Which Republican Candidate is the Next Ronald Reagan?

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Forrest Gump Author Answers the Big Question for Election 2012

With election 2012 in full swing, the media is constantly comparing the Republican candidates to Ronald Reagan—even President Barack Obama is not immune. So what makes a president like Ronald Reagan so desirable and why is our nation desperately searching for leadership like his? Find out the answers in the new book, Ronald Reagan Our 40th President, by Winston Groom, author of the legendary book Forrest Gump.

Groom uses his celebrated skills as a story teller to show a unique portrait of Reagan. Ronald Reagan: Our 40th President highlights the experiences that helped shape Reagan’s political beliefs as he evolved from a Democrat to a committed Republican. The book reveals the personal traits, still held in high regard today, which set Reagan apart from other presidents—including Reagan’s sense of humor, strength of character, and unique insight.

  • Reagan had to learn to work with many liberal friends and colleagues throughout his career which is a skill many Americans wish our Congress had today.
  • It was extremely difficult for Reagan to get a job after graduation because he graduated during a depression like young Americans today.
  • Reagan actually grew up as a Democrat but real life experiences drew him to the Republican Party.
  • Hard work and dedication are values that all Americans can use to achieve their biggest dreams—even becoming president.

He restored an America that was facing continuously falling living standards, moral decay, and a steady decline. With all these accolades, the economy in shambles and tense international relations, it is no wonder voters are looking for another Reagan for election 2012.

To receive a review copy or schedule an interview with Winston Groom, please contact Rebekah Meinecke at 202-677-4521 or at rmeinecke@eaglepub.com.




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Reagan worked w/everyone: Americans wish Congress did this today #election2012
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Like grads today Reagan couldn't find a job during the depression #election2012
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Reagan grew up a D but real life made him an R #election2012
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