ReadSoft signs global agreement with Siemens

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ReadSoft has signed a global agreement with Siemens AG, which makes ReadSoft the preferred supplier of solutions for electronic invoices processing into Siemens’ SAP Business System. It also stipulates commercial aspects for future international deals.

The agreement follows a thorough evaluation and legal process, where Siemens Germany compared the SAP-integratedtargeted solution from ReadSoft to others on the market. ReadSoft has already installed the SAP certified solution at a number of Siemens units, automating the processing of more than 3.5 million supplier invoices a year. ReadSoft and it’s SAP partner Ebydos provides an electronic workflow and authorization system, fully integrated with the Siemens SAP R/3 Business System.

Apart from internal marketing of ReadSoft in the Siemens group, this agreement stipulates commercial terms and conditions, making the process of investing in the solution fast and easy.

“Siemens is a highly esteemed client of ours and this global agreement makes doing business with them more streamlined. After a fine track record with large Siemens clients in Germany we now look forward to repeating this success internationally,” says Jan Andersson, president of ReadSoft.

ReadSoft has already implemented Document Automation technology at twelve units in Germany and ten in the rest of the Siemens group.

About Siemens
Siemens (Berlin and Munich) is a global powerhouse in electrical engineering and electronics. The company has 434,000 employees working to develop and manufacture products, design and install complex systems and projects, and tailor a wide range of services for individual requirements. Siemens provides innovative technologies and comprehensive know-how to benefit customers in 190 countries. Founded more than 150 years ago, the company is active in the areas of Information and Communications, Automation and Control, Power, Transportation, Medical, and Lighting.

What is ReadSoft DOCUMENTS for Invoices?
Building on more than a decade of experience, our Invoices business solution is the most powerful and automated invoices processing solution to date. With manual handling, an invoice costs between $15 to $50 to process. ReadSoft DOCUMENTS for Invoices frees you from this manual handling, automates your invoices flow and generates huge savings. Our Invoices business solution offers the widest scope of capabilities from capture to post with proven efficiency amongst the largest invoices customer database on the market place. The software captures and classifies all kinds of invoices on paper or electronic format. It can also be seamlessly integrated with a great variety of leading ERP systems from SAP, Oracle, Intentia just to mention a few.

ReadSoft AB
Jan Andersson, President/CEO
Pho: +46-(0)708 - 37 66 00
Jonna Opitz, Vice President, Corporate Communication
Pho: +46-(0)708 - 37 86 68
More about ReadSoft on

About ReadSoft
ReadSoft is the world’s leading supplier of software for Document Automation. The company develops and markets a complete product platform for Document Automation named ReadSoft DOCUMENTS. The vision is to free businesses everywhere from manual document handling. Since its founding in 1991, ReadSoft has developed into a global group with 11 subsidiaries in Europe, North and South America and Australia, and a large number of local and global partners. ReadSoft is headquartered in Helsingborg, Sweden, and its primary R&D facility is in Stockholm. ReadSoft has been listed on the Stockholm stock exchange since 1999. For more information please visit

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