The Press Unit: new budget-priced digital copywriting support

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A new low-cost copywriting service is available to organisations for outsourcing their digital content and PR copy, to ensure a continuous stream of news and information to meet most budgets.

The Press Unit is a service provided by professional journalists and copywriters, with a 24-hour turnaround where required. The published tariff is available on-line and there is a full guarantee of satisfaction, according to the service providers.

The Press Unit can offer agencies brand messaging to develop core marketing themes and text for their campaigns. Copywriting for digital media includes web sites, blogs, social media and smartphone apps, with SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and Google AdWords too. Web content can comprise white papers, news and case studies - with supporting preliminary research and interviews with clients and users

The copywriting service also offers support for developing web video, including storyboards and script writing. Speeches and sales scripts are produced too, as well as PowerPoint presentations to develop sales and marketing programmes.

Service delivery starts by identifying key customer audiences and the messages to be communicated. This includes profiling service and product benefits, how the solution will resolve customers’ or clients’ identified problems, and key service benefits and features.

Examples of pricing are as follows:-

Copywriting: research and interviews; copywriting and editing; clearances, proof copy for approval, advice on illustrations - £345 plus VAT

Media Distribution: targeted research of on-line and print media, database development, distribution to relevant media – inclusive of costs - £240 plus VAT T 020 8870 4976

Press Unit, 114 Lavenham Road, London SW18 5HF


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