Unique Eddie Stobart livery unveiled to improve road safety

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Iconic transport and logistics firm, Eddie Stobart, has developed a unique livery on one of its fleet’s trailers to raise awareness about the importance of checking tyres. The trailer design has been developed in conjunction with Cumbria Constabulary and TyreSafe, in support of this October’s tyre safety month and will be used to encourage drivers to make sure their tyres are safe and legal. “With their distinctive visual appearance, Eddie Stobart lorries are an instantly recognisable sight on our roads,” comments Stuart Jackson, chairman, TyreSafe. “The alternative design and powerful message will be no less striking and one that we hope will help to prevent many unnecessary accidents and injuries. I’m sure that many Eddie Stobart spotters up and down the country will be keeping an eye out for this unique vehicle.” The special liveried vehicle can be spotted during October throughout Cumbria. As well as being placed at key strategic roadside locations, the vehicle will be used to support Cumbria police who will be conducting a month of roadside checks, targeting motorists who are driving on illegal tyres. “Tyre safety month is an important campaign and I would like to thank Eddie Stobart’s for their generosity and support,” comments PC Shaun McKeown, forensic vehicle examiner for Cumbria Police Collision Investigation Unit. “Checking your tyres is quick and easy, and incredibly important as we approach the wettest months of the year. I’ve been called to far too many incidents that could have been prevented if drivers had taken this simple precaution. If you don’t know what to look for, then I would urge you to visit one of the many tyre retailers or garages that are offering free tyre safety checks as part of tyre safety month.” For more details about tyre safety month or advice on how to look after your tyres, visit www.tyresafe.org. Notes - TyreSafe is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to raising awareness of the importance of the dangers of defective and worn tyres. - In 2009, TyreSafe was awarded with the Prince Michael International Road Safety Award in recognition of its achievements in raising awareness about the dangers associated with driving on defective and worn tyres. - TyreSafe supports the government’s ACT ON CO2 campaign which promotes Smarter Driving tips to help cut CO2 emissions from driving. - TyreSafe is a signatory to the European Road Safety Charter which was launched in 2004 with the aim of halving the number of deaths on European roads by 2010. Useful Links TyreSafe – www.tyresafe.org Twitter – www.twitter.com/tyresafe Cumbria Constabulary – www.cumbria.police.uk Stobart Group – www.stobartgroup.co.uk PR Contact Danny Rughoobeer Red Marlin danny@redmarlin.co.uk T 01926 333245 M 07739 878365


