Ratos AB: Changed number of shares and votes in Ratos AB
Press release 30 June 2017
Ratos, in accordance with previously communicated information, has implemented a compulsory redemption of all Class C preference shares, which has resulted in a change in the number of shares and votes in Ratos.
On completion of the redemption of all 830,000 Class C preference shares, the total number of shares in Ratos amounts to 324,140,896, of which 84,637,060 Class A shares and 239,503,836 Class B shares. Class A shares carry entitlement to one vote per share and Class B shares to 1/10 of a vote per share. The total number of votes amounts to 108,587,444.
For further information, please contact:
Magnus Agervald, CEO Ratos, +46 8 700 17 00
Helene Gustafsson, Head of IR & Press Ratos, +46 8 700 17 98
Financial calendar from Ratos:
Interim report January-June 2017 17 August 2017
Interim report January-September 2017 14 November 2017
Ratos is an investment company that owns and develops unlisted medium-sized companies in the Nordic countries. Our goal as an active owner is to contribute to long-term and sustainable business development in the companies we invest in and to make value-generating transactions. Ratos's portfolio consists of 17 medium-sized Nordic companies and the largest segments in terms of sales are Construction, Industrials and Consumer goods/Commerce. Ratos is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm and has a total of approximately 14,200 employees.