Rejlers' Interim Report, January-June 2011

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Strong growth

First half-year

  • Turnover amounted to SEK 573.4 million (411.7), an increase of 39 percent
  • The operating profit was SEK 51.9 million (22.5)
  • The operating margin amounted to 9.0 percent (5.5)
  • Profit after tax was SEK 35.4 million (16.6)
  • Earnings per share were SEK 3.13 (1.53)


  • Turnover amounted to SEK 296.6 million (213.0), an increase of 39 percent
  • The operating profit was SEK 24.3 million (11.0)
  • The operating margin amounted to 8.2 percent (5.2)
  • Profit after tax was SEK 17.4 million (8.6)
  • Earnings per share were SEK 1.54 (0.79)

Statement from Managing Director and CEO Peter Rejler
The financial turmoil has not yet affected the Consulting Engineers industry. In Sweden and Norway there is a big demand for consulting engineers and growth in the market. In Finland, previously weighed down by the Finnish industry's slow recovery, it is now better. This means an increase in orders for all Rejlers customer groups. For the remainder of the year demand in the industrial area may be affected if the turmoil in financial markets is reflected in the economy.

Efforts to balance our customer groups; Industry, Energy, Infrastructure and Construction and property continues. Through the acquisition of Lausamo we grow in Building and property in Finland and by the acquisition of Nettkonsult we strengthen our position in Energy in Norway significantly. Initially we are acquiring 49 percent, before acquiring the remaining 51 percent by the first half of 2014 at the latest.

In Sweden, the newly established company Rejlers Drift och Underhåll has won project management assignments from Volvo and Beijer Electronics. We have been awarded several new assignments to manage infrastructure projects and have assumed ultimate responsibility for information and data security on the Swedish Transport Administration's technical platform. Rejlers in Finland is planning, among other things, systems for Viking Line's new passenger ferry.

The last twelve months, Rejlers has grown by about 40 percent. Growth has been achieved in equal parts organically and through acquisition and we are moving towards our goal for 2015, 3x2015; at least 2,015 employees by the year 2015 with a turnover of at least SEK 2015 million.

For further information, please contact:
Peter Rejler, MD and CEO, tel. +46 (0)70 602 34 24, e-mail:
Lars Solin, CFO, tel. +46 (0)73 386 15 20, e-mail:

Rejlers is a Nordic group offering technical consultancy services in the fields of electrical engineering, energy, mechanical engineering, automation, electronics, IT and telecommunications. Rejlers' shares are listed on the Nasdaq OMX Nordic Exchange.


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