Redsense participates in US congress briefing on VND
Redsense Medical successfully participated in a virtual briefing about venous needle dislodgement (VND) for US congress on March 14, 2022. The briefing raised awareness and educated the Congressional participants about the risks and serious consequences of venous needle dislodgement occuring in connection with dialysis treatments.
Presenting on behalf of Redsense was the company’s US Clinical Director Jane Hurst. The briefing was held as a virtual event, and involved the participation of multiple professional renal organizations and advocacy associations in addition to Redsense, among them The American Association of Kidney Patients (AAKP), the largest independent kidney patient organization in the United States; American Nephrology Nurses Association (ANNA), organizing and representing more than 8,500 specialized nurses across the United States; and American Society of Nephrology (ASN), the major US professional organization in the field of nephrology.
“Representing all aspects of the nephrology community and hemodialysis care, the participants shared their knowledge, experience, and universal concern with venous needle dislodgment,”says Patrik Byhmer, CEO of Redsense Medical AB.
A video of the briefing can be seen on the Redsense youtube channel through the link:
About venous needle dislodgement (VND)
During hemodialysis, the blood of a patient with insufficient renal function is purified by pumping it through a dialyzer outside the body. Vascular access points are opened to the patient’s bloodstream to draw and return the blood. Venous needle dislodgement (VND) occurs when the venous needle accidentally comes out of the access point during the dialysis session. This can happen if the needle is not secured correctly, or the bloodline is pulled, perhaps because it is looped poorly, or the patient pulls on it out of confusion.
Venous needle dislodgement has been estimated to occur more than 300 times a day in the United States alone and poses a serious risk for the patient.
For more information, please contact:
Patrik Byhmer, CEO Redsense Medical AB (publ)
Phone: +46 35 10 60 30
Redsense Medical is a corporate group with operations mainly in Europe and the United States. The company has developed the Redsense System, an innovation used for monitoring and alarm in the case of blood leakage in connection with a hemodialysis treatment. Redsense Medicalsolves one of the most serious remaining safety problems within hemodialysis – to quickly detect Venous Needle Dislodgement and catheter leakage to minimize blood leakage. The system consists of a patented fiber optic sensor, designed for either venous needle or central venous catheter, which is connected to an alarm unit. From the very start, the development of the company's technology has been based on the demands and safety requirements of healthcare providers in the dialysis sector.