ReadSoft brings census up to date in Laos

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Software company ReadSoft has been trusted to deliver systems to count and compile information about the six million inhabitants of Laos. The project is run by the National Statistics Centre (NSC) in Laos, together with Statistiska Centralbyrån (SCB)/Statistics Sweden and ReadSoft’s local partner Datamation. For the first time in Laos, computers are used to scan and interpret more than 1.1 Million forms gathering information about the country’s population.

During the last 5-6 years, SCB has introduced computerized scanning in several census projects around the world. Laos is the latest in a row of projects where ReadSoft’s software plays an important part in interpreting and putting together population statistics. Ten years after the latest census in Laos, a total of 16.000 people started knocking the doors of Laos’ 11.000 villages. The officials bring back 1.1 Million forms, which are scanned by ReadSoft’s software ReadSoft DOCUMENTS for Forms, the same software used by SCB since 10 years. - Using document automation software to put together a large-scale census project like the one in Laos, means modernizing the process of producing basic data for statistics in a fast and reliable way. Our experience in using ReadSoft’s solutions is extensive, and now we are sharing that experience with colleagues around the world, says Dennis Österberg, system developer at Statistiska Centralbyrån/Statistics Sweden. Statistics Sweden (which is SCB’s international name) isn’t just one of the world’s oldest statistics authorities, it’s also one of the most modern ones. The company is on the front line when it comes to technology, methods, quality and reliability. Their consulting services are demanded by international institutions, national statistics authorities etc. that are looking to improve their production of statistics in one way or another. What is ReadSoft DOCUMENTS for Forms? The forms processing software offers organizations substantial savings, increased productivity and improved data quality. The software reads handwritten text, machine-print, barcodes, check boxes, circles, tables, matrixes etc. Among other benefits, automatic forms processing is much faster than manual keying of information, offering a quick return on investment. ------------------------------------------------ For more information, please contact --------------------------------------- ReadSoft AB Jan Andersson, President/CEO Pho: +46-(0)708 - 37 66 00 Olof Engvall, Vice President, PR & Communication Pho: +46-(0)708 - 37 66 70 E-mail:

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