42 Ways to Improve Your Marketing: The London Marketing Seminar, Tuesday 14 June 2011

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Delegates to the Sales Process Engineering/ StratetgyMix seminar can find out how to automate the sales & marketing process to cut budgetary waste and increase revenue. (Central London, Tuesday 14 June) – visit www.salesprocess.co.uk

Sales Process Engineering is a strategy planning system that enables any business to specify a more effective sales & marketing process and then automate key stages – from prospect targeting, through to the ‘close’. The system is designed for marketing any product or service, to reduce sales’ costs and increase revenue.

Presenters Patrick Rea and Jonathan Calver of StrategyMix will describe ‘42 Ways to Improve Your Marketing’.  Six of the topics are as follows:-

  • ·         Capture and disseminate actionable intelligence to sales teams in real time
  • ·         Develop multi-channel processes to nurture leads that are not yet sales-ready
  • ·         Send e-mail alerts to your Sales Team when prospects visit high value pages on your website
  • ·         Use ‘Progressive Profiling’ to re-focus your marketing and pre-sales on those companies that are most likely to buy from you
  • ·         Consolidate information from social networks, campaign responses and web-analytics to build a 360 degree view of prospects
  • ·         Use database auto-coding to improve your segmentation and campaign targeting

To register, please e-mail your details today to info@salesprocess.co.uk

Sales Process Engineering ensures a fully aligned and transparent process for sales & marketing that will cultivate and output qualified leads progressively and consistently.

This is not e-mail mass marketing or CRM software. Instead, it is a sales & marketing planning system that is designed to target buyers and mirror how they make ‘real-world’ purchasing decisions. The process harnesses an organisation’s expertise, experience and resources in an ‘expert system’ that is systematic and repeatable in progressing each sale to the close. The goal is to eliminate the uncertainty and cost of ineffective sales and marketing activity.

Contact: Sales Process Engineering www.salesprocess.co.uk  info@salesprocess.co.uk Tel: 020 8870 4976

Issued by: rea-tma.co.uk

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