in the goodwill of the milling business and an impairment of EUR -2.1   
million in fixed assets. In addition, an impairment of EUR -1.5 million was     
recognised for the flake mill included in the milling business. The impairment  
of fixed assets in the malt business was reversed by EUR 6.0 million due to an  
improved market situation and changes in the pricing structure.                 

Impairments in the Food Division totalled EUR -5.3 million and the reversal of  
impairment in the Feed & Malt business was EUR 6.0 million. The impact of       
one-off items on the operating profit from continuing operations was EUR 0.7    
million (EUR -25.7 million).                                                    

ONE-OFF ITEMS (EUR million)                                                     
| 	                                         |        2007 |         2006 |
| CONTINUING OPERATIONS:                          |             |              |
| Food                                            |        -5.3 |        -27.4 |
|    Goodwill impairment                          |        -1.3 |            - |
|    Other impairments                            |        -4.0 |            - |
| Feed & Malt                                     |         6.0 |          1.7 |
| Reversal of impairment in the fixed assets of   |         6.0 |            - |
| Malt                                            |             |              |
| Ingredients                                     |           - |            - |
| Other operations                                |           - |            - |
| Impact on the operating result of continuing    |         0.7 |        -25.7 |
| operations                                      |             |              |
| Performance of associates                       |           - |         -2.2 |
| Financial items                                 |           - |         -4.3 |
| Impact of one-off items on the result from      |         0.7 |        -32.2 |
| continuing operations before taxes              |             |              |


The Group's gross investments in 2007 totalled EUR 31.4 million (EUR 27.6       
million), or 7.5 per cent (6.9%) of turnover. The Food Division made gross      
investments of EUR 7.2 million (EUR 15.3 million), Feed & Malt EUR 16.7 million 
(EUR 4.9 million), Ingredients EUR 7.5 million (EUR 4.3 million) and other      
operations EUR 1.6 million (EUR 3.2 million).                                   

The most significant investments were made in the new feed plant, which will be 
completed in Ylivieska in summer 2008, and in the second expansion to the plant 
stanol ester plant in Raisio, which was completed in autumn 2007.               

BALANCE SHEET AND FINANCIAL POSITION                                            

Raisio's balance sheet total was EUR 360.3 million (EUR 387.4 million) and      
shareholders' equity totalled EUR 278.8 million (EUR 290.4 million). Equity per 
share was EUR 1.70 (EUR 1.73) at the end of December.                           

The Group's interest-bearing debt at the end of the financial period was EUR 8.7
million (EUR 23.2 million). The net interest-bearing debt totalled EUR -34.9    
million (EUR -55.6 million). The equity ratio at the end of the year was 77.9   
per cent (75.0%), and the gearing ratio was -12.5 per cent (‑19.1 %). Cash flow 
from business operations before investments was EUR 15.6 million (EUR 15.1      
million) despite the nearly 10-million-euro increase in inventories caused by   
the high raw material prices.                                                   

Raisio plc paid EUR 4.8 million in dividends and used EUR 6.5 million for share 

At the end of the year, working capital totalled EUR 100.5 million (EUR 96.7    
million on 31 December 2006).                                                   

BUSINESS AREAS                                                                  


Turnover of Raisio's Food Division was EUR 197.1 million (EUR 196.5 million).   
The turnover remained at the previous year's level despite the stock keeping    
units reduced by some 30 per cent. Turnover grew in the Finnish margarine and   
soy-oat businesses, as well as in Russia, where flake sales continued to grow   

In 2007, the Food Division's result was made less dependent on volatility in    
grain prices, and a new, flexible pricing model was negotiated with customers.  
In addition, operations were centralised and streamlined. Unprofitable domestic 
bakery flour sales were divested in Nokia, Finland, and overcapacity in         
production was reduced by closing two mills. The potato business was divested   
and the holding in Obory, a Polish dairy company, was sold.                     

Raisio revised its brand strategy. The main change to the portfolio is its      
division into three main brands in Finland: Elovena, Keiju and Sunnuntai. The   
updated brand portfolio enables Raisio to improve its cost-effectiveness and    
increase the visibility, recognition and availability of its products. Raisio's 
brands are now offered to consumers under three worlds: breakfasts and snacks,  
spreads and baking worlds. Raisio boosted its market position in the Finnish    
market for retail products, as well as in the Polish market for yellow fats and 
the Russian flake markets.                                                      

The Finnish supply chain management focused on improving product availability   
and reducing wastage. Raisio was able to considerably improve the precision of  
sales predictions that are based on the procurement of production, raw materials
and packaging materials.                                                        

Key figures for the Food Division                                               
|                      | 10-12/ | 7-9/  |  4-6/  |   1-3/   |  2007   |  2006  |
|                      |  2007  | 2007  |   2    |   200    |         |        |
|                      |        |       |  007   |    7     |         |        |
| Turnover, EUR        |   50.3 |  48.6 |   48.5 |     49.8 |   197.1 |  196.5 |
| million              |        |       |        |          |         |        |
| Margarines and       |   29.6 |  27.6 |   28.0 |     28.9 |   114.1 |  118.6 |
| soy-oat products     |        |       |        |          |         |        |
|   Milling products   |   20.6 |  21.0 |   20.5 |     21.0 |    83.0 |   78.1 |
|   Other              |    0.2 |   0.0 |    0.0 |      0.0 |     0.2 |    0.0 |
|   Internal sales     |    0.0 |   0.0 |    0.0 |     -0.1 |    -0.2 |   -0.1 |
| Operating result,    |   -2.7 |  -5.7 |   -1.7 |     -0.9 |   -11.1 |  -37.9 |
| EUR million          |        |       |        |          |         |        |
| One-off items, EUR   |   -1.6 |  -3.6 |    0.0 |      0.0 |    -5.3 |  -27.4 |
| million              |        |       |        |          |         |        |
| Operating result     |   -1.1 |  -2.1 |   -1.7 |     -0.9 |    -5.8 |  -10.5 |
| excluding one-off    |        |       |        |          |         |        |
| items, EUR million   |        |       |        |          |         |        |
| % of turnover        |   -2.2 |  -4.2 |   -3.6 |     -1.8 |    -2.9 |   -5.3 |
| Investments, EUR     |    1.4 |   1.5 |    1.0 |      3.3 |     7.2 |   15.3 |
| million              |        |       |        |          |         |        |
| Net assets, EUR      |   85.8 |  88.4 |   97.8 |     94.1 |    85.8 |   85.5 |
| million              |        |       |        |          |         |        |

The Food Division's operating result was EUR -5.8 million (EUR -10.5 million).  
The Division's reported operating result was EUR -11.1 million (EUR -37.9       
million), and the related impairment totalled EUR -5.3 million. The divestment  
of the unprofitable flour sales in the Nokia unit led to an impairment of EUR   
-1.3 million in the goodwill of the milling business and an impairment of EUR   
-2.1 million in fixed assets. In addition, an impairment of EUR -1.5 million was
recognised for the flake mill included in the milling business.                 

In 2007, the improvement of Food Division's profitability was slowed in all     
market areas by the rapid and steep rise in the price of grain raw material. The
pricing models revised last autumn will add flexibility to sales prices from the
beginning of 2008 onward.                                                       

In 2008, Raisio's Food Division aims to improve profitability, strengthen its   
market position in Finland and the Baltic Sea region, focus on its main brands  
and introduce innovative new products that meet consumer needs.                 

Feed & Malt                                                                     

The Feed & Malt Division's turnover increased by 15.5 per cent over the         
comparison period and amounted to EUR 206.7 million (EUR 179.0 million).        
Turnover grew from the comparison period as a result of increases made to the   
sales prices of feeds and malts, which mirrored price rises in grain raw        
materials. The overall volumes of feed mixes and malts remained at the          
comparison year's level. The structural changes of the business environment     
influenced the markets, further tightening competition in the feed market.      

The pricing structure of malts was modified: pricing is now based on the value  
of upgrading and takes into account any changes in raw material prices. The     
service concept and product range in malts were expanded by launching a wheat   

Key figures for the Feed & Malt Division                                        
|                      | 10-12/ | 7-9/  |  4-6/  |   1-3/   |  2007   |  2006  |
|                      |  2007  | 2007  |   2    |   200    |         |        |
|                      |        |       |  007   |    7     |         |        |
| Turnover, EUR        |   54.0 |  59.3 |   53.0 |     40.4 |   206.7 |  179.0 |
| million              |        |       |        |          |         |        |
|   Feed               |   48.9 |  48.6 |   43.3 |     34.6 |   175.5 |  157.7 |
|   Malt               |    5.0 |  10.7 |    8.7 |      5.7 |    30.1 |   20.0 |
|   Other              |    0.3 |   0.2 |    1.0 |      0.2 |     1.7 |    1.7 |
|   Internal sales     |   -0.2 |  -0.1 |   -0.1 |     -0.1 |    -0.6 |   -0.4 |
| Operating result,    |    1.2 |   9.6 |    2.9 |      0.5 |    14.2 |    7.4 |
| EUR million          |        |       |        |          |         |        |
| One-off items, EUR   |    0.5 |   5.5 |    0.0 |      0.0 |     6.0 |    1.7 |
| million              |        |       |        |          |         |        |
| Operating result     |    0.7 |   4.1 |    2.9 |      0.5 |     8.2 |    5.6 |
| excluding one-off    |        |       |        |          |         |        |
| items, EUR million   |        |       |        |          |         |        |
| % of turnover        |    1.4 |   6.9 |    5.5 |      1.1 |     4.0 |    3.2 |
| Investments, EUR     |    6.4 |   5.7 |    2.7 |      1.9 |    16.7 |    4.9 |
| million              |        |       |        |          |         |        |
| Net assets, EUR      |   86.0 |  77.8 |   76.5 |     76.0 |    86.0 |   61.2 |
| million              |        |       |        |          |         |        |

The Feed & Malt Division's operating result was EUR 8.2 million (EUR 5.6        
million). The reported operating result was EUR 14.2 million (EUR 7.4 million), 
including an impairment of EUR 6.0 million on the fixed assets of Malt.         

After a reassessment of distribution solutions, Raisio initiated direct         
invoicing of feed mixes. Exports of farm and fish feeds to northwestern Russia  
decreased slightly year-over-year in terms of value. Monäs Feed, a producer of  
special feeds, was sold to a local player at the end of the year. The company's 
result is treated under discontinued operations, and the comparison figures have
been amended accordingly.                                                       

The changes in the grain market were global and rapid. Grain prices are expected
to remain at the new, higher level, but to fluctuate markedly. Raisio is        
Finland's biggest processor of field produce. In 2007, Raisio used over 500     
million kilograms of grain, over 90 per cent of which was of domestic origin.   
Raisio gets over one-third of its grain from contract farmers. The target is to 
considerably increase contract farming in 2008. Direct contract farming can     
better ensure the availability of grain raw material at the right time, as well 
as its quality and competitive pricing.                                         

In 2008, Raisio's feed industry aims to preserve its market position in stiff   
market conditions, efficiently use the feed plant completed in Ylivieska in     
summer 2008 in the neighbouring regions and strengthen the market position in   
northwestern Russia. The targets in the malt business are to maintain reaction  
speed in changing markets and secure the supply of Finnish malt barley.         


The turnover of the Ingredients Division totalled EUR 44.9 million (EUR 49.7    
million). It decreased from the comparison period due to smaller volumes in the 
French and German markets and seasonal fluctuations in deliveries. Sales in     
Turkey developed slower than expected, because the use of health-related        
marketing claims was not allowed in the country. This ban was reversed in       
December 2007, and Raisio's local partner has adopted measures to improve its   
market position.                                                                

McNeil, a long-term partner, returned more rights to plant stanol ester and the 
Benecol brand to Raisio in 2007. This enables business to be developed in new   
directions. Raisio and Unilever agreed on partial cross-licensing, which grants 
non-exclusive rights to the global plant sterol and stanol patents defined by   
the companies. The agreement brings an end to the patent opposition proceedings 
between the two companies.                                                      

Key figures for the Ingredients Division                                        
|                      | 10-12/ | 7-9/  |  4-6/  |   1-3/   |  2007   |  2006  |
|                      |  2007  | 2007  |   2    |   200    |         |        |
|                      |        |       |  007   |    7     |         |        |
| Turnover, EUR        |   11.6 |  10.2 |   10.7 |     12.5 |    44.9 |   49.7 |
| million              |        |       |        |          |         |        |
| Operating result,    |    2.4 |   2.1 |    2.6 |      2.5 |     9.5 |    7.8 |
| EUR million          |        |       |        |          |         |        |
| One-off items, EUR   |    0.0 |   0.0 |    0.0 |      0.0 |     0.0 |    0.0 |
| million              |        |       |        |          |         |        |
| Operating result     |    2.4 |   2.1 |    2.6 |      2.5 |     9.5 |    7.8 |
| excluding one-off    |        |       |        |          |         |        |
| items, EUR million   |        |       |        |          |         |        |
| % of turnover        |   20.5 |  20.7 |   24.1 |     19.7 |    21.2 |   15.6 |
| Investments, EUR     |    1.8 |   1.6 |    1.8 |      2.4 |     7.5 |    4.3 |
| million €            |        |       |        |          |         |        |
| Net assets, EUR      |   46.0 |  43.8 |   45.5 |     45.5 |    46.0 |   44.5 |
| million              |        |       |        |          |         |        |

The operating result improved by 21.8 per cent thanks to business reorganisation
and totalled EUR 9.5 million (EUR 7.8 million).                                 

Raisio continued to prepare its entry into the Asian market with the authorities
and local partners. In early 2008, Raisio's partner started test marketing of a 
nutritional powder containing Benecol in India.                                 

Raisio aims to be an active player in the growing market for                    
cholesterol-lowering functional foods in Europe, Asia and North and South       
America by providing the markets with innovative product applications. The      
target is to put business on a growth trend.                                    

RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT                                                        

The Group's research and development expenses in 2007 totalled EUR 6.4 million  
(EUR 9.8 million), or 1.5 per cent (2.4%) of turnover. The decrease was caused  
by the closedown of the unit in Viikki, the concentration of activities in the  
town of Raisio, as well as R&D being made part of businesses, which serve their 
needs better and brought cost savings.                                          

In 2007, the focus of research and development in foods moved to product        
development based on consumer needs. Value-added products accounted for some 30 
per cent of the turnover in Finland in 2007. Ingredients concentrated on        
developing new, healthy ingredients and product applications. Product           
development in feeds focused on feed mixes and feeding solutions that increase  
the well-being of animals, as well as the efficiency and profitability of       
livestock production.                                                           

Research and development expenses in the Food Division totalled EUR 2.4 million 
(EUR 5.3 million), Feed & Malt EUR 1.0 million (EUR 1.5 million) and Ingredients
EUR 3.0 million (EUR 2.9 million).                                              

CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY                                                        

Raisio is committed to taking responsibility for its operating environment. The 
target is for operations to stand on an ecologically, socially and financially  
solid basis now and in the future. Raisio's corporate responsibility report is  
included in the annual report.                                                  

No significant financial environmental risks are recorded in Raisio's financial 

GOVERNANCE, MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL                                            

Raisio's Board of Directors had five members in 2007: Simo Palokangas           
(Chairman), Anssi Aapola, Erkki Haavisto, Satu Lähteenmäki and Michael          
Ramm-Schmidt (Deputy Chairman). The Board members are independent of the company
and significant shareholders.                                                   

The Chairman of Raisio's Supervisory Board is Juha Saura and its Vice Chairman  
is Holger Falck.                                                                

Of the group's management team members, Denis Mattsson, President of the Food   
Division, left the company in September 2007 and Mikko Korttila, Vice President 
of Legal Affairs in August 2007.                                                

In September, Kirsi Swanljung took up the post of Vice President of Legal       
Affairs, Vincent Poujardieu became Vice President of the Ingredients Division   
and Business Development and Vesa Kurula became Vice President of Operations.   
All three are members of the management team.                                   

On 31 December 2007, Raisio's continuing operations employed 1,072 people (1,200
in 2006 and 1,250 in 2005). Employees working abroad accounted for 31.9 per cent
(32.8%) of the personnel. The headcount was reduced by operations enhancement   
programmes in the Food and Ingredients Divisions and service functions. At the  
end of the year, the Food Division had 686 employees, the Feed & Malt Division  
266 employees, the Ingredients Division 69 employees and Group administration 51

Wages and fees totalled EUR 43.8 million in 2007 (EUR 48.2 million in 2006 and  
EUR 46.5 million in 2005).                                                      

Personnel matters are described in more detail in the annual report, under      
social responsibility.                                                          


Raisio's commercial and production operations were separated at the beginning of
October 2007. Production operations were made into a service function alongside 
other activities that support and serve business.                               

The Group's legal structure was revised in phases to correspond to the new      
organisation. Raisio plc transferred its administrative service function to the 
newly-founded Raision Konsernipalvelut Oy at the beginning of October. At the   
end of the review period, Raisio Nutrition Ltd, Raisio Benecol Ltd and Raisio   
Feed Ltd were dissolved through demerger. By these demergers the commercial     
operations of Raisio Nutrition Ltd and Raisio Benecol Ltd were transferred to   
the newly-formed Raisio Nutrition and those of Raisio Feed Ltd to the           
newly-formed Raisio Feed Ltd. The real estates and production plants of the     
demerged companies were transferred to Raisionkaaren Teollisuuspuisto Oy.       

Raisio plc also transferred its real estate service business and the related    
assets and debts as a business transaction to Raisionkaaren Teollisuuspuisto Oy.
Raisio Staest Oy merged with Raisio Benecol Oy in December, and the business of 
both companies became part of the new Raisio Nutrition Ltd when Raisio Benecol  
Ltd demerged.                                                                   

Camelina Oy was merged with Raisio Nutrition Ltd at the end of September. The   
number of US subsidiaries decreased to one at the end of September when Sterol  
Trading US Inc. merged with Raisio Staest US Inc.                               

According to Raisio's strategy the diagnostics business was divested and        
business was transferred to BioControl Systems Inc. at the beginning of         
September 2007.                                                                 

SHARES AND SHAREHOLDERS                                                         

The trading volume of Raisio plc's free shares on the OMX Nordic Exchange in    
Helsinki from January to December was 51.3 million (64.3 million), which is some
39 per cent of the overall volume of free shares. The value of share trading was
EUR 100.0 million (EUR 121.1 million). The highest price of the series V share  
was EUR 2.33 and the lowest EUR 1.39. The average price was EUR 1.95. The       
year-end price of the V share was EUR 1.50.                                     

A total of 1.3 million (1.5 million) of Raisio's restricted shares were traded  
over the year. The value of share trading was EUR 2.6 million (EUR 2.8 million).
The highest price of the series K share was EUR 2.25 and the lowest EUR 1.50.   
The average price was EUR 1.96. The year-end price of the K share was EUR 1.52. 

The company had 37,873 registered shareholders on 31 December 2007 (40,822).    
Foreign ownership of the entire share capital was 15.4 per cent (15.5%).        
Approximately 0.5 per cent of the shares remain outside the book-entry system.  

The market value of Raisio plc's shares totalled EUR 248.4 million at the end of
the review period (EUR 295.9.1 million) and, excluding the shares held by the   
company, EUR 235.8 million (EUR 287.1 million).                                 

Raisio had no stock-based incentive systems in the review period.               

A statement of factors that are likely to have a material effect on a public    
offer for the company's shares, pursuant to section 6b, Chapter 2 of the        
Securities Market Act is included in the notes to the financial statements.     

REPURCHASE OF COMPANY SHARES                                                    

At the end of the review period Raisio plc held 8,230,500 free shares and       
158,300 restricted shares, which were acquired from 2005 to 2007 based on the   
authorisations given by the Annual General Meeting. The number of free shares   
accounts for 6.3 per cent of all free shares and the votes they represent, while
the corresponding percentage for restricted shares is 0.46 per cent. Overall,   
the company's shares represent 5.1 per cent of the whole share capital and 1.4  
per cent of the votes. The company does not have any shares as collateral and   
did not have any in the review period. Since all of the shares were purchased in
public trading, the company does not know what proportion of them may have been 
purchased from insiders.                                                        

Of the shares held by the company, 3,300,000 free shares and 117,100 restricted 
shares have been repurchased on the basis of the authorisation given by the     
Annual General Meeting in 2007 from April 2007 onward. Repurchases of free      
shares ended in October when the maximum authorised number was reached. The     
number of free shares repurchased in the review period accounts for 2.53 per    
cent of all free shares and the votes they represent, while the corresponding   
percentage for restricted shares is 0.34 per cent. The shares repurchased in the
review period account for 2.1 per cent of the share capital and 0.7 of the votes
it represents.                                                                  

The Board of Directors was authorised by the Annual General Meeting in 2007 to  
dispose of all company shares. According to the Companies Act, the Board of     
Directors is also entitled to annull company shares. None of the shares held by 
the company were disposed or annulled in the review period.                     

Subsidiaries do not and did not hold parent company shares and they do not and  
have not held them as collateral. The Raisio Group Research Foundation holds    
150,510 restricted shares, which is 0.44 per cent of the restricted shares and  
the votes they represent and, correspondingly, 0.09 per cent of the whole share 
capital and 0.37 per cent of the votes it represents. A company share held by   
Raisio or its subsidiary does not entitle the holder to participate in the      
Annual General Meeting.                                                         


The parent company's distributable equity was EUR 206,361,806.40 on 31 December 
2007. The Board of Directors will propose a dividend of EUR 0.04 per share at   
the Annual General Meeting on 27 March 2008.                                    

The ex-dividend date is 28 March 2008 and the record date is 1 April 2008. The  
dividend will be paid on 8 April 2008.                                          

EVENTS AFTER THE REVIEW PERIOD                                                  

In January, Raisio's partner, British Biologicals, initiated test marketing of  
Benecol in India. The company is conducting limited test marketing of a         
nutritional powder containing the Benecol ingredient, as well as introducing the
product to medical doctors in a few major cities.                               

Raisio plc and a Swedish Lantmännen signed an agreement concerning ownership    
arrangements in their jointly owned companies. Based on the agreement,          
Lantmännen handed over its 25% holding in Melia Ltd, a Finnish mill, to Raisio. 
In turn, Raisio handed over its 50% holding in the joint venture company GoGreen
AB and its 27% holding in the AS Rigas Dzirnavnieks mill company in Latvia. Full
ownership of Melia gives Raisio better opportunities to develop the Elovena     
brand independently.                                                            


Controlling the volatility of raw material prices is the most significant factor
affecting Raisio's profitability in 2008. The increase in energy prices works in
two ways: it raises production costs, but it also provides new opportunities for
the commercial use of bioenergy.                                                

Raisio aims to increase direct contract farming since it is becoming            
increasingly important to future success to ensure the availability of raw      
materials at the right time, as well as their quality and competitive pricing.  
The exceptional conditions on the grain markets did not give the best possible  
picture of the functionality of the fixed-price system that Raisio implemented  
in 2007. Raisio is actively developing new pricing models that take both the    
buyer's and seller's interests into consideration.                              

In Russia, the development and westernisation of trade has led to increased     
chaining, which increases costs in listing fees and expansion outside St.       
Petersburg and Moscow. The demands to increase direct delivery logistics may    
also raise business expenses in Russia.                                         

The negative publicity related to sterols in Central Europe may also be linked  
to stanols, although the differences between sterols and the stanols used in    
Raisio's Benecol ingredient in terms of efficiency and safety have been shown in
clinical trials. The uncertainty factors in the Ingredients Division are related
to the securing of growth. Preparations for entry into new markets are underway,
but it is difficult to estimate how long the processing of permit applications  
may take in different countries. To secure growth in the European markets for   
cholesterol-lowering, functional foods, new product applications must be        
introduced and the co-operation with partners enhanced.                         

The feed business will experience unhealthy development, with overcapacity being
constructed locally on the Finnish market. There is also a risk of agricultural 
trade making feed into a “draw” product, which means separating pricing from the
cost base.                                                                      

Worldwide centralisation in the brewery business affects the malt markets in    
Finland and Russia. Global consolidation has only started in the malt business, 
and the sector is growing narrower for individual companies.                    

According to the decision made by the Assessment Adjustment Board of the Tax    
Office for Major Corporations in November 2006, the sales profit of the         
divestment of Raisio Chemicals, totalling approximately EUR 220 million, is free
of tax. The case is still under consideration in the Helsinki administrative    
court. Raisio's stand, supported by the expert statements obtained by the       
company, remains the same: the sales profit is free of tax.                     

OUTLOOK FOR 2008                                                                

Raisio's turnover in 2008 is expected to increase and the operating result from 
continuing operations, excluding one-off items, is expected to improve from the 
previous year. All divisions are expected to post positive annual results       
although the pressure on profitability will increase in feed. The overall       
operating result in the Food Division is expected to be positive although the   
target operating result rate of 5 per cent will probably not be achieved due to 
increased marketing inputs, new product launches and preparations for entry into
new markets. The Ingredients Division is expected to increase turnover and      
improve profitability.                                                          

Raisio, 13 February 2008                                                        

Raisio plc                                                                      
Board of Directors                                                              

INCOME STATEMENT (EUR million)                                                  

|                                    |  10-12/ |   10-12/ |    2007 |     2006 |
|                                    |    2007 |     2006 |         |          |
| CONTINUING OPERATIONS:             |         |          |         |          |
| Turnover                           |   109.2 |     98.6 |   421.9 |    402.6 |
| Expenses corresponding to products |   -93.7 |   -104.5 |  -352.0 |   -356.3 |
| sold                               |         |          |         |          |
| Gross profit                       |    15.5 |     -5.9 |    69.9 |     46.2 |
| Other operating income and         |   -14.9 |    -26.7 |   -59.3 |    -74.3 |
| expenses, net                      |         |          |         |          |
| Operating result                   |     0.6 |    -32.6 |    10.6 |    -28.1 |
| Financial income                   |     0.6 |      2.1 |     2.5 |      4.7 |
| Financial expenses                 |    -1.6 |     -6.0 |    -3.2 |     -7.3 |
| Share of result of associated      |     0.0 |     -2.3 |    -0.3 |     -2.7 |
| companies and joint ventures       |         |          |         |          |
| Result before taxes                |    -0.4 |    -38.8 |     9.5 |    -33.2 |
| Income tax                         |     2.0 |      0.8 |    -1.2 |     -0.8 |
| Result for the period from the     |     1.6 |    -38.0 |     8.3 |    -34.0 |
| continuing operations              |         |          |         |          |
| DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS:           |    -1.6 |     -8.5 |    -7.3 |     -7.1 |
| Result for the period from         |         |          |         |          |
| discontinued operations            |         |          |         |          |
| RESULT FOR THE PERIOD              |     0.0 |    -46.6 |     1.1 |    -41.1 |
| Attributable to:                   |         |          |         |          |
| Equity holders of the parent       |     0.1 |    -46.6 |     1.4 |    -41.7 |
| company                            |         |          |         |          |
|   Minority interest                |    -0.1 |      0.0 |    -0.4 |      0.5 |
| Earnings per share from the profit |         |          |         |          |
| attributable to equity holders of  |         |          |         |          |
| the parent company (EUR)           |         |          |         |          |
| Earnings per share from continuing |    0.01 |    -0.24 |    0.05 |    -0.22 |
| operations (EUR)                   |         |          |         |          |
| Earnings per share from            |   -0.01 |    -0.05 |   -0.05 |    -0.04 |
| discontinued operations (EUR)      |         |          |         |          |

BALANCE SHEET (EUR million)                                                     

|                                                   | 31.12.2007 |  31.12.2006 |
| ASSETS                                            |            |             |
| Non-current assets                                |            |             |
|   Intangible assets                               |       10.9 |        13.0 |
|   Goodwill                                        |        1.3 |         2.6 |
|   Property, plant and equipment                   |      127.9 |       117.7 |
| Shares in associated companies and joint ventures |        1.4 |         2.4 |
|   Financial assets available for sale             |        0.6 |         1.5 |
|   Receivables                                     |        1.3 |         3.1 |
|   Deferred tax assets                             |       11.3 |        10.7 |
| Total non-current assets                          |      154.7 |       151.0 |
| Current assets                                    |            |             |
|   Inventories                                     |       91.7 |        82.1 |
|   Accounts receivables and other receivables      |       70.1 |        75.4 |
| Financial assets at fair value through profit or  |       27.9 |        64.4 |
| loss                                              |            |             |
|   Cash in hand and at banks                       |       15.9 |        14.5 |
| Total current assets                              |      205.6 |       236.4 |
| Total assets                                      |      360.3 |       387.4 |
| EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                            |            |             |
| Equity attributable to equity holders of the      |            |             |
| parent company                                    |            |             |
|   Share capital                                   |       27.8 |        27.8 |
|   Own shares                                      |      -17.9 |       -11.4 |
| Other equity attributable to equity holders of    |      256.2 |       260.7 |
| the parent company                                |            |             |
| Equity attributable to equity holders of the      |      266.1 |       277.1 |
| parent company                                    |            |             |
|   Minority interest                               |       12.7 |        13.3 |
| Total equity                                      |      278.8 |       290.4 |
| Non-current liabilities                           |            |             |
|   Deferred tax liabilities                        |        9.1 |         7.9 |
|   Pension liabilities                             |        0.2 |         0.2 |
|   Non-current interest-bearing liabilities        |        0.4 |         1.4 |
|   Other non-current liabilities                   |        0.0 |         1.0 |
| Total non-current liabilities                     |        9.7 |        10.4 |
| Current liabilities                               |            |             |
|   Accounts payable and other liabilities          |       60.4 |        59.7 |
|   Reserves                                        |        1.9 |         5.1 |
| Financial liabilities at fair value through       |        1.5 |         0.1 |
| profit or loss                                    |            |             |
|   Current interest-bearing liabilities            |        8.2 |        21.6 |
| Total current liabilities                         |       71.9 |        86.6 |
| Total liabilities                                 |       81.5 |        97.0 |
| Total equity and liabilities                      |      360.3 |       387.4 |

CHANGES IN GROUP EQUITY (EUR million)                                           

|          | Shar | Shar | Rese |  Own | Trans | Retai | Total | Minor | Total |
|          |    e |    e |  rve | shar | latio |   ned |       |   ity |       |
|          | capi | prem | fund |   es |     n | earni |       | inter |       |
|          |  tal |  ium |      |      | diffe |   ngs |       |   est |       |
|          |      | rese |      |      | rence |       |       |       |       |
|          |      |  rve |      |      |     s |       |       |       |       |
| Equity   | 27.8 |  2.9 | 88.6 | -8.7 |   1.3 | 220.1 | 332.0 |  15.3 | 347.3 |
| at       |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| 1.1.2006 |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| Dividend |    - |    - |    - |    - |     - |  -8.0 |  -8.0 |  -2.5 | -10.5 |
| paid     |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| Changes  |    - |    - |    - |    - |  -2.6 |     - |  -2.6 |   0.0 |  -2.6 |
| in       |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| translat |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| ion      |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| differen |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| ces      |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| Repurcha |    - |    - |    - | -2.6 |     - |     - |  -2.6 |     - |  -2.6 |
| se of    |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| own      |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| shares   |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| Exchange |    - |    - |    - |    - |   0.1 |     - |   0.1 |     - |   0.1 |
| differen |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| ces from |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| receivab |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| les      |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| consider |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| ed to be |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| net      |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| investme |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| nts from |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| a        |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| foreign  |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| unit tax |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| deducted |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| Cash     |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| flow     |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| hedges   |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| Transfer |    - |    - |    - |    - |     - |     - |   0.0 |     - |   0.0 |
| red to   |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| the      |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| equity   |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| with     |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| taxes    |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| deducted |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| Transfer |    - |    - |    - |    - |     - |     - |   0.0 |     - |   0.0 |
| red to   |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| income   |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| statemen |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| t with   |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| taxes    |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| deducted |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| Net      |    - |    - |    - |    - |     - | -41.7 | -41.7 |   0.5 | -41.1 |
| profit   |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| for the  |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| financia |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| l period |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| Other    |    - |    - |    - |    - |     - |   0.0 |   0.0 |     - |   0.0 |
| changes  |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| Equity   | 27.8 |  2.9 | 88.6 | -11. |  -1.2 | 170.4 | 277.1 |  13.3 | 290.4 |
| at       |      |      |      |    4 |       |       |       |       |       |
| 31.12.20 |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| 06       |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| Equity   | 27.8 |  2.9 | 88.6 | -11. |  -1.2 | 170.4 | 277.1 |  13.3 | 290.4 |
| at       |      |      |      |    4 |       |       |       |       |       |
| 1.1.2007 |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| Dividend |    - |    - |    - |    - |     - |  -4.8 |  -4.8 |  -0.3 |  -5.1 |
| paid     |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| Translat |    - |    - |    - |    - |   0.4 |     - |   0.4 |     - |   0.4 |
| ion      |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| differen |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| ces,     |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| transfer |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| red to   |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| income   |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| statemen |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| t on     |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| disposal |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| of       |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| subsidia |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| ries     |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| Other    |    - |    - |    - |    - |  -1.5 |     - |  -1.5 |   0.0 |  -1.5 |
| change   |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| in       |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| translat |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| ion      |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| differen |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| ces      |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| Repurcha |    - |    - |    - | -6.5 |     - |     - |  -6.5 |     - |  -6.5 |
| se of    |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| own      |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| shares   |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| Net      |    - |    - |    - |    - |     - |   1.4 |   1.4 |  -0.4 |   1.1 |
| profit   |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| for the  |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| financia |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| l period |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| Other    |    - |    - |    - |    - |     - |   0.0 |   0.0 |     - |   0.0 |
| changes  |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| Equity   | 27.8 |  2.9 | 88.6 | -17. |  -2.3 | 167.0 | 266.1 |  12.7 | 278.8 |
| at       |      |      |      |    9 |       |       |       |       |       |
| 31.12.20 |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |
| 07       |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |

CASH FLOW STATEMENT (EUR million)                                               

|                                                        |     2007 |     2006 |
| Cash flow before change in working capital             |     25.6 |     21.2 |
| Change in working capital                              |     -9.9 |     -7.3 |
| Financial items and taxes                              |      0.0 |      1.2 |
| Cash flow from business operations                     |     15.6 |     15.1 |
| Investments                                            |    -30.8 |    -32.2 |
| Divestment of subsidiaries                             |      4.1 |      0.0 |
| Divestment of associated companies                     |      0.7 |          |
| Proceeds from sale of fixed assets                     |      2.9 |      0.3 |
| Loans granted                                          |     -0.1 |     -1.5 |
| Repayment of loan receivables                          |      1.3 |      0.1 |
| Cash flow from investments                             |    -21.9 |    -33.3 |
| Change in non-current loans                            |    -11.7 |    -12.6 |
| Change in current loans                                |     -5.3 |      0.8 |
| Repurchase of own shares                               |     -6.5 |     -2.6 |
| Dividend paid to equity holders of the parent company  |     -4.8 |     -8.0 |
| Dividend paid to minority interests                    |     -0.3 |     -2.5 |
| Cash flow from financial operations                    |    -28.6 |    -24.9 |
| Adjustment to translation difference                   |     -0.5 |      0.1 |
| Change in liquid funds                                 |    -35.3 |    -43.0 |
| Liquid funds at the beginning of the period            |     78.8 |    122.9 |
| Impact of change in market value on liquid funds       |      0.1 |     -1.0 |
| Liquid funds at the end of the period                  |     43.6 |     78.8 |

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS                                               

This financial statements review has been prepared in compliance with IAS 34    
Interim Financial Reporting according to the same principles used in annual     
reporting. Changes have been made to the way in which changes in the fair value 
of commodity derivatives are recognised in the income statement: the changes are
now recognised under financial items instead of in profit or loss as was        
previously the case. The comparison data have been changed correspondingly.     

The Group has adopted the amendment to IAS 1 Presentation of Financial          
Statements. The amendments to IAS 1 include requirements on capital management  
disclosure in the notes. The information required by the standard is presented  
in the notes to the consolidated financial statements. The IFRIC interpretations
that took effect on 1 January 2007 have not had an impact on the Group's        
financial statements.                                                           

When preparing the financial statements, management must make estimates and     
assumptions that affect the reported assets and liabilities, income and         
expenses. Actual figures may differ from these estimates.                       

SEGMENT INFORMATION                                                             

TURNOVER BY SEGMENT (EUR million)                                               

|                                    |   10-12/ |  10-12/ |    2007 |     2006 |
|                                    |     2007 |    2006 |         |          |
| Food                               |     50.3 |    50.1 |   197.1 |    196.5 |
| Feed & Malt                        |     54.0 |    43.9 |   206.7 |    179.0 |
| Ingredients                        |     11.6 |    10.1 |    44.9 |     49.7 |
| Other operations                   |      0.1 |     0.2 |     0.4 |      0.6 |
| Interdivisional turnover           |     -6.7 |    -5.7 |   -27.1 |    -23.3 |
| Total turnover                     |    109.2 |    98.6 |   421.9 |    402.6 |

OPERATING RESULT BY SEGMENT (EUR million)                                       

|                                    |   10-12/ |  10-12/ |    2007 |     2006 |
|                                    |     2007 |    2006 |         |          |
| Food                               |     -2.7 |   -32.2 |   -11.1 |    -37.9 |
| Feed & Malt                        |      1.2 |     0.3 |    14.2 |      7.4 |
| Ingredients                        |      2.4 |     1.5 |     9.5 |      7.8 |
| Other operations                   |     -0.4 |    -2.3 |    -2.1 |     -5.3 |
| Eliminations                       |      0.2 |     0.1 |     0.1 |      0.0 |
| Total operating result             |      0.6 |   -32.6 |    10.6 |    -28.1 |

NET ASSETS BY SEGMENT (EUR million)                                             

|                                       |        31.12.2007 |       31.12.2006 |
| Food                                  |              85.8 |             85.5 |
| Feed & Malt                           |              86.0 |             61.2 |
| Ingredients                           |              46.0 |             44.5 |
| Other operations, discontinued        |              60.9 |             99.1 |
| operations and unallocated items      |                   |                  |
| Total net assets                      |             278.8 |            290.4 |

INVESTMENTS BY SEGMENT (EUR million)                                            

|                                    |   10-12/ |  10-12/ |    2007 |     2006 |
|                                    |        2 |    2006 |         |          |
|                                    |      007 |         |         |          |
| Food                               |      1.4 |     4.1 |     7.2 |     15.3 |
| Feed & Malt                        |      6.4 |     1.5 |    16.7 |      4.9 |
| Ingredients                        |      1.8 |     1.7 |     7.5 |      4.3 |
| Other operations                   |      0.6 |     1.1 |     1.6 |      3.2 |
| Eliminations                       |      0.0 |     0.0 |    -1.6 |      0.0 |
| Total investments                  |     10.2 |     8.4 |    31.4 |     27.6 |

TURNOVER BY MARKET AREA (EUR million)                                           

|                                    |   10-12/ |  10-12/ |    2007 |     2006 |
|                                    |     2007 |    2006 |         |          |
| Finland                            |     73.7 |    63.0 |   263.9 |    243.8 |
| Poland                             |      8.0 |     8.0 |    38.5 |     41.1 |
| Russia                             |      6.2 |     6.5 |    39.5 |     33.3 |
| Other Europe                       |     20.1 |    19.6 |    74.8 |     77.5 |
| ROW                                |      1.2 |     1.6 |     5.2 |      6.9 |
| Total                              |    109.2 |    98.6 |   421.9 |    402.6 |


Discontinued operations                                                         

The Group announced its intention to divest the diagnostics business on 16      
January 2007. The contract of sale was signed and the divestment of the         
diagnostics business was concluded at the beginning of September 2007.          

On 7 February 2007, the Group signed a preliminary agreement on the divestment  
of its food potato business. The contract of sale was signed on 15 March 2007.  
The divestment of the potato business was concluded in May 2007 and the business
was transferred to the new owner at the beginning of June 2007.                 

In November 2007, the Group classified Monäs Feed Oy Ab, a producer of special  
feeds, as available for sale from 15 November 2007 onward. The company's        
divestment took effect on 31 December 2007 when it was transferred to the new   

The diagnostics business and the food potato businesses as well as Monäs Feed Oy
Ab are treated as discontinued operations in the Group's income statement.      

|                                                        |     2007 |     2006 |
| Result for the discontinued operations                 |          |          |
|   Income from ordinary operations                      |     19.3 |     38.5 |
|   Expenses                                             |    -23.7 |    -44.6 |
|   Result before taxes                                  |     -4.5 |     -6.1 |
|   Taxes                                                |     -0.1 |     -1.0 |
|   Result after taxes                                   |     -4.6 |     -7.1 |
|   Result from discontinued operations                  |     -2.9 |      0.0 |
|   Taxes                                                |      0.1 |      0.0 |
|   Result after taxes                                   |     -2.7 |      0.0 |
|   Result for the discontinued operations               |     -7.3 |     -7.1 |
| Cash flow for the discontinued operations              |          |          |
|   Cash flow from business operations                   |      1.3 |      3.2 |
|   Cash flow from investments                           |      5.8 |     -3.5 |
|   Cash flow from financial operations                  |     -0.1 |      0.1 |
|   Total cash flow                                      |      7.0 |     -0.3 |

TANGIBLE ASSETS                                                                 

|                                                |   31.12.2007 |   31.12.2006 |
| Acquisition cost at the beginning of the       |        450.5 |        430.0 |
| period                                         |              |              |
| Conversion differences                         |         -1.4 |         -2.5 |
| Increase                                       |         29.4 |         26.3 |
| Decrease                                       |        -48.3 |         -2.9 |
| Reclassifications between items                |          0.0 |         -0.3 |
| Acquisition cost at the end of the period      |        430.2 |        450.5 |
| Accumulated depreciation and write-downs at    |        332.8 |        299.5 |
| the beginning of the period                    |              |              |
| Conversion difference                          |         -1.0 |         -1.5 |
| Decrease and transfers                         |        -42.8 |         -2.0 |
| Depreciation for the period                    |         15.1 |         19.1 |
| Write-downs                                    |         -1.9 |         17.7 |
| Accumulated depreciation and write-downs at    |        302.3 |        332.8 |
| the end of the period                          |              |              |
| Book value at the end of the period            |        127.9 |        117.7 |


|                                                         |     2007 |    2006 |
| At the beginning of the period                          |      5.1 |         |
| Increase in provisions                                  |      0.0 |     5.1 |
| Provisions used                                         |     -3.3 |         |
| At the end of the period                                |      1.9 |     5.1 |

BUSINESS ACTIVITIES INVOLVING INSIDERS                                          

|                                                   | 31.12.2007 |  31.12.2006 |
| Sales to associated companies and joint ventures  |       12.8 |        20.6 |
| Purchases from associated companies and joint     |        3.1 |        10.3 |
| ventures                                          |            |             |
| Sales to key employees in management              |        0.0 |         0.1 |
| Purchases from key employees in management        |        0.6 |         0.4 |
| Short-term receivables from associated companies  |        2.3 |         3.7 |
| and joint ventures                                |            |             |
| Liabilities to associated companies and joint     |        0.5 |         1.5 |
| ventures                                          |            |             |

CONTINGENT LIABILITIES (EUR million)                                            

|                                                 |   31.12.2007 |  31.12.2006 |
| Assets given for security                       |              |             |
|   For the company                               |              |             |
|     Mortgages on real estate                    |          0.7 |        16.9 |
|     Securities pledged                          |          0.0 |         0.0 |
|     Corporate mortgages                         |          0.0 |        34.4 |
| Contingent off-balance sheet liabilities        |              |             |
|   Non-cancelable other leases                   |              |             |
|     Minimum lease payments                      |          2.5 |         2.7 |
|   Contingent liabilities for the company        |          1.5 |         1.5 |
| Contingent liabilities for associated companies |              |             |
|     Guarantees                                  |          0.0 |         3.0 |
|   Contingent liabilities for others             |              |             |
|     Guarantees                                  |          0.1 |         0.0 |
| Other liabilities                               |          2.0 |         2.8 |
| Commitment to investment payments               |          2.7 |        16.6 |

DERIVATIVE CONTRACTS (EUR million)                                              

|                                                 |   31.12.2007 |  31.12.2006 |
| Nominal values of derivative contracts          |              |             |
|   Raw material futures                          |         11.2 |         5.4 |
|   Currency forward contracts                    |         18.6 |        25.5 |

QUARTERLY PERFORMANCE (EUR million)                                             

|                  | 10-12 | 7-9/ | 4-6/ | 1-3 | 10-12/ |  7-9/ |  4-6/ | 1-3/ |
|                  |     / | 2007 | 2007 |   / |   2006 |  2006 |  2006 | 2006 |
|                  |  2007 |      |      | 200 |        |       |       |      |
|                  |       |      |      |   7 |        |       |       |      |
| Turnover by      |       |      |      |     |        |       |       |      |
| segment          |       |      |      |     |        |       |       |      |
| Food             |  50.3 | 48.6 | 48.5 | 49. |   50.1 |  49.6 |  49.5 | 47.4 |
|                  |       |      |      |   8 |        |       |       |      |
| Feed & Malt      |  54.0 | 59.3 | 53.0 | 40. |   43.9 |  47.8 |  49.5 | 37.8 |
|                  |       |      |      |   4 |        |       |       |      |
| Ingredients      |  11.6 | 10.2 | 10.7 | 12. |   10.1 |  12.6 |  13.8 | 13.2 |
|                  |       |      |      |   5 |        |       |       |      |
| Other operations |   0.1 |  0.1 |  0.1 | 0.1 |    0.2 |   0.2 |   0.1 |  0.2 |
| Interdivisional  |  -6.7 | -8.4 | -6.1 | -5. |   -5.7 |  -6.2 |  -5.7 | -5.7 |
| turnover         |       |      |      |   9 |        |       |       |      |
| Total turnover   | 109.2 | 109. | 106. | 96. |   98.6 | 103.9 | 107.2 | 92.9 |
|                  |       |    8 |    1 |   8 |        |       |       |      |
| Operating result |       |      |      |     |        |       |       |      |
| by segment       |       |      |      |     |        |       |       |      |
| Food             |  -2.7 | -5.7 | -1.7 | -0. |  -32.2 |  -1.4 |  -2.3 | -2.0 |
|                  |       |      |      |   9 |        |       |       |      |
| Feed & Malt      |   1.2 |  9.6 |  2.9 | 0.5 |    0.3 |   2.1 |   4.0 |  1.0 |
| Ingredients      |   2.4 |  2.1 |  2.6 | 2.5 |    1.5 |   2.2 |   2.3 |  1.8 |
| Other operations |  -0.4 | -0.4 | -0.5 | -0. |   -2.3 |  -0.1 |  -1.5 | -1.4 |
|                  |       |      |      |   8 |        |       |       |      |
| Eliminations     |   0.2 |  0.0 |  0.0 | -0. |    0.1 |  -0.1 |   0.0 |  0.0 |
|                  |       |      |      |   1 |        |       |       |      |
| Total operating  |   0.6 |  5.6 |  3.3 | 1.2 |  -32.6 |   2.8 |   2.3 | -0.6 |
| result           |       |      |      |     |        |       |       |      |
| Financial income |  -1.0 | -0.5 | -0.3 | 1.1 |   -3.9 |   0.5 |   0.4 |  0.5 |
| and expenses,    |       |      |      |     |        |       |       |      |
| net              |       |      |      |     |        |       |       |      |
| Share of result  |   0.0 | -0.1 | -0.1 | -0. |   -2.3 |  -0.2 |  -0.1 |  0.0 |
| of associated    |       |      |      |   2 |        |       |       |      |
| companies        |       |      |      |     |        |       |       |      |
| Result before    |  -0.4 |  5.0 |  2.8 | 2.1 |  -38.8 |   3.0 |   2.6 | -0.1 |
| taxes            |       |      |      |     |        |       |       |      |
| Income tax       |   2.0 | -2.1 | -0.8 | -0. |    0.8 |  -0.9 |  -0.6 |  0.0 |
|                  |       |      |      |   4 |        |       |       |      |
| Result for the   |   1.6 |  2.9 |  2.1 | 1.7 |  -38.0 |   2.1 |   2.0 | -0.1 |
| period from      |       |      |      |     |        |       |       |      |
| continuing       |       |      |      |     |        |       |       |      |
| operations       |       |      |      |     |        |       |       |      |

ONE-OFF ITEMS (EUR million)                                                     

|                 | 10-12 | 7-9/ | 4-6/ | 1-3/ | 10-12/ | 7-9/ |  4-6/ |  1-3/ |
|                 |     / | 2007 | 2007 | 2007 |   2006 | 2006 |  2006 |  2006 |
|                 |  2007 |      |      |      |        |      |       |       |
| Food            |       |      |      |      |        |      |       |       |
| Impairment of   |       | -1.3 |      |      |   -3.2 |      |       |       |
| goodwill        |       |      |      |      |        |      |       |       |
| Other           |  -1.6 | -2.0 |      |      |  -24.1 |      |       |       |
| impairments     |       |      |      |      |        |      |       |       |
| Other one-off   |       | -0.3 |      |      |   -0.2 |      |       |       |
| items           |       |      |      |      |        |      |       |       |
| Feed & Malt     |       |      |      |      |        |      |       |       |
| The reversal of |   0.5 |  5.5 |      |      |        |      |       |       |
| impairment in   |       |      |      |      |        |      |       |       |
| the Feed & Malt |       |      |      |      |        |      |       |       |
| business        |       |      |      |      |        |      |       |       |
| Write-downs     |       |      |      |      |   -0.1 |      |       |       |
| Other one-off   |       |      |      |      |        |      |   1.8 |       |
| items           |       |      |      |      |        |      |       |       |
| Impact on       |  -1.2 |  1.9 |  0.0 |  0.0 |  -27.5 |  0.0 |   1.8 |   0.0 |
| operating       |       |      |      |      |        |      |       |       |
| result          |       |      |      |      |        |      |       |       |
| Financial       |       |      |      |      |   -4.3 |      |       |       |
| income and      |       |      |      |      |        |      |       |       |
| expenses, net   |       |      |      |      |        |      |       |       |
| Share of result |       |      |      |      |   -2.2 |      |       |       |
| of associated   |       |      |      |      |        |      |       |       |
| companies       |       |      |      |      |        |      |       |       |
| Impact on       |  -1.2 |  1.9 |  0.0 |  0.0 |  -34.0 |  0.0 |   1.8 |   0.0 |
| result before   |       |      |      |      |        |      |       |       |
| taxes           |       |      |      |      |        |      |       |       |

KEY INDICATORS                                                                  

|                                               |   31.12.2007 |    31.12.2006 |
| Return on equity, ROE, %                      |          2.9 |         -10.7 |
| Return on investment, ROI, %                  |          3.6 |          -9.1 |
| Interest-bearing liabilities at the end of    |          8.7 |          23.2 |
| the period, EURm                              |              |               |
| Gross investments, EURm                       |         31.4 |          27.6 |
|   % of turnover                               |          7.5 |           6.9 |
| Depreciation, EURm                            |         18.3 |          21.5 |
| R & D expenses, EURm                          |          6.4 |           9.8 |
|   % of turnover                               |          1.5 |           2.4 |
| Average personnel                             |        1 157 |         1 263 |
| Equity ratio, %                               |         77.9 |          75.0 |
| Gearing, %                                    |        -12.5 |         -19.1 |
| Earnings/share from continuing operations,    |         0.05 |         -0.22 |
| EUR                                           |              |               |
| Cash flow from operations/share, EUR          |         0.10 |          0.09 |
| Equity/share, EUR                             |         1.70 |          1.73 |
| Average number of shares during the period,   |              |               |
| in 1,000s*)                                   |              |               |
|   Free shares                                 |      124 553 |       125 843 |
|   Restricted shares                           |       34 462 |        34 524 |
|   Total                                       |      159 015 |       160 367 |
| Average numer of shares at the end of the     |              |               |
| period, in 1,000s*)                           |              |               |
|   Free shares                                 |      122 444 |       125 655 |
|   Restricted shares                           |       34 316 |        34 522 |
|   Total                                       |      156 760 |       160 177 |
| Market capitalisation of shares at the end of |              |               |
| the period, EURm*)                            |              |               |
|   Free shares                                 |        183.7 |         224.9 |
|   Restricted shares                           |         52.2 |          62.1 |
|   Total                                       |        235.8 |         287.1 |
*)Number of shares without own shares                                           

CALCULATION OF INDICATORS                                                       

| Return on equity (ROE), % | Result before taxes - income taxes*)             |
|                           | -------------------------------------------  x   |
|                           | 100                                              |
|                           | Shareholders' equity (average over the period)   |
| Return on investment      | Result before taxes + interest and other         |
| (ROI), %                  | financial expenses*)                             |
|                           | -------------------------------------------  x   |
|                           | 100                                              |
|                           | Balance sheet total - non-interest-bearing       |
|                           | liabilities (average over the period)            |
| Equity ratio, %           | Shareholders' equity                             |
|                           | ------------------------------------------- x    |
|                           | 100                                              |
|                           | Balance sheet total - advances received          |
| Net interest-bearing      | Interest-bearing liabilities - liquid assets and |
| liabilities               | financial assets recorded at fair value in the   |
|                           | income statement                                 |
| Gearing, %                | Net interest-bearing liabilities                 |
|                           | -----------------------------------------  x 100 |
|                           | Shareholders' equity                             |
| Earnings per share*)      | Result for the year of parent company            |
|                           | shareholders                                     |
|                           | ------------------------------------------------ |
|                           | Average number of shares for the year, adjusted  |
|                           | for share issue                                  |
| Cash flow from business   | Cash flow from business operations               |
| operations per share      | ------------------------------------------------ |
|                           | Average number of shares for the year, adjusted  |
|                           | for share issue                                  |
| Shareholders' equity per  | Equity of parent company shareholders            |
| share                     | ------------------------------------------------ |
|                           | Number of shares at the end of the period        |
|                           | adjusted for share issue                         |
| Market capitalisation     | Closing price, adjusted for issue x number of    |
|                           | shares without own shares at the end of the      |
|                           | period                                           |
*)The calculation of key indicators uses continuing operations result