Ratos sells hotel shares

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Ratos is selling 2,000,000 shares in the Norwegian hotel company Choice Hotels for a total of SEK 45 million.
The sale results in a loss for Ratos of approximately SEK 10 million. The acquisition of the Choice shares was made in conjunction with Ratos's sale of shares in Capona just over one year ago.

For additional information, please contact:
Arne Karlsson, CEO Ratos, +46 8 700 17 00
Anna-Karin Celsing, Head of Corporate Communications Ratos, +46 8 700 17 49

Financial calendar from Ratos:
Interim report January-September 2004            12 November 2004
Year-end report 2004                 23 February 2005
Interim report January-March 2005     12 May 2005
Interim report January-June 2005     24 August 2005
Interim report January-September 2005     11 November 2005


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