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RAUTE CORPORATION  STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE  24 March 2009 at 10.15 a.m.          

RAUTE CORPORATION'S CONVEYANCE OF OWN SHARES                                    

Raute Corporation's Board of Directors has decided to convey 18,900 Raute's     
series A shares held by the Company gratuitously to 17 key persons of the       
Company's share-based incentive plan as reward payment for the earnings period  
2006-2008. The decision of conveying own shares through a directed bonus issue  
is based on the authorization of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held
on 2 April, 2008.                                                               

Conveyance of own shares:                                                       
Date: 27 March 2009                                                             
Share: RUTAV                                                                    
Amount: 18,900                                                                  
The series A shares held by Raute Corporation                                   
after the conveyance: 0 pcs                                                     

Raute Corporation's share-based incentive plan was approved by the Board of     
Directors on 22 March 2006.  The earning period began on 1 January 2006 and     
ended on 31 December 2008. The amount of the reward that shall be paid on the   
basis of the plan, was bound to Raute's operating profit (weight 75%) and the   
evaluation of the Board of Directors on e.g. the materialization of the strategy
(weight +/- 25%). The reward from the plan shall be paid as combination of      
shares and cash payment.                                                        

RAUTE CORPORATION                                                               

Arja Hakala                                                                     

FURTHER INFORMATION:                                                            
Ms. Arja Hakala, CFO, Raute Corporation, tel. +358 3 829 3293                   

RAUTE IN BRIEF:                                                                 
Raute is a technology company serving the wood products industry worldwide. Its 
most important customers are the plywood and LVL industries. The company is one 
of the world's leading suppliers of mill-scale projects to these customer       
industries. The total service concept also includes technology services, with   
which Raute supports its customers throughout the entire life cycle of their    
investments. Raute's head office and main production plant are in Nastola,      
Finland. Its other production plants are in the Vancouver area of Canada, in the
Shanghai area of China, and in Jyväskylä and Kajaani, Finland. Net sales in 2008
were EUR 98.5 million and the number of personnel 573. More information on the  
company can be found at www.raute.com.                                          

NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd, main media, www.raute.com
