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Adecco, a leading international group, extends its confidence in the ReadSoft invoices solution

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After the success of the deployment of the ReadSoft invoices solution at Adecco France, the Group extends the project to its Adia subsidiary company. A better countable visibility, an optimized organization and a better synergy with the purchases convinced the world leader of the human resources services that this was the best solution for the company. ReadSoft DOCUMENTS for Invoices is now treating nearly 150,000 invoices annually at the Adecco Group.

“We chose the ReadSoft solution on basis of the complete offer and ergonomic qualities of the tool,” specifies Olivier Cachat, Adecco Group Document Manager. “In addition, we had already tested their competences when working with the solution in Spain, Italy and Sweden on other projects connected to treatment of documents. Now we are deploying with ReadSoft a solution of automation of time sheets in England.”

The Adecco Group was founded from the fusion in 1996 between Adia and Ecco. Listed on the NYSE, the Group (2005: 18.3 billion euros) is particularly anxious to improve the control and the traceability of its activities around the globe. The project of automating the handling of invoices falls under these requirements. To test and validate the acceptance of the ReadSoft platform the project was initially restricted to Adecco in France. The speed of deployment and success of the setting in production convinced the Group to extend the perimeter of activities to Adia.

"The Adecco Group conformed already to the Sarbanes-Oxley requirements, but with the ReadSoft project we wanted to reinforce certain processes," explains Bruno Chaventon, Account Payable Manager at Adecco. We have nearly 4,000 approvers out of the two entities, whose majority is in agency. To centralize and improve the process of validation of the invoices is beneficial in more than one way.”

The accounting departments of Adecco France and Adia are now organized within a shared services center. By centralizing the handling of invoices the agencies gets more commercial time and improves the tracability of the documents as well as relations with suppliers.

What is ReadSoft DOCUMENTS for Invoices?
Building on more than a decade of experience, ReadSoft DOCUMENTS for Invoices is the most powerful, automated invoice processing solution to date. An invoice costs $15-50 to handle manually. ReadSoft DOCUMENTS for Invoices automates a company's invoice flow and generates substantial savings. With proven efficiency in the largest customer database on the market, ReadSoft's solution offers the widest available range of capabilities, capturing and classifying all kinds of paper and electronic invoices. ReadSoft DOCUMENTS for Invoices can be seamlessly integrated with leading ERP systems by SAP, Oracle and Intentia – just to name a few.

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About ReadSoft
ReadSoft is the world’s leading supplier of software for Document Automation. The company develops and markets a complete product platform for Document Automation named ReadSoft DOCUMENTS. The vision is to free businesses everywhere from manual document handling. Since its founding in 1991, ReadSoft has developed into a global group with 11 subsidiaries in Europe, North and South America and Australia, and a large number of local and global partners. ReadSoft is headquartered in Helsingborg, Sweden, and its primary R&D facility is in Stockholm. ReadSoft has been listed on the Stockholm stock exchange since 1999. For more information please visit www.readsoft.com

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