ReadSoft in prestigious census project in Peru

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Software developer ReadSoft supplied the system that will count and compile data about the 30 million people who live in Peru. The survey, for which the UN took charge of procurement, is being conducted by the Statistics Department of Peru, INEI. After having considered the technical and financial advantages of various solutions, the UN settled on ReadSoft's system.

A number of censuses around the world have turned to scanning technology in recent years. In 2005, the UN evaluated three different data capture applications that could handle the7.5 million documents generated form the National Census for Population and Housing in Peru. The winner was ReadSoft DOCUMENTS for Forms, which has long and established experience of similar efforts in various parts of the world.

"We have supplied many systems through the years that automatically capture large quantities of data and statistics," says ReadSoft President Jan Andersson. "Obtaining a prestigious contract against tough competition strengthens our market leadership when it comes to this type of software."

The Statistics Department of Peru, INEI, collected data on the country's 30 million inhabitants. Once the 7.5 million questionnaires have been assembled, DOCUMENTS for Forms instantly read and compiled the data in only 50 days instead of the 100 days originally estimated by INEI. The new system has significantly shortened the delivery time of preliminary data compared to the 1993 census project when it took 14 months. The software from ReadSoft allows the census authorities to evaluate the results accurately and in only six months. This means the final results are public now!

What is ReadSoft DOCUMENTS for Forms?

ReadSoft's forms processing software provides businesses and organizations with substantial savings, increased productivity and improved data quality. The software reads handwritten text, machine print, barcodes, check boxes, circles, tables, matrices, etc. Because automatic forms processing is much faster than manual keying of information, it offers a quick return on the organization's investment.

ReadSoft AB
Jan Andersson, President/CEO
Pho: +46-(0)708 - 37 66 00
Jonna Opitz, Vice President, Corporate Communication
Pho: +46-(0)708 - 37 86 68
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About ReadSoft
ReadSoft is the world’s leading supplier of software for Document Automation. The company develops and markets a complete product platform for Document Automation named ReadSoft DOCUMENTS. The vision is to free businesses everywhere from manual document handling. Since its founding in 1991, ReadSoft has developed into a global group with 11 subsidiaries in Europe, North and South America and Australia, and a large number of local and global partners. ReadSoft is headquartered in Helsingborg, Sweden, and its primary R&D facility is in Stockholm. ReadSoft has been listed on the Stockholm stock exchange since 1999. For more information please visit

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