Interim Report January - June 2006

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  • The turnover for the first six months increased by 20 percent to SEK 217.6 (181.6) million
  • Results after tax for the first six months was SEK 12.2 (16.2) million
  • Results per share for the first six months were SEK 0.39 (0.52)
  • The turnover for the second quarter increased by 18 percent to SEK 115.3 (97.6) million
  • Results after tax for the second quarter was SEK 11.5 (10.7) million
  • Results per share for the second quarter was SEK 0.37 (0.34)
  • Currency divergence effected the result for the first six months by SEK -3.0 (7.0) million and for the second quarter by SEK -0,2 (5,3) million
  • Cash-flow from the current business for the first six months was SEK 16.0 (25.3) million

ReadSoft closed several important deals and signed a number of long-term, global agreements with multinational groups during the second quarter of 2006. One deal was made with Sony, the leading consumer electronics manufacturer in the world, who selected ReadSoft for Document Automation of their Accounts Payable processes in Canada. ReadSoft is rapidly deploying the solution in Toronto, Ontario in Canada to work within the existing SAP enterprise resource planning system.

The provider of human resources services, Adecco in France, extends the usage of automatic invoices handling from ReadSoft to include its Adia subsidiary company. A better countable visibility, an optimized organization and a better synergy with the purchases convinced Adecco that ReadSoft DOCUMENTS for Invoices was the best solution for the company. The software from ReadSoft now handles nearly 150,000 invoices annually at the Adecco Group.

Another, very important, project was the counting and compiling of data about the 30 million people who live in Peru. The survey, for which the UN took charge of procurement, was conducted by the Statistics Department of Peru, INEI. After having considered the technical and financial advantages of various solutions, the UN settled on ReadSoft's system ReadSoft DOCUMENTS for Forms.

Two important global agreements were signed with the multinational groups Siemens and ThyssenKrupp, making ReadSoft the preferred supplier of solutions for electronic invoices processing. ReadSoft has already installed the SAP certified solutions at a number of units within Siemens and ThyssenKrupp, automating the processing of more than 3.5 million supplier invoices per year at Siemens and 1.5 million at ThyssenKrupp. The new agreements stipulates commercial aspects for future international deals and come as a result of the successful implementations and good experiences from the systems already installed.

The full report with tables can be downloaded from the following link:

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