Year-end report 2009: Continued strong cash flow

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  • Sales for 2009 increased by 6% to SEK 617.7 (584.2) million 

  • Operating profit EBITDA for the year was SEK 29.1 (45.6) million  

  • Earnings per share after tax for the year were SEK 0.22 (0.21)  

  • Sales for the fourth quarter was SEK 167.4 (182.4) million 

  • Operating profit EBITDA for the fourth quarter was SEK 21.6 (38.0) million 

  • Earnings per share after tax for the fourth quarter were SEK 0.68 (0.85) 

  • Cash-flow from operating activities for 2009 was SEK 102.5 (86.6) million 

  • The Board of Directors has established a dividend policy and will propose to the Annual General Meeting of shareholders a dividend of SEK 0.15 per share for 2009 

"The market during 2009 was difficult, and many customers had a cautious "wait-and-see" attitude. We normally close the year strongly, but the fourth quarter was weaker than expected and some deals in progress passed the year-end mark.

Our total growth for the year was approximately 6 percent and in local currencies this is approximately the same as the previous year. The profit after tax increased somewhat, at the same time as the cash flow from operating activities was very strong at SEK 102.5 million.

We can say that 2009 was an "in-between year", where we and many others fought in a tough market.

Our assessment is that the market is improving and our plans are to focus on increasing sales in all markets. We have several new products that increase our business value, both for new customers and for our existing customer base. We are also, step by step, moving towards our objective to reach 50 percent of sales via partners. During 2009, sales via partners increased by 17 percent and now constitute 38 percent of our total sales.

ReadSoft is equipped for considerably better results and faster growth lies ahead when the market normalizes. We are now focusing all our energy on realizing our long-term objectives and plans for growth."

Jan Andersson
President and CEO

Read the entire report in the attached pdf.

Jan Andersson, President and CEO
Phone: +46 708-37 66 00
Johan Holmqvist, Vice President Corporate Communications
Phone: +46 42-490 21 08 or +46 708-37 66 77
Jan Bertilsson, CFO
Phone: +46 42-490 21 43

About ReadSoft

ReadSoft is a leading global provider of software solutions for Document Automation. ReadSoft's software enables companies to automate document processes such as data entry, classification, ERP matching, workflows, e-invoicing etc. The results are faster and less expensive document processing, and increased control. ReadSoft is by far the world's number one choice for invoice automation solutions. Since the start in 1991, ReadSoft has grown to a worldwide group with operations in 16 countries on five continents and a network of local and global partners. The head office is located in Helsingborg, Sweden, and the ReadSoft share is traded on the Nasdaq OMX Nordic Exchange Small Cap list. For more information about ReadSoft, please visit .

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