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  • Real Advokatbyrå/
  • Real Advokatbyrå acted as legal advisor for Barings Real Estate in their venture with Innovation Properties regarding the construction of 264 residential units in the greater Stockholm area

Real Advokatbyrå acted as legal advisor for Barings Real Estate in their venture with Innovation Properties regarding the construction of 264 residential units in the greater Stockholm area

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Real Advokatbyrå acted as legal advisor for Barings Real Estate in their venture with Innovation Properties regarding the construction of 264 residential units in the greater Stockholm area.

The building will have a high sustainability profile with solar panels, wooden structures and will in general be constructed in a green and sustainable way in order to obtain environmental certificates. The constructor is Lindbäcks Bygg.

We thank the Barings team for entrusting us and for the great collaboration along the whole process.

Press contact

Cassandra Dahl
Marketing and Communications Coordinator
Email: cd@realadv.se
Mobile: +46 (0)72 588 55 66

About Real Advokatbyrå

Real Advokatbyrå is a leading law firm in commercial real estate law and real estate transactions. With our long experience, we lay a stable and secure foundation for our clients' business. Our experience includes real estate transactions, commercial rental law, construction and development projects, corporate law and corporate governance.

For more information: www.realadvokatbyra.se