Global dc-dc converter market to see strong growth hitting $4.3bn by 2016

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Report Buyer, the online destination for business intelligence for major industry sectors, has added a new report.

According to a new report titled Worldwide DC-DC Converter Modules Forecasts the opportunities for getting strategic advantage in the world dc-dc converter market are changing in crucial ways.

The dc-dc converter market is forecast to grow at a strong rate to $4.3 billion by 2016. Recently, dc-dc converters have become ever-more efficient and increased levels of integration have lead to reduced costs.

The 91 page report states that in recent years, dc-dc converter modules have become ever-more efficient, with designs that are able to meet very specific system requirements. Due to this, most of the obstacles posed by these internal challenges have been resolved. For example, more package integration and digital control, which led to lower increased efficiency of regulated converters. Due to these developments, the focus has now shifted to more external factors that are driving the market, such as new power architectures and new materials.

Alternatively, this change to external drivers could unintentionally produce new internal opportunities. External factors could even drive internal markets, as companies look for emerging solutions at this level. New power architectures are being designed with digital power management in mind, for instance. Internal loop control can be the value-added internal factor that differentiates these applications, accelerating digital adoption.

View the report: Worldwide DC-DC Converter Modules Forecasts

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