Leif Johansson new deputy CEO of Ratos

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Leif Johansson, currently an Investment Director at Ratos, has been appointed as
the company's new Deputy CEO and Chief Operating Officer.
Leif Johansson has been employed by Ratos since 2004 and is currently an
Investment Director responsible for two holdings and half the investment
organisation. Leif, who has a combined engineering and business degree,
previously held managerial positions within LB-Invest and Procuritas, among

"As a natural development of Ratos's continued growth we are now adjusting our
organisational structure. This means, among other things, that Leif Johansson
will become Deputy CEO and Chief Operating Officer (COO) with primary
responsibility for the entire investment organisation. Leif has many years of
experience within the industry and considerable knowledge of how successful
professional ownership should be exercised," says Ratos CEO Arne Karlsson.

Leif Johansson succeeds Thomas Mossberg who on reaching contractual retirement
age transferred to the position of Senior Advisor in autumn 2008. Henrik Blomé,
Susanna Campbell, Per Frankling, Thomas Hofvenstam and Henrik Joelsson have at
the same time been appointed as new Investment Directors at Ratos.

For further information, please contact:
Arne Karlsson, CEO Ratos, +46 8 700 17 00
Leif Johansson, deputy CEO Ratos, +46 8 700 17 00
Clara Bolinder-Lundberg, Head of Corporate Communications Ratos, +46 8 700 17 63

Financial calendar from Ratos:

 Year-end report 2009                    18 February 2010

 Annual General Meeting 2010             15 April 2010

 Interim Report January - March 2010     6 May 2010

 Interim Report January - June 2010      20 August 2010

 Interim Report January - September 2010 4 November 2010

Ratos is a listed private equity company. The business concept is to maximise
shareholder value over time by investing in, developing and divesting primarily
unlisted companies. Ratos offers investors a unique investment opportunity.
Ratos's equity is approximately SEK 15 billion and has a market capitalisation
of approximately SEK 32 billion. Ratos's holdings include AH Industries,
Anticimex, Arcus Gruppen, Bisnode, Camfil, Contex, DIAB, EuroMaint, GS-Hydro,
Hafa Bathroom Group, Haglöfs, HL Display, Inwido, Jøtul, Lindab, MCC, Medisize,
Scandinavian Business Seating, Superfos and Other holdings.


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