Large unmet demand for wireless charging of electric vehicles says new report

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Report Buyer, the online destination for business intelligence for major industry sectors, has added a new report.

According to the report “Wireless Power Transmission for Consumer Electronics and Electric Vehicles” over the next decade, the most vibrant Wireless Power Transmission (WPT) markets will involve the contactless charging of portable and mobile equipment, in particular consumer electronics and electric vehicles and this is the focus of this report. These two aspects go together because the technology is similar, some proposed standards overlap and some suppliers seek to serve both markets.

The report states that there is a large unmet demand for wireless charging of vehicles, so the driver avoids the inconvenience, dirtiness and danger of having to get out of the vehicle to plug in something during bad weather or dangerous neighbourhoods. Many prefer not to handle heavy electrical equipment.

Later, this will lead to contactless power for a high proportion of static consumer, industrial and military electronics. For now, it primarily concerns wireless charging of lithium-ion batteries in portable consumer electronics and in land, water and airborne electric vehicles, particularly cars, both hybrid and pure electric. These travel considerable distances and ready availability of standard, convenient ie contactless, charging capability is key to their widespread adoption. To the user of consumer electronics, this is particularly driven by the ever greater functionality and longer hours of use of mobile phones calling for frequent charging, given that the batteries are not improving fast enough.

The 145 page report forecasts the number, unit value and market value of this charging equipment for 2012-2022, including separately the Levels 1-3 of charging speed for vehicles. The forecasts reflect a full consideration of the many market drivers. Unusually, the report evaluates the many negatives delaying market growth not just the positives that are the focus of previous reports on this subject that tend to substitute enthusiasm for reality.

Read more about the report “Wireless Power Transmission for Consumer Electronics and Electric Vehicles”

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