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Done Solutions Corporation
Stock Exchange Release, December 12, 5:00 p.m.


A. Board's proposal to increase share capital

In payment of Sunob Holding Oy shares, based  on  an  agreement  concluded  on  30
November, 2005, the Board of Directors proposes  that  the  Company  increase  its
share capital through a private placement by issuing  10,000,000  new  shares  for
subscription at a per-share book countervalue of EUR 0.08 EUR.  The  agreement  is
conditional  on  the  Board's  approval  of  this   share   issue.   Waiving   the
shareholders' pre-emptive rights, new shares will be offered for  subscription  by
Gateway Finland Oy, Sunob Holding Oy's shareholder.  Gateway  Finland  Oy  is  co-
owned by Matti Nevalainen, member  of  Done  Solutions  Corporation's  Board,  and
Petri Kanervo, a private person, on a fifty-fifty basis. As a disqualified  person
due to his  Board  membership,  Mr  Nevalainen  has  not  participated  in  making
decisions on this matter. Gateway Finland Oy holds no Done  Solutions  Corporation
shares  prior  to  this  private  placement,  nor   are   Gateway   Finland   Oy's
shareholders,  Mr  Nevalainen  and  Mr  Kanervo,  Done   Solutions   Corporation's

During negotiations, Done Solution Corporation's management  and  non-disqualified
members of the Board of Directors had expressed their joint intent with the  other
party to propose to waive the shareholders' pre-emptive rights for the purpose  of
using Done Solutions Corporation shares in payment of  Sunob  Holding  Oy  shares,
based on a share swap under the negotiated agreement.

Sunob Holding Oy is a holding company, which holds 57.14 percent of the shares  of
Tiolat Oy  -  a  fast-growing  healthcare  company  designing,  manufacturing  and
selling patented  iCare  tonometers  for  eye  specialists  and  opticians  mainly
abroad. In the accounting period April 1, 2004-March 31,  2005,  Tiolat  Oy's  net
sales totaled EUR 1.5 million and operating profit came to EUR  0.8  million.  Its
net sales and operating profit for the  nine-month  period  April  1-December  31,
2005 are projected to exceed those reported for the previous  12-month  accounting
period. The company's financial position has  remained  strong  since  the  latest
balance sheet date. Since Sunob Holding Oy does not carry on business  operations,
its financial position is the same as,  or  similar  to,  that  disclosed  on  the
balance sheet date of December 31, 2004. The purchase of the majority  holding  in
Tiolat Oy through Sunob Holding Oy forms part of Done Solutions Corporation's  new
strategy to develop its business through corporate acquisitions.

The share subscription price is EUR 0.17 per share, corresponding  to  the  trade-
weighted average of Done Solutions  Corporation  shares  quoted  on  the  Helsinki
Stock Exchange between October 1 and 31, 2005.  Of  the  subscription  price,  EUR
0.08 per share that corresponds to the nominal value of shares will be entered  in
share capital. The amount of the subscription price exceeding  the  nominal  value
of shares will be entered in  the  issue  premium  fund.  The  share  subscription
period will begin on December 19, 2005 and terminate on December 20, 2005.

In payment of share subscription, Gateway Finland Oy will transfer  Sunob  Holding
Oy's share capital, EUR 25,736.62 in  loan  receivable  and  EUR  1,217,599.10  in
subordinated loan receivable from Sunob  Holding  Oy.  Sunob  Holding  Oy's  share
capital,  EUR  456,664.28,  is  proposed  to  be   entered   in   Done   Solutions
Corporation's balance sheet and the receivables entered at their  nominal  values.
The valuation  of  property  given  as  subscription  in  kind  is  based  on  the
agreement's terms and conditions, the value of Tiolat  Oy  shares  held  by  Sunob
Holding Oy, and an opinion issued by an independent expert. The nature and  extent
of Tiolat Oy's business are described above.

The new shares entitle their holders to a  full  dividend  as  of  the  accounting
period beginning on 1 January 2006.


   1. Terms and conditions of the non-cash/share issue
   2. Minutes of Done Solutions Corporation's Annual General Meeting on March 31,
   3. Done Solutions Corporation's Financial Statements  for  January  1-December
      31, 2004
   4. Done Solutions Corporation's Interim Reports prepared after the fiscal year
      2004: April 29, 2005; August 10, 2005; and October 28, 2005
   5. Done Solutions Corporation's Board report on events with a material  effect
      on the Company's position after the disclosure of  the  Interim  Report  on
      October 28, 2005
   6. An audit opinion on Interim Reports prepared after the latest  fiscal  year
      and on the Board's report on events with a material effect on the Company's
      position after the disclosure of the Interim Report, as well as on  grounds
      for  subscription  price  determination  and  reasons   for   waiving   the
      shareholders' pre-emptive rights.
   7. An opinion issued by an independent expert
   8.  Sunob Holding Oy's Financial Statements for January  1-December  31,  2003
      and January 1-December 31, 2004.
   9. Tiolat Oy's Financial Statements for April 1, 2003-March 31, 2004 and April
      1, 2004-March 31, 2005

The attachments will be available for shareholders' inspection at  Done  Solutions
Corporation's headquarters, Tukholmankatu 2, FI-00250 Helsinki, from December  12,

ATTACHMENT 1: Terms and conditions of the non-cash/share issue

1. Increase

The Company  will  increase  its  share  capital  by  EUR  800,000.00  by  issuing
10,000,000 new shares at a per-share book  countervalue  of  EUR  0.08  ("Non-cash
issue"). These new shares account for 16.81 percent of the  Company's  shares  and
the votes entitled by the shares, as a result of the share capital increase.

2. Subscription right

Waiving the shareholders' pre-emptive rights,  new  shares  will  be  offered  for
subscription by Gateway Finland Oy, Sunob  Holding  Oy's  shareholder.  Since  the
Company will pay for Sunob Holding Oy's share capital against share swap,  it  has
a cogent financial reason to waive said rights.

3. Subscription period

The subscription period will begin on December 19, 2005 and terminate on  December
20, 2005 or earlier as soon as all  of  the  shares  will  have  been  subscribed,
unless the Board of Directors decides to extend the period.

4. Subscription price, conversion price, and property  given  as  subscription  in

The non-cash-issue-based subscription price of the Company's share  is  EUR  0.17,
corresponding to the trade-weighted average of Done Solutions  Corporation  shares
quoted on the Helsinki Stock Exchange between October 1  and  31,  2005,  totaling
EUR 1,700,000. Of the subscription price, EUR 0.08 per share that  corresponds  to
the nominal value of shares will be entered in share capital. The  amount  of  the
subscription price exceeding the nominal value of shares will be  entered  in  the
issue premium fund.

Shares will be subscribed and paid against the  transfer  of  Sunob  Holding  Oy's
share  capital,  as  well  as  the  loan  receivable  of  EUR  25,736.62  and  the
subordinated loan receivable of EUR 1,217,599.10  from  Sunob  Holding  Oy.  Sunob
Holding Oy's share capital consists of 8,500 shares, their total  value  fixed  at
EUR 456,664.28. The receivables  used  to  pay  for  the  share  subscription  are
measured at nominal value. Consequently, the property  given  as  subscription  in
kind totals EUR 1,700,000. The valuation of  property  given  as  subscription  in
kind is based on the share-swap agreement's terms and  conditions,  the  value  of
Tiolat Oy  shares  held  by  Sunob  Holding  Oy,  and  an  opinion  issued  by  an
independent expert. The value of Sunob Holding Oy shares entered in the  Company's
balance sheet totals EUR 456,664.28. Receivables recorded  as  property  given  as
subscription in kind will be entered in  the  Company's  balance  sheet  at  their
nominal value.

5. Share subscriptions, their approval, and the lapse of the share issue

Shares will be subscribed using a special subscription list. The  subscription  is
binding on the subscriber.

Shares must be subscribed in full since a partial exercise of  share  subscription
rights is not permitted.

The Company's  Board  of  Directors  decides  on  the  approval  or  rejection  of
subscriptions within one week from the end of the subscription period.  The  Board
has the right to decide on the lapse of the share issue, in full or in part.

6. Payment of the subscription price

The shares are payable  at  subscription.  In  payment  of  the  subscription  for
shares, the subscriber will transfer  Sunob  Holding  Oy's  share  capital  (8,500
shares) with the appropriate endorsements, EUR 25,736.62 in  loan  receivable  and
EUR 1,217,599.10 in subordinated loan receivable from Sunob  Holding  Oy,  against
the transfer of which it may subscribe for a maximum of 10,000,000 new  shares  of
the Company. With respect to Sunob Holding Oy shares,  the  subscription  will  be
paid, and title to the shares given as subscription in kind will  be  transferred,
upon signing the subscription list, without using a special deed of  transfer  for
the property given as subscription in kind. With respect to the loan  receivables,
the subscription will  be  paid  and  title  will  be  transferred  based  on  the
endorsements on the promissory notes.

7. Entry of subscribed shares and public trading in shares

Subscribed and fully paid shares will be entered in  the  subscriber's  book-entry
securities account upon registration of the share capital increase for  the  Trade

The Company will apply for public trading in these shares on  the  Helsinki  Stock
Exchange's NM List, effective from ca. March 31, 2006.

8. Shareholder rights

The new shares entitle their holders to a  full  dividend  as  of  the  accounting
period beginning on 1 January 2006. Other shareholder rights  arising  from  these
shares will become effective from the date of registration of  the  share  capital
increase for the Trade Register.

9. Other issues

The Board of Directors decides on other issues related to the  increase  of  share

B. Board's proposal to cover confirmed losses

The Board of Directors  proposes  that  the  Company's  confirmed  losses  of  EUR
493,486.34 be covered by reducing the contingency fund by EUR 192,260.50  and  the
issue premium fund by EUR 301,225.84.

Done Solutions Corporation
Board of Directors

For further information, please contact:

Pekka Pystynen, President and CEO,  tel.    +358  (0)205    253427,    gsm    +358
(0)50  0508   962,

Helsinki Stock Exchange
Major media

Listed on the Helsinki  Stock  Exchange's  NM  List  since  2001,  Done  Solutions
operates through  the  following  two  business  areas:  Done  Logistics  provides
comprehensive logistics systems, based on  the  automation  of  materials-handling
and supporting information systems, while Done Information  provides  multilingual
documentation  services  and  software  solutions.  Done  Solutions  operates   in
selected industries in the Nordic countries, Central Europe and the USA.