Online tyre safety advice launched for caravanners

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To coincide with the start of the 10th annual National Camping and Caravanning Week (29th May – 4th June), TyreSafe has launched a new section on its website dedicated to caravan tyre safety. The pages provide a host of technical tips and information aimed at helping to keep the record number of UK caravan owners safe and legal on the roads. “The popularity of camping and caravanning has grown massively in recent years and many of those new to caravanning may not appreciate the high demands placed on their caravan’s tyres,” explains Stuart Jackson, chairman, TyreSafe. “Making sure your caravan’s tyres are in a good condition, correctly inflated and not overloaded is a vital factor in staying safe on the road. The new caravan section on our website is designed to clearly explain these key issues and provide some practical tips and advice that owners can follow with ease, helping to ensure their holiday journeys pass off without incident.” Tyres play a fundamental role in the suspension systems of caravans and as the only point of contact with the road surface, affect braking, cornering, acceleration and the overall stability of the combination. Poorly maintained tyres are much more likely to suffer from premature wear or failure which can result in very serious safety incidents. Additionally fuel and running costs are increased by tyres that are not properly maintained. According to The Camping and Caravanning Club, the popularity of the pastime has never been so high. In 2009 the group recruited an extra 64,000 adults, taking its adult membership to an all time high of 480,000. Jon Dale from The Club commented, “Our early advance bookings are up three per cent on the same time last year so this season could be even busier than last. Many families are opting for a camping and caravanning holiday in the UK for a number of reasons including improved weather conditions, affordability, environmental concerns and wider travel safety fears. With such high numbers taking to the roads, it is essential that owners take tyre safety seriously and make the necessary checks to their vehicles.” The new advice can be found by visiting, and includes clear and concise information about tyre pressure, tyre types, overloading, tread depth, noseweight, winter storage and common types of wear and damage. Practical advice is provided to help owners carry out a range of safety checks before heading off on their holidays, enabling them to identify and prevent a range of tyre related issues. The pages also include advice about the changes to the tyre pressures of towing vehicles, an essential safety aspect when towing a caravan. A free, downloadable tyre safety leaflet is also available.


