Plastic Packaging Technologies LLC Profiled in new SWOT Report

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The report 'Plastic Packaging Technologies, LLC: Packaging Company Profile and SWOT Analysis' contains in depth information and data about the company and its operations.

This profile contains a company overview, business description, SWOT analysis, Key Employees, key facts, information on products and services, details of locations and subsidiaries, plus information on key news events affecting the company.

Plastic Packaging Technologies LLC (Plastic Packaging) is a plastic packaging solutions provider based in theUS. It offers a wide range of flexible packaging products and services such as plain laminated rollstock, pouches, side-gusset, inno-lock rollstock, adhesive closure bags, and pharmaceuticals and security bags. The company's products cater to customers and end users in a variety of markets and industries such as health care and pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, pet treats/food, cash transfer bags, candy and confection, coffee and ingredients, and agricultural industry. The company operates two manufacturing facilities at Kansas and Ohio states.

View the report: 'Plastic Packaging Technologies, LLC: Packaging Company Profile and SWOT Analysis'

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