Annual General Meeting of ReadSoft AB (publ)

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The shareholders in ReadSoft AB are hereby invited to the Annual General Meeting which will be held on Wednesday April 20, 2005 at 3 p.m. in Konsertsalen at Dunkers Kulturhus, Kungsgatan 11, Helsingborg, Sweden.

Attendance Right to attend the Annual General Meeting have shareholders who: as per April 8, 2005 were registered in the company’s share register, which is kept by VPC AB, and have no later than 4 p.m. on April 13, 2005 notified the company of the intention to attend. Shareholders who have trustee-registered shares must temporarily register the shares in their own name with VPC. This change of registration must be effective by April 8, 2005, which means that the request should be submitted well in advance of April 8, 2005. Application for attendance can be made at, per post sent to ReadSoft AB, S Kyrkogatan 4, 252 23 Helsingborg, Sweden; by telephone at +46 (0)42-490 21 00; or by fax at +46 (0)42-490 21 20. Shareholders are requested to state their name, address, telephone number and civil registration number or organization number, their registered holdings, and any proxy or representative. Personal data are only used for the draw up of the voting list. A shareholder or a representative may bring maximum two assistants. Agenda 1. Opening of the Meeting 2. Election of chairman of the Meeting 3. Establishment and approval of the voting list 4. Election of two members to check the minutes 5. Approval of agenda 6. Determination that the Meeting has been properly convened 7. Submission of the Annual Report and Audit Report as well as the Consolidated Accounts and Consolidated Audit Report 8. Statement by the President 9. Resolutions: a) to adopt the Income Statement and Balance Sheet as well as the Consolidated Income Statement and Consolidated Balance Sheet, b) disposition of the company’s earnings, c) the discharge of the members of the Board of Directors and the President from liability 10. Determination of the number of members of the Board of Directors 11. Determination of the remuneration to the Board of Directors and auditors 12. Election of the Board of Directors 13. Election of Nomination Committee (previously Election Committee) 14. Authorization for the Board of Directors to decide on issue of new shares 15. Adjournment of the Meeting _______________________ Motions Item 9 b) - Dividend The Board of Directors proposes no dividend. The Election Committee, which represents more than 50 percent of the votes in the company, has the following proposals under items 2 and 10-12. Item 2: Chairman of the Board, Göran E. Larsson, is suggested to be chairman of the Meeting. Item 10: Five members with no deputy members. Item 11: A remuneration amounting to SEK 480.000 is suggested until the next General Meeting to be paid as follows: SEK 210.000 awarded to the Chairman of the Board and SEK 90.000 awarded to each other Director of the Board who is not employed by ReadSoft. It is suggested that the remuneration to the auditors shall be in accordance with the current purchasing agreement. Item 12: Göran E. Larsson, Lars Appelstål, Lennart Pihl, Gundor Rentsch and Anna Söderblom are suggested for reelection. Göran E. Larsson is suggested to be elected Chairman of the Board of the Directors. Item 13: Shareholders, representing more than 50 percent of the votes, has the following proposal: In connection with next year's Annual Meeting, the Nomination Committee will suggest: 1. Chairman of the Meeting 2. Election of members of the Board of Directors and chairman of the Board of Directors, and where applicable, election of auditors 3. Remuneration to be awarded the Board of Directors and the auditors 4. Election of the Nomination Committee It is suggested that the Nomination Committee shall consist of the Chairman of the Board, who is also the convener of the Committee, and one representative of each of the four largest shareholders as of 31 September 2005, counted by the number of votes. The Nomination Committee shall among its members elect a chairman of the Committee. If a shareholder wishes not to take part in the Nomination Committee, or chooses to leave the Committee, the next largest shareholder shall be entitled to appoint a representative as replacement. If the ownership structure has changed by the end of the fourth quarter, the composition of the Nomination Committee shall be adjusted accordingly, if possible and if it is deemed necessary. Item 14: The Board of Directors proposes that the Meeting authorizes the Board to decide on one or more occasions in the period until the next Annual Meeting to increase the company’s share capital with aggregate SEK 300.000 by issue of maximum 3.000.000 new series B shares, each share having a par value of SEK 0.10. Such issues may take place with or without preferential rights for existing shareholders. The new shares shall be issued on market conditions and payment for the new shares shall be against payment in kind or set-off in accordance with 4:6 of the Companies Act (Swe: Aktiebolagslagen). The Board of Directors shall also in accordance with 4:6 of the Companies Act, subject to the foregoing conditions, be authorized to determine other terms which the Board deems necessary to carry out a new issue of shares. The reasons for the Board of Directors to be able to bypass the preferential rights of existing shareholders are that financing in connection with future acquisitions may be required with payment in shares and/or through the issue of new shares against payment in kind. Beginning April 6, 2005, the complete proposal will be available at the company’s head office and will be sent to shareholders on request. ________________ The Annual Report 2005 will be made available on March 29 2005 on and at the company’s head office in Helsingborg and will be sent to shareholders that request so. Helsingborg, March 2005 The Board of Directors ------------------------------------------------ For more information, please contact --------------------------------------- ReadSoft AB Jan Andersson, President/CEO Tel.: +46-(0)708 - 37 66 00 Olof Engvall, Vice President, PR & Communication Tel.: +46-(0)708 - 37 66 70 E-mail:

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