Wood Resources International Expands Its Popular Market Insight Subscription Service

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Over the past few years, Wood Resources International (WRI) has distributed market insights on a regular basis to over 8000 forest industry executives, analysts, investors, consultants and journalists worldwide. These market briefs cover the most recent developments in regard to global wood supply, forest industry production, forest products trade, and pricing of sawlogs, pulpwood, wood chips, lumber and pellets. A majority of the information in our market insights has been gleaned from our market report, the Wood Resource Quarterly (WRQ), as well as from our continuous analyses of market developments in key countries around the world. 

A few of the most recent global wood Market Insights are listed below and can be downloaded on our website. (www.woodprices.com) 

  • Europe has Rapidly Become a Major Supplier of Softwood Logs to China.
  • Profit Margins have Declined Faster for Sawmills in Finland than in Sweden. 
  • The Global Forest Industry this Quarter.
  • Global Trade of Softwood Lumber Slowed in the 3Q/19. 
  • Eucalyptus Pulplog Prices in Brazil Have Fallen the Past Year.
  • Global Trade of Wood Pellets up 21% in 2018.
  • The Global and European Sawlog Price Indices Declined in 2019. 
  • Tightening Supply of Hardwood Chips in the Pacific Rim.

If you are interested in up-to-date insights to the international wood market, you may consider subscribing to the WRQ Market Insights. We offer two levels of our subscription service:

Basic          One Market Insight per month            Free

Premium    3-5 Market Insights per month           US$85/year  

The Market Insights at the Premium level are complimentary for WRQ subscribers.

If you would like to subscribe to the Market Insights, please go to our website to the contact information box below. 

If you need more in-depth market information, consider subscribing to the 56-page quarterly market publication, the Wood Resource Quarterly. The WRQ has tracked international wood market pricing since 1988 and the report is read by forest industry analysts in over 30 countries.
