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Translation                         8 February 2006 at 10.00 am


- Net sales, €106.2 m (€108.6 m), decreased by 2%. Operating profit
was €4.5 m (€4.4 m) and profit before tax €4.9 m (€5.5 m).
- Profit for the period amounted to €3.6 m (€4.0 m). The undiluted
earnings per share were €0.94 (€1.09).
- The order book at the end of the year, €77 m (€55 m), was very
- The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting that
a dividend of €0.70 per share will be paid for 2006.
- Net sales are expected to grow moderately in 2007 and operating
profit to improve over 2006.


“For Raute, year 2006 had two distinct sides to it. In addition to
succeeding on the market, we caught up with the net sales figures of
2005 and achieved a record order book in the last quarter. The good
operating profit in the last quarter indicates our capability to
make profit and squeeze our production capacity, even though our
profitability did not develop in line with our objectives. The
postponement of a mill-scale order agreed in early 2006 to the final
part of the year resulted in a dip in third—quarter net sales,
ruining hopes for improved performance.

In the past year our markets were characterized by the demand for
investments focusing heavily on mill-scale projects, as customers
aimed to increase their production capacity. Under these
circumstances, Raute’s traditional strength, mill-scale projects,
proved to be a valuable asset. We received four orders for mill-
scale projects and increased our order book at the end of the year
to a record EUR 77 million. Heavy inputs in product development and
previous demonstration of our skills enabled us to maintain our
position as a clear market leader in mill-scale projects.

Technology services fell short of the previous year’s net sales, as
well as of our growth targets, due to weaker demand for large-scale
modernizations. Growth continued to be good in spare part and
maintenance services, which in particular helps our goal of
increasing the share of contractual maintenance. Customer feedback
and internal operations indicators show that our service capability
has improved.

We aimed at markedly improved profits compared to 2005, but failed
to reach this objective. The biggest single reason came from
additional, one time expenses from the market launches, first
deliveries, of some new products. These products have proved to be
successful and will serve our competitiveness in the future.
Another big reason for the profit not reaching targets was the
rapidly weakening market situation in North America. Our customers
very nearly froze their investments, as well as their inputs in
enhancing maintenance. Moreover, the weak dollar had a negative
effect on our competitiveness and profitability in these markets.

Our primary objective in 2007 continues to be the improvement of
profitability. Our record-high order book offers us good
opportunities to improve our performance, as well as reach moderate
growth. The order book now  contains very few projects with first-
delivery risk. We also expect demand to continue at a good level.

I wish to thank our customers, staff, partners, and other
stakeholders for 2006, and hope our cooperation will continue and
get better. Let us make 2007 into a better year for Raute and all of


Market situation in customer industries

The market situation in Raute’s customer industries continued to
be good throughout the year in the company’s main market areas,
with the exception of North America. Plywood demand, production,
and prices were at a good level all over the world except for
North America. In Asia and Russia, the market situation for
plywood showed positive development. In the USA, the waning
confidence in overall development of the economy  affected the
demand for and prices of construction materials. In addition, the
new production capacity for OSB board (large-flaked particleboard
used for construction especially in North America), which was
rolled out in 2006, competed with plywood in North America.

Positive development continued in the market for LVL (Laminated
Veneer Lumber). The production capacity that has come on line in
recent years has found demand on the market.

The demand for overlaid particleboard and MDF (Medium Density
Fiber) board remained good. Especially in Russia and Eastern
Central Europe, the strongly growing furniture industry kept
production at a high level. Residential construction and
modernization continued at a high level, maintaining good demand
for parquet and decorative veneer.

Demand for wood products technology

The demand for investments in the plywood and veneer industry was
at a good level, with the exception of North America. Demand was
particularly strong in the case of large mill-scale projects,
which were initiated in several market areas in 2006. Raute still
has mill-scale projects in the planning phase for different market

The LVL industry enjoyed brisk demand for investments. One new
mill-scale project was initiated in the USA last year. In the LVL
industry, significant investment plans to increase production
capacity are under way in several market areas.

Good demand was also seen in Raute’s smaller customer groups,
which include overlaying of particleboard and MDF, the parquet
industry, and the decorative veneer industry.

In technology services, demand for spare part and maintenance
services remained at a good level. In Europe, the demand for
modernizations dropped from the previous year. In North America,
modernizations were in less demand due to the plywood industry’s
general unwillingness to make investments.

Order intake and order book

Raute’s  business consists of project deliveries and technology
services. Project deliveries encompass complete mills, production
lines, and single machines and equipment. Technology services
include maintenance, spare part services, modernizations,
consulting, training, and sales of reconditioned machinery.

The order intake in 2006 amounted to EUR 132 million (€132 m), of
which project deliveries accounted for EUR 105 million (€109 m)
and technology services for EUR 27 million (€23 m).

In project deliveries, Russia accounted for 42 percent, the rest
of Europe for 25 percent, and North America for 16 percent of the
order intake. South America accounted for most of the remaining
order intake of other market areas (17%).

Seventy percent of project delivery orders consisted of four mill-
scale projects to Chile, the USA, France, and Russia. Production
line orders accounted for 26 percent of the order intake, a
significant share of it taken up by six peeling lines to Russia.

Raute’s biggest-ever single order for plywood mill production
lines for Vjatsky Fanernyi Kombinat in Russia took effect in the
last quarter. The deal is worth EUR 30 million. The machinery
deliveries are scheduled for the latter half of 2007. A
preliminary letter of intent for the project was signed in
February 2006.

The order book grew strongly throughout the year, amounting to EUR
77 million (€55 m) at the end of the year.

Competitive position

Raute is generally speaking in a good competitive position and
looks particularly strong in its traditional technology fields:
the plywood and veneer industry, as well as the LVL industry. The
company's position is based on a comprehensive offering of
technology and services, leading technology in the field that is
maintained by strong product development, and solid references.

Several deliveries with reference value were introduced into
production use in 2006. Examples of these include two peeling
lines to Southeast Asia, which marked Raute’s first tropical wood
peeling deliveries in several years. In addition, a new-generation
trim saw line, scarf jointing line, and decorative veneer drying
line were rolled out in Finland. The new products will boost
Raute’s competitiveness in these technology and market areas.

In terms of competitiveness, Raute is strongest in mill-scale
deliveries. The four mill-scale orders received in 2006 are a sign
of the company’s leading position.


Raute continued to develop its sourcing by establishing a
subsidiary in Shanghai, China. The new company will strengthen the
Group's purchasing organization, handle subcontracting and
materials purchases in China, and improve the Group's presence on
the Chinese market. Raute (Shanghai) Machinery Co., Ltd obtained
the required business licenses in September and started operations
in the latter part of 2006.

The ERP and financial administration systems of Raute's North
American operations were harmonized to comply with the information
systems used at the main production unit in Nastola. Harmonized
systems will enhance bidding processes, project implementation,
and cooperation between units.

Development also continued on the work distribution and
cooperation among Raute’s own operations, the goal being to
improve customer service and operational efficiency. The
consulting and reconditioned machinery services offered by RWS-
Engineering Oy were made into an operational part of Raute’s
technology services managed from Finland. To deal with the weak
demand for investments in North America, Raute strengthened its
customer service and delivery capacity in technology services in
the region, and made the resources related to project deliveries a
part of its global project organization.


Share-based incentive plan

On March 22, 2006, the Board of Directors of Raute Corporation
approved a share-based incentive plan for the strategy period
2006–2008. The potential reward from the plan will be based on the
Group’s operating profit and on the Board of Directors’ assessment
of the success of the strategy. The incentive plan encompasses the
Group’s Executive Board (5 members) and 13 other key employees.
Rewards will be paid in shares and in cash. The cash portion is
meant for the payment of taxes and tax-related costs. Decisions on
the rewards will be made in 2009. The shares are subject to a two-
year transfer prohibition.

On December 31, 2006, the share-based plan accounted for a maximum
of 56,000 Raute Corporation’s series A shares. Of these, the
President and CEO may hold a maximum of 10,000 and the rest of the
Executive Board jointly a maximum of 20,000 shares. The fair value
of the share-based rewards on December 31, 2006, was EUR 0.3
million. The plan’s impact on profit before tax in 2006 was EUR
0.1 million.

Dissolution of Eloc Oy and Raute Corporation’s pension fund

The dissolution of Eloc Oy, an associated company, was completed
on May 31, 2006.

The dissolution of Raute Corporation’s pension fund was entered in
the Register of Foundations on July 25, 2006.


The Group’s net sales were EUR 106.2 million (€108.6 m). Net sales
dropped by 2 percent compared to 2005, which was a year of steep
growth. The drop in net sales was caused by lower net sales from
modernizations and the scheduling of project deliveries.

Business activities consisted entirely of the wood products
technology business. Project deliveries accounted for 79 percent
(78%) and technology services for 21 percent (22%) of net sales.
The plywood industry’s share of project deliveries was 93 percent
(83%), the LVL industry’s 4 percent (17%), and that of other,
smaller customer industries 2 percent.

Net sales from technology services totaled EUR 21.9 million (€23.5
m), down by 7 percent from the previous year. In modernizations,
net sales decreased by 23 percent due to the market situation in
Europe. Maintenance services grew by 18 percent in 2006, and spare
part services by 12 percent. Technology services have grown by 26
percent since 2004.

Europe’s share of the Group’s net sales dropped to 29 percent
(40%) and North America's to 16 percent (27%). Russia’s share was
12 percent (14%) and Asia’s 5 percent (7%). Other market areas
increased their share to 38 percent (12%), fueled by two mill-
scale project deliveries to Chile.

The Group’s operating profit remained at the previous year’s
level, amounting to EUR 4.5 million (€4.4 m). Profit before tax
was EUR 4.9 million (€5.5 m) and profit for the period EUR 3.6
million (€4.0 m). Profitability development fell short of targets
due to the unanticipated expenses related to the first deliveries
of some new products, the cost pressure caused by the good overall
economic situation, and North America’s weak market situation.
Operations in North America were unprofitable.

In 2006 net sales and profit benefited from a EUR 0.1 million (€-
0.7 m) IFRS-compliant recognition of currency hedges that were
used for economic hedging purposes but fell outside the scope of
hedge accounting. Profit for the previous year was improved by the
release of excess cover totaling EUR 0.4 million in conjunction
with the dissolution of the pension fund.

Net sales in the last quarter totaled EUR 32.5 million (€31.5 m)
and operating profit EUR 2.3 million (€0.7 m).


The Group's financial position remained strong. At the end of the
year, gearing was -80.3 percent (-41.5%) and equity ratio 60.1
percent (55.7%). The balance sheet totaled EUR 68.5 million (€55.4
m). The strong fluctuation in balance sheet items and the key
ratios based on them results from differences in the timing of
customer payments and the cost accumulation from project
deliveries, which is typical of project business.

Liquid assets grew by EUR 12.6 million to EUR 24.0 million (€11.4
m) in 2006. Operating cash flow was EUR 15.0 million (€7.7 m) and
investing cash flow was EUR -1.5 million (€-3.0 m). The financing
cash flow, EUR -0.8 million (€-2.9 m), includes EUR 2.3 million
from the payment of year 2005 dividends, as well as EUR 1.4
million in payments received from the stock issue of shares
subscribed for with options.

Interest-bearing liabilities totaled EUR 0.5 million (€0.5 m) at
the end of the year. Unused credit limits amounted to EUR 15
million on the same date. The company also has a EUR 10 million
commercial paper program.


Research and development costs totaled EUR 3.8 million (€3.6 m),
representing 3.5 percent (3.3%) of net sales. The pretax impact on
costs was EUR 3.2 million (€3.9 m). EUR 0.5 million (€0.2 m) of
development costs was capitalized, while depreciation of
development costs was EUR 0.2 million (€0.5 m).

Year 2006 saw exceptionally low investments in production.
Investments totaled EUR 1.9 million (€3.8 m), including
capitalized development costs worth EUR 0.5 million (0.2 m). Other
investments focused mainly on upgrading information technology.


The Group’s headcount at the end of the year was 540 (533).
Finnish Group companies accounted for 76 percent (76%) and foreign
companies for 24 percent (24%) of employees. The number of
personnel converted to full-time employees was approximately 547


Mr. Tapani Kiiski continued as Chairman of Raute’s Executive
Board, and the Board’s members included Ms. Arja Hakala, CFO; Mr.
Petri Strengell, Vice President, Technology and Operations; Mr.
Timo Kangas, Vice President, Technology Services; and Mr. Bruce
Alexander, Vice President, North American Operations and President
of Raute’s North American companies.

The President of Raute Corporation’s subsidiary Mecano Group Oy is
Mr. Pasi Kenola, MSc (Eng.) and eMBA, who has held the post since
March 1, 2006.

The President of Raute Corporation’s subsidiary RWS-Engineering Oy
is Mr. Timo Kangas, Group Vice President, Technology Services, and
member of the Group’s Executive Board, who took up the post on
March 10, 2006.


Raute Corporation’s Annual General Meeting held on March 22, 2006,
adopted the financial statements for 2005, released those
accountable from liability, and decided to distribute a dividend
of EUR 0.60 per share.

Mr. Jarmo Rytilahti was elected Chairman of the Board, Ms. Sinikka
Mustakallio was elected Vice-Chairman, and Mr. Mika Mustakallio,
Mr. Panu Mustakallio, Mr. Pekka Paasikivi, and Mr. Jorma
Wiitakorpi were elected Board members.

Mr. Kari Miettinen and Ms. Sari Airola, Authorized Public
Accountants, were re-elected as auditors, and
PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy, an authorized public accounting
company, as deputy auditor.

The Annual General Meeting authorized the Board to decide on the
acquisition of the company’s own series A shares using
distributable funds, as well as on the disposal of own shares.


All of the Board members are independent of the company. Chairman
Jarmo Rytilahti and two of the members (Pekka Paasikivi and Jorma
Wiitakorpi) are independent of major shareholders.

The chairman of the Appointment Committee is Mr. Jarmo Rytilahti,
while Ms. Sinikka Mustakallio and Mr. Ville Korhonen, a
representative of a major shareholder, act as its members. The
Working Committee is chaired by Mr. Jarmo Rytilahti and its
members are Ms. Sinikka Mustakallio and Mr. Pekka Paasikivi.


Raute Corporation's series A shares are listed on the Nordic list
of the Helsinki Stock Exchange. The trading code is RUTAV. The
shares have a nominal value of two euro. Raute Corporation has
signed a market making agreement with Nordea Bank Finland plc in
compliance with the Liquidity Providing (LP) requirements issued
by the Helsinki Stock Exchange.

The number of shares at the end of the year totaled 4,004,758, of
which 991,161 were series K shares (20 votes/share) and 3,013,597
series A shares (1 vote/share). A total of 190,150 series A shares
subscribed for through the exercise of B options pertaining to the
1998 option scheme were entered in the Trade Register in 2006.

A total of 1,088,288 (1,529,700) series A shares worth EUR 15.4
million (€17.1 m) were traded in 2006. The share price at the end
of the year was EUR 12.85 (€14.24). The highest quotation of
series A shares was EUR 17.60 (€16.42) and the lowest EUR 11.60
(€7.60), while the average price was EUR 14.03 (€11.24).

The company's market capitalization at the end of 2006 was EUR
51.5 million (€54.3 m), with series K shares valued at the closing
price on December 29, 2006 of series A shares, that is EUR 12.85

Raute Corporation’s 1998 option scheme expired on September 30,
2006, for B options. The scheme accounted for a total of 212,500
options, of which 190,150 were exercised. The highest trading
price in 2006 for B options was EUR 9.58 (€9.20) and the lowest
EUR 4.48 (€1.00). A total of 330,650 B options were traded in 2006
(197,500). The total value of trading was EUR 2,452,176

The company's Board of Directors is authorized to buy back and
dispose of a maximum of 400,475 of the company's series A shares.
The Board of Directors has not exercised this authorization.


The number of shareholders totaled 974 at the beginning of 2006
and 1,144 at the end of the year. Series K shares are held by 46
private individuals (46). The management held 4.5 percent (4.7%)
of company shares and 9.0 percent (8.9%) of votes. Nominee-
registered shares accounted for 1.3 percent (1.3%) of shares.

The company was given one flagging notification in 2006. The
holding of Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company (200,000 series
A shares) dropped below the disclosure threshold of one-twentieth
(1/20), when the increase in Raute Corporation’s share capital,
due to option subscriptions, was entered in the Trade Register on
November 2, 2006.


The Annual General Meeting decided to distribute a dividend of EUR
0.60 per share for 2005. A total of EUR 2.3 million was paid in
dividend on April 3, 2006.


The company’s financial statements have been prepared according to
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The figures
for 2006 have not been audited. Figures in parentheses refer to
the corresponding figures in the comparison year.

The Group has adopted the changes that IASB made to IAS 39 in 2004
and 2005. The Group has also adopted hedge accounting in
compliance with IAS 39. The share-based incentive scheme complies
with IFRS 2. Exchange differences for intra-group borrowings that
have been treated as net investments in foreign units have been
recognized as translation differences in equity (IAS 21).

In other respects, the Group has followed the accounting
principles described in the financial statements for 2005 when
preparing the financial statements for 2006. The changes in
accounting principles have not had a material impact on the
figures for the report period.


Impact of economic fluctuations on business operations

Raute supplies technology and services to mills in the wood
products industry. Business is characterized by sensitivity to
economic fluctuations due to changes in the investment activity of
customer industries. The impact that the cyclical nature of
project deliveries has on the Group’s performance is mitigated by
systematically increasing the share of technology services, by
developing the subcontracting network, and by focusing on core
competence. In the long term, the Group’s growth opportunities are
increased and the impact of economic fluctuations balanced by
developing operations in customer industries where the company’s
market share is still small, and by creating products for new
customer groups, such as the decorative veneer industry.

The Group is prepared for fluctuations in the working capital tied
up in project operations. Raute Corporation has an EUR 10 million
domestic commercial paper program, which allows it to issue
commercial papers maturing in less than one year. The company also
has bilateral non-current credit regulation agreements worth EUR
15 million.

Delivery and technology risks

The majority of Raute’s business operations consists of different
kinds of project deliveries, which always expose the company to
risks caused by, for example, the customer’s end product,
production methods, or customer-specific solutions related to raw
materials. At the quotation and negotiation phase, the company has
to make estimates of the achievement of promised performance
figures and of the costs of implementation. Contract, product
liability, implementation, cost, and capacity risks are managed
using project management procedures that comply with the company’s
certified quality system.

Raute emphasizes product development and continuously develops new
technology in order to offer solutions for customers’ expanding
needs. The functionality and capacity of new solutions cannot be
fully verified until the solutions can be tested under production
conditions in conjunction with first customer deliveries.
Technology risks are reduced by the conditions of delivery
contracts and by restricting the number of simultaneous first

Hedging of foreign currency receivables

Items related to business payments and denominated in foreign
currency are hedged with currency derivatives when contracts take
effect. Forward contracts in Canadian and US dollars related to
the economic hedging of payments from binding sales agreements had
a nominal value of EUR 0.2 million (€3.1 m) at the end of the
year. The measurement of these forward contracts in compliance
with IFRS improved the company's net sales and operating profit by
EUR 0.1 million (€-0.7 m) compared to the Finnish Accounting

Forward contracts in Canadian and US dollars related to fair value
hedging had a nominal value of EUR 7.0 million (€0 m) at the end
of the report period. Hedge accounting had a positive impact of
EUR 20 thousand on the period’s result.

Forward contracts in Canadian dollars related to the economic
hedging of financing items had a nominal value of EUR 2.0 million
(€6.8 m) at the end of the year.


The environment is one of the values that guide Raute’s
operations. Raute has been systematically developing the
environmental soundness of its products and services and aims to
reduce the environmental impact of its operations. The Group
abides by the principles of good corporate citizenship, taking
into consideration nature and its protection, as well as the
operating methods of the surrounding society, and by showing
respect to local cultures.

Raute’s operations mainly affect the environment indirectly when
the company’s technology is used in the production processes of
the wood products industry. Raute’s technology enables the wood
products industry to substantially reduce the environmental load
caused by its operations, for example, through more efficient use
of raw materials, additives, and energy.

The Group’s own operations do not involve considerable
environmental risks that might have a direct impact on the Group's
business operations or financial position. The Nastola and
Jyväskylä plants manage environmental matters in compliance with a
certified environmental system. At the Canadian plant,
environmental surveys are carried out regularly by an outside
assessor. The operations and ethical principles of the partner and
subcontractor networks are also subjected to systematic

Raute aims to continuously reduce energy use, decrease the volume
of waste, and develop the working environment. In 2006, a survey
of potential soil contamination was conducted at the Canadian
plant. According to the survey, the soil does not call for
cleansing measures for the current industrial purposes.


Raute Corporation’s Annual General Meeting will be held in Lahti
on March 21, 2007 at 6:00 p.m.

The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting that
a dividend of EUR 0.70 per share will be paid for series A and K
shares, that is, a total of EUR 2.8 million, on April 2, 2007. The
record date for dividend payments is March 26, 2007.

The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting that
the meeting authorize the Board to decide on the repurchase of a
maximum of 400,000 Raute Corporation series A shares with assets
from the company’s non-restricted equity to be used for the
development of the company’s capital structure, as consideration
for funding or carrying out acquisitions or other arrangements, or
to be otherwise disposed of or cancelled. The proposed number of
shares is less than ten percent (10%) of the company’s overall
shares. The authorization includes the right to acquire shares in
deviation from the proportion of existing shareholdings. The Board
of Directors will decide on the other conditions related to share
repurchases. The authorization is effective until the end of the
next Annual General Meeting.

Furthermore, the Board proposes that the Annual General Meeting
authorize the Board to decide on a directed issue of Raute
Corporation’s series A shares, as well as on all of the related
conditions, including the recipients and the sum of consideration
to be paid. The Board of Directors may decide to issue either new
shares or company shares held by Raute. The maximum number of
shares issued is 400,000 series A shares. The authorization is
effective until the end of the next Annual General Meeting. As
proposed, the authorization will be used to fund or carry out
acquisitions or other arrangements or for other purposes decided
by the Board of Directors.


The market situation in Raute’s customer industries is expected to
remain good, except for North America. However, developments in
raw material and energy prices will keep competition tough in the
wood products industry, forcing players in the field to focus on
continuously developing their production. This offers Raute
business opportunities.

Investments in the wood products industry will continue at a good
level in the near future. Raute’s customers still have mill-scale
projects in the planning phase for different market areas. Demand
for smaller production line projects and modernizations is picking
up after 2006, which was less active in this respect.

Raute’s competitiveness is good thanks to modern technology and
the investments carried out. The share of first deliveries is
smaller than the year before. The potential further weakening of
the US and Canadian dollars against the euro create challenges to
the competitiveness of North American project deliveries.

Thanks to a strong order book and good continued demand the
outlook for 2007 is promising. Net sales are expected to grow
moderately in 2007 and operating profit to improve over 2006.

RAUTE CORPORATION                                               
FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR                                        
1.1. - 31.12.2006
(Figures EUR 1 000 )

CONSOLIDATED INCOME          1.10.- 1.10.-    1.1. -   1.1. -     
STATEMENT                    31.12. 31.12.    31.12.   31.12.
                               2006   2005      2006     2005     
NET SALES                    32 494 31 503   106 206  108 627     
Other operating income           72     89       199      708     
Operating expenses         -29 396 -30 184   -99 231 -102 054     
Depreciation, amortization     -871   -715    -2 660   -2 877     
and impairment charges
OPERATING PROFIT              2 299    695     4 513    4 403     
% of net sales                  7 %    2 %       4 %      4 %     
Financial income                199    255       745    1 131     
Financial expenses              -86      0      -371      -73     
PROFIT BEFORE TAX             2 412    950     4 887    5 461     
% of net sales                  7 %    3 %       5 %      5 %     
Income tax *)                  -717    -32    -1 255   -1 423     
PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD         1 696    918     3 632    4 038     
% of net sales                  5 %    3 %       3 %      4 %     
BREAKDOWN OF PROFIT                                                  
Minority interest                 0      3         0     -114     
Owners of the parent          1 696    915     3 632    4 152     
EARNINGS PER SHARE, EUR                                           
Basic                          0,44   0,24      0,94     1,09     
Diluted                        0,44   0,24      0,94     1,07     
NUMBER OF SHARES                                                  
Weighted average, 1 000 pcs   3 867  3 815     3 867    3 815     
Diluted, 1 000 pcs            3 867  3 872     3 867    3 872     
*) Income tax include the tax liability estimated for the report

BALANCE SHEET                 31.12.      31.12.                
                                2006        2005                
FIXED ASSETS AND OTHER NON-                                     
- intangible assets            2 924       2 757                
- property, plant and                       
  equipment                   12 542      13 939  
- available-for-sale                            
  investments                    395         395 
- receivables                      0          48                
- deferred tax assets            487         210                
Fixed and other non-current                 
assets total                  16 348      17 349 
CURRENT ASSETS                                                  
- inventories                  4 933       5 026                
- accounts receivable and                   
  other financial assets      23 184      21 666 
- financial assets at fair                                      
  through profit or loss      10 194       8 975                
- cash and cash equivalents   13 812       2 419                
Current assets total          52 124      38 086                
TOTAL ASSETS                  68 472      55 435                
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND                                        
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                            
- share capital                8 010       7 629                
- other shareholders'                      
  equity                      21 299      18 294
Owners of the parent                         
company                       29 309      25 923
Minority interest                  0         224                
Total shareholders' equity    29 309      26 147                
Non-current liabilities                                         
- provisions                     262         475                
- deferred tax liabilities     1 084       1 300                
- interest-bearing long-                     
  term liabilities               317         357  
Current liabilities                                             
- provisions                   1 726       1 927                
- income tax liabilities         113         105                
- pension obligations            335         380                
- interest-bearing short-                     
  term liabilities               150         176  
- customer deposits           19 726       8 500                
- trade and other payables    15 450      16 068                
Total liabilities             39 163      29 288                
TOTAL EQUITY AND                            
LIABILITIES                   68 472      55 435
CONSOLIDATED                  1.1. -      1.1. -                
                              31.12.      31.12.
CASH FLOW STATEMENT             2006        2005                
CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING                                        
Payments received:                                              
- receipts from sales        116 046     108 934                
- receipts from other                        
  operating income               155         483
Payments made:                                                  
- expenses                  -100 100     -99 840                
- interests and other                       
  financial expenses paid       -190         -80 
Interests and other                         
financial income received        660         764 
Dividend income received          24          56                
Income taxes paid             -1 614      -2 636                
Net cash from (+) / used in                
(-) operating activities      14 982       7 681
CASH FLOW FROM INVESTING                                        
Capital expenditure:                                            
- capital expenditure in                    
  tangible and intangible
  assets                      -1 809      -3 554 
- purchases of available-                                  
  for-sale as financial
  assets                         -49
Subsidiary shares:                                              
- acquisition of subsidiary                     
  shares                           0        -304 
- proceeds from sale of                        
  tangible and intangible
  assets                         292         713 
- proceeds from sale of                        
  investments                     20         180
Net cash from (+) / used in               
(-) investing activities      -1 545      -2 965 
CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING                                        
- change in short-term                          
  loans                            0      -1 537  
- change in long-term loans      -67         212                
- change in long-term and                                  
  short-term receivables          95
Proceeds from issuance of                               
shares                         1 436 
Dividends paid                -2 290      -1 526                
Net cash from (+) / used in                    
(-) financing activities        -826      -2 851   
NET CHANGE IN CASH AND CASH                 
increase (+)/decrease (-)     12 611       1 865                                   
CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS*)                                     
- at the beginning of the                   
  period                      11 395       9 530
- at the end of the period    24 006      11 395                
*) Cash and cash equivalents comprise of trading assets as well as
cash and bank receivables
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT    Share  Share   Other    Ex-  Retai-  Total
OF CHANGES               capital premium funds change    ned 
IN SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                         rate earnings    
1.1.2005                   7 629  5 429     0    902  10 726 24 686
Other increase / decrease                  14 -1 435      32 -1 389
Increase in share capital                                         
(warrants)                                                        0
Dividends paid                                        -1 526 -1 526
Profit for the period                                  4 152  4 152
31.12.2005                 7 629  5 429    14   -533  13 384 25 923
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF        Owners       Minority        Total
CHANGES                          of the       interest         
IN SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY          parent                       
1.1.2005                         24 686          353         25 039
Other increase / decrease        -1 389          -15         -1 404
Increase in share capital                                         0
Dividends paid                   -1 526                      -1 526
Profit for the period             4 152         -114          4 038
31.12.2005                       25 923          224         26 147
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT    Share  Share  Other    Ex-   Retai-  Total
OF CHANGES              capital premium funds change     ned
IN SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                        rate  earnings
1.1.2006                   7 629  5 429    14   -533  13 384 25 923
Other increase / decrease                        808            808
Increase in share capital    381  1 069   -14                 1 436
Share-based payment                        50                    50
Foreign currency                         -250                  -250
gains/losses from the net
Dividends paid                                        -2 290 -2 290
Profit for the period                                  3 632  3 632
31.12.2006                 8 010  6 498  -201    275  14 727 29 309
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF        Owners      Minority          Total
CHANGES                          of the      interest
IN SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY          parent                                                
1.1.2006                         25 923          224         26 147
Other increase / decrease           808         -224 *)          584
Increase in share capital         1 436                       1 436
Share-based payment                  50                          50
Foreign currency                 
gains/losses from the net
investment                         -250                        -250
Dividends paid                   -2 290                      -2 290
Profit for the period             3 632                       3 632
31.12.2006                       29 309            0         29 309
*) Associated company                                              
Eloc Oy, dissolution

THE DEVELOPMENT OF            Q4      Q3      Q2      Q1   1.1. -   1.1. -
                                                          31.12.   31.12.
QUARTERLY RESULTS           2006    2006    2006    2006    2006     2005
NET SALES                 32 494  18 666  28 543  26 503 106 206  108 627
Other operating income        72      30      72      25     199      708
Operating expenses       -29 396 -18 404 -26 629 -24 803 -99 231 -102 055            
Depreciation,               -871    -616    -579    -595  -2 660   -2 877
amortization and
impairment charges
OPERATING PROFIT           2 299    -324   1 408   1 130   4 513    4 403
% of net sales               7 %    -2 %     5 %     4 %     4 %      4 %
Financial income             199     184     -46     409     745    1 131
Financial expenses           -86     -92      -5    -189    -371      -73
Share of the associated                                            
companies' result
PROFIT BEFORE TAX          2 412    -233   1 357   1 350   4 887    5 461
% of net sales               7 %    -1 %     5 %     5 %     5 %      5 %
Income taxe                 -717     -66     -50    -423  -1 255   -1 423
PROFIT  FOR THE PERIOD     1 696    -299   1 307     927   3 632    4 038
% of net sales               5 %    -2 %     5 %     3 %     3 %      4 %
BREAKDOWN OF PROFIT                                               
Minority interest              0       0       0       0       0     -114
Owners of the parent       1 696    -299   1 307     927   3 632    4 152
EARNINGS PER SHARE, EUR                                            
Basic                       0,44   -0,08    0,34    0,24    0,94     1,09
Diluted                     0,44   -0,08    0,33    0,24    0,94     1,07
NUMBER OF SHARES                                                   
Weighted average, 1 000    3 867   3 834   3 822   3 816   3 867    3 815
Diluted, 1 000 pcs         3 867   3 957   3 931   3 925   3 867    3 872

PERSONNEL                 31.12.        31.12.                   
                            2006         2005                   
 - effective on average      546           536              
 - in books on average       547           537              
 - in books at the end of    540           533              
the period

SEGMENT INFORMATION *)    1.1. -        1.1. -                   
                          31.12.        31.12.
BY GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION    2006      %  2005      %            
*) Raute's primary reporting segment is the business segment. All
continuing operations are categorized in the wood products
technology segment. The secondary reporting segment is
geographical location.
NET SALES                                                       
Europe                       30 620  29  43 954   40            
Russia                       12 470  12  15 534   14            
North America                17 107  16  28 817   27            
Asia                          5 593   5   8 107    7            
Rest of the world            40 416  38  12 215   12            
TOTAL                       106 206 100 108 627  100            
Europe                       63 832  93  48 655   89            
Russia                          190   0     200    0            
North America                 4 158   7   6 375   11            
Asia                            148   0     155    0            
Rest of the world               144   0      50    0            
TOTAL                        68 472 100  55 435  100            
CAPITAL EXPENDITURE                                             
Europe                        1 801  97   3 654   96            
Russia                            0   0       0    0            
North America                    51   3     142    4            
Asia                              0   0       1    0            
Rest of the world                 0   0       1    0            
TOTAL                         1 852 100   3 798  100            
NET SALES                    1.1. -      1.1. -             
                             31.12.      31.12.
BY MARKET AREA                 2006   %    2005    %        
Finland                      10 417  10  30 444   28        
Rest of Europe               20 203  19  13 510   12        
Russia                       12 470  12  15 534   14        
North America                17 107  16  28 817   27        
Asia                          5 593   5   8 107    7        
South America                39 160  37   4 556    4        
Oceania                         501   1   2 366    2        
Other                           755   1   5 293    6        
TOTAL                       106 206 100 108 627  100        

OFF BALANCE SHEET             31.12.     31.12.                 
COMMITMENTS AND DERIVATIVES     2006       2005                 
Security of own debts                                           
- mortgages                   11 134     11 134                 
Security for Group's                                            
 - guarantees                    646      4 111                 
Other own liabilities                                           
Leasing and rent                                                
- for the current                               
accounting period                218        179  
- for the following                               
accounting periods               527        122  
CURRENCY DERIVATIVES                                            
Currency derivatives are                                        
used for hedging purposes.
Nominal values of forward                                       
contracts in foreign
Economic hedging                                                
- related to financing         2 065      6 830                 
- related to hedging of net                      
  sales                          174      3 071  
Hedge accounting                                                
- related to the hedging of                              
  net sales                    7 000 
Fair values of forward                                          
contracts in foreign
Economic hedging                                                   
- related to financing             2        -41                   
- related to the hedging of                       
  net sales                       -8       -104  
Hedge accounting                                                   
- related to the hedging of                                   
  net sales                      -50 
Purchased currency options                                         
- nominal values               1 963                               
- fair values                     13                            
No loans or pledges given or other commitments made on behalf of
the company's management, shareholders or associated companies.

GROUP                         1.1. -     1.1. -                 
                              31.12.     31.12.
KEY RATIOS                      2006       2005                 
Return on investment,  ROI    18,6 %     20,7 %                 
Return on equity,  ROE        13,1 %     15,8 %                 
Quick ratio                      2,7        2,0                 
Gearing                      -80,3 %    -41,5 %                 
Equity ratio                  60,1 %     55,7 %                 
Order book, EM                    77         55                 
Order intake, EM                 132        132                 
Exported portion of net                    
sales                         90,2 %     72,0 % 
Change in net sales %         -2,2 %     49,0 %                 
Gross capital expenditure,EM     1,9        3,8                 

Gross capital expenditure      1,7 %      3,5 %                 
of net sales
Research and development EM      3,8        3,6                 
- capital expenditure, EM        0,5        0,2                 
- expenses, EM                   3,2        3,4                 
Research and development of                   
net sales                      3,5 %      3,3 %
SHARE RELATED                 1.1. -      1.1.-                 
                              31.12.     31.12.
KEY RATIOS                      2006       2005                 
Earnings per share (EPS),                                       
- basic                         0,94       1,09                 
- diluted                       0,94       1,07                 
Equity to share, EUR            7,32       6,80                 
Dividend per share, EUR         0,70 *)    0,60                 
Dividend per profit, %        74,5 %     55,1 %                 
Effective dividend return,%    5,4 %      4,2 %                 

Share price at the end of                     
period, EUR                    12,85      14,24
Number of shares                                                
-weighted average, 1 000 pcs   3 867      3 815                 
-diluted, 1 000 pcs            3 867      3 872                 
*)The Board of Directors'                                       

THE LARGEST REGISTERED       Number of    Number of       Total 
on 31 December 2006           K-shares     A-shares   number of 
                             (20 votes     ( 1 vote      shares 
                             per share)   per share)             
1.  Sundholm Göran                           500 000     500 000 
2.  Varma Mutual Pension                    
    Insurance Company                       195 000     195 000 
3.  Suominen Jussi Matias       48 000       74 759     122 759 
4.  Suominen Tiina Sini-        
    Maria                       48 000       74 759     122 759
5.  Mustakallio Kari Pauli      60 480       60 009     120 489 
6.  Kirmo Kaisa Marketta        50 280       65 092     115 372 
7.  Suominen Pekka Matias       48 000       64 159     112 159 
8.  Siivonen Osku Pekka         50 640       59 539     110 179 
9.  Keskiaho Leena              33 600       51 116      84 716 
10. Särkijärvi Riitta           60 480       22 009      82 489 
11. Mustakallio Risto           42 240       35 862      78 102 
12. Mustakallio Ulla Sinikka    47 240       30 862      78 102 
13. Mustakallio Mika            39 750       34 670      74 420 
14. Op Suomi Pienyhtiöt                   
    Mutual Fund                              67 900      67 900
15. Mustakallio Marja Helena    42 240       20 662      62 902 
16. Mustakallio Kai Henrik      47 240       12 000      59 240 
17. Kirmo Lasse                 30 000       26 200      56 200 
18. Särkijärvi Timo Juha        12 000       43 256      55 256 
19. Särkijärvi-Martinez Anu    
    Riitta                      12 000       43 256      55 256
20. Suominen Jukka Matias       24 960       27 964      52 924 
TOTAL                          697 150    1 509 074   2 206 224 
percentage of total amount      
of shares                       70,3 %       50,1 %      55,1 %
percentage of total voting                            
rights                                                   67,7 % 
Administrative registered                    52 440      52 440 
OTHER SHAREHOLDERS             294 011    1 452 083   1 746 094 
TOTAL                          991 161    3 013 597   4 004 758 
MANAGEMENT'S STAKE              98 990       81 838     180 828 
percentage of total amount     
of shares                       10,0 %        2,7 %       4,5 % 

Board of Directors

Mr. Tapani Kiiski, President and CEO,  Raute Corporation, 
+358 3829 3560, mobile phone  +358 400 814 148
Ms. Arja Hakala, CFO, Raute Corporation, +358 3 829 3293, mobile
phone +358 400 710 387

Raute is a technology company serving the wood products industry
worldwide. Its most important customers are the plywood and LVL
industries. The company is the world market leader as a supplier
of mill-scale projects to these customer industries. The full-
service concept also includes technology services, with which
Raute supports its customers throughout the entire life cycle of
their investment. Raute’s head office and main production plant
are in Nastola, Finland. Its other production plants are in the
Vancouver area of Canada and in Jyväskylä and Kajaani, Finland.
Net sales in 2006 were EUR 106 million and the number of personnel
540. More information about the company can be found at

Helsinki Exchanges, Main media, www.raute.com
