Omega-3 foods tipped for growth says new report

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Report Buyer, the online destination for business intelligence for major industry sectors, has added a new report.

According to the report “Omega-3: Global Product Trends and Opportunities" the $13 billion global omega-3 industry is far from hitting its saturation point. The links between 'dietary supplements' (the traditional method for boosting omega-3 intake) and consumer diets and grocery store food products is growing stronger. Moreover, consumers increasingly regard the health and beauty products they use as extensions of the foods they eat and the nutritional supplements they take.

According to the 190 page report, a large amount of nutrient-based product development is driven by the concept of 'superfoods.' Although the concept of foods with pharmaceutical-grade benefits flies in the face of a strong medical and regulatory community distinction between food and drugs, 'superfoods' has emerged as a powerful marketing concept. Omega-3's widely accepted status as a 'superfood,' in combination with a globally expanding range of nutrient-based new product development across CPG markets, means that the market for omega-3 products will remain lively and opportunity-rich for years to come.

Read more about the report “Omega-3: Global Product Trends and Opportunities”

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