Information from ReadSoft via email - now available in both English and Swedish

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To increase the service to our shareholders and other interested parties you can now choose whether you would like to get press releases and other financial information from ReadSoft via email in English or in Swedish. Please visit and click on "subscribe". Fill in your contact information and we will make sure that you receive information from ReadSoft in the language of your choice. If you wish to continue receiving information in English you don't have to do anything and can disregard from this message.

In Swedish:

För att öka servicen till våra aktieägare och andra intressenter finns det, från och med idag, även möjlighet att få pressreleaser och annan finansiell information från ReadSoft levererad på svenska via e-post. Du som tidigare endast fått releaserna på engelska, men som önskar informationen på svenska istället, kan nu enkelt justera detta genom att gå in på ReadSofts hemsida och klicka på "prenumerera.". Fyll i och skicka in dina uppgifter så kommer information från ReadSoft fortsättningsvis på svenska. Om du även i framtiden önskar få information på engelska behöver du inte göra någonting och kan du bortse från detta meddelande.

About ReadSoft

ReadSoftis a world-leading supplier of software for Document Automation. The company develops and markets a complete software platform for document automation under the name of ReadSoft DOCUMENTS. The vision is to release businesses around the world from handling documents manually. Since starting in 1991, ReadSoft has grown to a worldwide Group with eleven subsidiaries in Europe, North America, South America and Australia, as well as a large number of local and global partners. The head office is in Helsingborg, Sweden, which - along with Stockholm - also houses the Group's main research and development unit. ReadSoft is quoted on the Nordic Stock Exchange Small Cap list.

------------------------------------------------For additional information, contact---------------------------------------

ReadSoft AB

Jonna Opitz, Vice President Corporate Communications


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