50% of all processed semiconductors will be ‘wafer-thin’ by 2016

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Report Buyer, the online destination for business intelligence for major industry sectors, has added a new report.

According to the report “Thin Wafer Market & Applications” wafer chip electronics will be increasingly used in many diverse applications. This report describes the applications that require thin and ultra-thin wafers: MEMS, CMOS Image Sensors, 3D Packaging (incl. Interposers), Memories, RF Devices, Power Devices and LEDs.

Consumer electronics are driving the need for smaller, higher performing, lower cost device configurations for use in applications such as memory, wireless devices. These new options, in turn, are pushing demand for a reduction in chip thickness from the traditional 500 thickness to about 40m. Drivers for the thin wafer market are: high interconnect density, better power dissipation and higher electrical performance and reduced package size. Such dramatic changes will have strong impact on the equipment and materials side as well as new process and bonding technologies will be required for handling such fragile wafers.

Read more about the report “Thin Wafer Market & Applications”


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