Summary from the Annual General Meeting of 2020 of Resurs Bank

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Resurs Bank Aktiebolag (publ) today held its Annual General Meeting. The Annual General Meeting resolved in accordance with all proposals of the Board.

The Annual General Meeting resolved to re-elect Martin Bengtsson, Fredrik Carlsson, Lars Nordstrand, Marita Odélius Engström, Mikael Wintzell and Johanna Berlinde as Board members, and elected Kristina Patek and Susanne Ehnbåge as new Board members. Ernst & Young AB was re-elected as the company’s auditor to serve for the period until the end of the next Annual General Meeting. Ernst & Young AB notified the Meeting that Jesper Nilsson will be appointed as auditor in charge.

The Annual General Meeting approved the 2019 Annual Report and resolved that the non-restricted funds available for distribution at the Annual General Meeting were carried forward.

The Annual General Meeting resolved on the discharge of liability of the Board and the Chief Executive Officer for the 2019 financial year and resolved that no remuneration should be paid to the Board and that the auditor shall be paid as per invoice.     

At a statutory meeting held in connection with the Annual General Meeting, Martin Bengtsson was re-elected as Chairman of the Board. Fredrik Carlsson, Martin Bengtsson and Kristina Patek were elected as members of the Audit Committee, with Fredrik Carlsson as Chairman of the Committee.


For additional information:
Jonas Olin, CFO & Head of IR,, +46 766 98 41 76
Christina Jungvid Ohlsson, IR-Officer,, +46 70 781 65 58


About Resurs Bank
Resurs is a Nordic niche bank that offers leading payment and financing solutions for the retail industry and its customers. We help companies and private individuals with lending, saving and payments. With more than 40 years of experience in the retail sector, we make shopping online and in stores quick, easy and secure. We focus on the customer experience and make good things happen and the hard feel easier. We have a customer base about 6.2 million private customers.