Interim Report January - March 2006

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  • The turnover for the first quarter was SEK 102.3 (84.0) million
  • Results after tax was SEK 0.8 (5.5) million
  • Results per share after tax was SEK 0.03 (0.18) kronor
  • Cash-flow from the current business was SEK 18.6 (17.2) million


Perfectly in line with ReadSoft's strategy to sign long-term, global agreements with multinational groups quite a number of new contracts were signed during the first quarter of 2006.

One example is the American company Lockheed Martin, one of the major suppliers of advanced technology systems in the world. Their Shared Services Center in Lakeland, Florida, which handles back office processes for 40 business units across the United States, has selected ReadSoft DOCUMENTS for Invoices to handle the processing of 400,000+ paper invoices annually. The implementation has started and the first business unit will be running on ReadSoft software in early 2006. Lockheed Martin anticipates having the remaining business units up and running by year-end.

In March Computershare - a global leader in share registration, employee equity plans and proxy solicitation- reaffirmed their commitment to automated forms processing solutions from ReadSoft. For more than five years, ReadSoft DOCUMENTS for Forms has been an integral part of the share registry management services that Computershare provides to more than 14,000 listed companies around the world. The company expect to grow substantially, scanning approximately 26 million forms during 2006 and are now scaling up the ReadSoft infrastructure by investing another US$ 450,000 in the software.

In April 2006, Harvey Spencer Associates Inc. presented its yearly market analysis. The analysis estimates that ReadSoft, in its market segment, is increasing market share from 12 to 16 percent between 2004 and 2005.

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