Rejlers' Year-end Report 2011

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A year of strong growth and profitability


  • Revenue totalled SEK 1,146.0 million (838.9), an increase of 37 per cent
  • The operating profit was SEK 100.3 million (51.2)
  • The operating margin was 8.8 per cent (6.1)
  • The profit after tax was SEK 64.3 million (35.2)
  • Earnings per share were SEK 5.68 (3.22)
  • The Board proposes a dividend of SEK 3.00 SEK/share (1.75)

Fourth quarter

  • Revenue totalled SEK 322.7 million (252.7), an increase of 28 per cent
  • The operating profit was SEK 26.4 million (19.4)
  • The operating margin was 8.2 per cent (7.7)
  • The profit after tax was SEK 13.7 million (11.5)
  • Earnings per share were SEK 1.21 (1.02)

Statement from President and CEO Peter Rejler
Despite the financial turmoil and shaky stock markets, Rejlers managed to exceed its growth targets and turn 2011 into a record year. Our growth has remained strong and has occurred both through recruitment of employees and through acquisitions. Net, we have increased of 300 employees, if we include Norwegian Rejlers Consulting and the entity acquired from Rambøll Finland. The Group's total revenue growth in 2011 was as much as 37 per cent. The level of incoming orders for the fourth quarter remained strong, and the positive trend at the end of 2011 has continued through the beginning of 2012.

In 2012 we will create a corporate structure to support a company with 2,000 employees spread across various national markets. The recruitment of Eva Nygren as the new CEO forms a part of that strategy. Eva Nygren brings a level of experience and know-how to Rejlers that will be an invaluable asset for the company. Her arrival will allow me to focus more on Rejlers' overall objectives and strategic development. Eva Nygren will take up her duties in connection with Rejlers' Annual General Meeting on 2 May 2012.

This year marks Rejlers 70th anniversary, which will be celebrated in the form of increased marketing and employee activities during the third quarter of 2012. The anniversary constitutes an important catalyst for continuing to build a successful business for many years to come.

Rejlers secured several noteworthy assignments during the fourth quarter of 2011. Some of these assignments include Munters in Belgium, where Rejlers is project managing the delivery of energy-efficient cooling equipment for data centres. In Sweden, Rejlers has been commissioned by the Swedish Energy Agency (Energimyndigheten) to perform a risk and vulnerability analysis for the energy sector. Rejlers has also been commissioned by the EU and local authorities to develop an Ecostart environmental system in Finland for small enterprises. The system is a simplified environmental certification system suitable for smaller organisations and companies.

In view of our strong development in recent years, I am more confident than ever that we will achieve our objective of 3 x 2015 - to have at least 2,015 employees and revenue of at least SEK 2,015 million by the year 2015.

For further information, please contact:
Peter Rejler, President and CEO, Tel. +46 (0)70 602 34 24, e-mail:
Lars Solin, Vice President and CFO, Tel. +46 (0)73 386 15 20, e-mail:

Rejlers is a Nordic Group offering technical consultancy services in the fields of electrical engineering, energy, mechanical engineering, automation, electronics, IT and telecommunications. Rejlers' shares are listed on the Nasdaq OMX Nordic Exchange.


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