$2.50 A Gallon

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Keep an eye out for a new E-Book on how to stop spiraling gas prices by former Speaker and current GOP presidential candidate Newt Gingrich

On the day President Obama was inaugurated in 2009, the average price of gasoline nationwide was $1.89 a gallon. After four years under his watch gas prices have doubled to a staggering $3.77 a gallon.

Gingrich called for a complete overhaul of U.S. energy policy back in 2008 when he wrote Drill Here, Drill Now Pay Less. With gas prices continuing to soar, Gingrich once again tackles our energy crisis. In $2.50 A Gallon: Why Obama is Wrong and Cheap Gas is Possible, Gingrich provides dozens of specific, practical solutions for unleashing domestic discovery and production, dramatically reducing our dependence on hostile suppliers, and slashing gas prices back down to manageable levels for all Americans. He also points out the myriad ways in which the current administation's energy policies are causing higher prices and greater economic and global insecurity.

Stay tuned for the detailed plan ahead in Gingrich's new E-Book coming out Apil 2, 2012.


For more information please contact Regnery Publicity at 202-216-0600 or publicity_regnery@eaglepub.com.





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Gingrich has the plan to to reduce energy & gas prices #250AGallon
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Gas prices have doubled under Obama. @Newtgingrich has the way forward #250AGallon
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Spending too much at the pump? @NewtGingrich can help #250AGallon
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