Tyre safety campaign receives Highways Agency backing

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This October’s tyre safety month has received a significant boost after the Highways Agency announced that it is backing the campaign month for the first time. Organised by TyreSafe, the UK’s leading tyre safety organisation, the campaign will educate drivers about the importance and simplicity of checking tyre tread depth. With the Highways Agency’s endorsement, campaign materials will be distributed across the UK through local road safety partnerships which includes county councils, emergency services and other relevant organisations, reaching a wider audience than ever before. “We are delighted to receive the support of the Highways Agency at this critical time of the year,” explains Stuart Jackson, chairman, TyreSafe. “As we approach the wettest months of the year, it is important that drivers have adequate tread depth to stay safe and legal. The Agency’s involvement will provide some additional authority to the campaign messages and through their network of partners, will help us educate even more drivers than ever before.” This year’s campaign will emphasise the simplicity of checking tyre tread depth by performing the 20p test. Drivers need to simply insert a 20p coin into the main grooves of the tyre and if the rim of the coin is covered by the tread, this indicates sufficient tread depth to be safe and legal. The ease of the test is further highlighted by a campaign movie available on the TyreSafe website (www.tyresafe.org), which demonstrates that the 20p test is so simple, even an adult can do it. Adequate tread depth is essential in wet conditions as the tread pattern helps to remove water from the road surface enabling the tyre to grip, steer, accelerate and brake properly. Current UK law requires car tyres to have a minimum of 1.6mm of tread across the central three-quarters of the tyre, around its entire circumference. Drivers who fail to comply with this law face an increased risk of being involved in an accident and also risk a fine of £2,500 and three penalty points for each illegal tyre. Ginny Clarke, director of network services for the Highways Agency, said: “The Highways Agency is pleased to be backing TyreSafe as they launch this year’s tyre safety month. The simple 20p test is an essential part of preparing for your journey. By checking that tyres are still in good condition, drivers are helping to avoid accidents, and the risk of delays to their journey as a result.” In addition to raising awareness about the 20p test, many garages and tyre dealers across the UK will be offering free tyre safety checks during October. As well as ensuring tyres have adequate tread depth, the checks will examine tyre condition and tyre pressure, two other key elements of tyre safety. For more details about tyre safety month or to register for free campaign materials visit www.tyresafe.org or contact the campaign hotline on 0845 301 6852. Notes - TyreSafe is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to raising awareness of the importance of the dangers of defective and worn tyres. - In 2009, TyreSafe was awarded with the Prince Michael International Road Safety Award in recognition of its achievements in raising awareness about the dangers associated with driving on defective and worn tyres. - TyreSafe supports the government’s ACT ON CO2 campaign which promotes Smarter Driving tips to help cut CO2 emissions from driving. - TyreSafe is a signatory to the European Road Safety Charter which was launched in 2004 with the aim of halving the number of deaths on European roads by 2010. Useful Links TyreSafe – www.tyresafe.org Highways Agency – www.highways.gov.uk Prince Michael International Road Safety Awards - www.roadsafetyawards.com European Road Safety Charter - www.erscharter.eu/signatories/profile/13459 Twitter – www.twitter.com/tyresafe YouTube - www.youtube.com/user/TyreSafe PR Contact Danny Rughoobeer Red Marlin danny@redmarlin.co.uk T 01926 333245 M 07739 878365


