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Done Solutions Corporation
Stock Exchange Release October 30, 2003 at 9.00 a.m.


-  Consolidated net sales for the period came to EUR 17.4 million  (EUR
24.8  million in Q1-Q3/2002, comparable net sales were EUR 22.6 million
in Q1-Q3/2002)

-  Consolidated operating loss amounted to EUR 1.6 million (a  loss  of
EUR 4.0 million), or –9.3 percent of net sales (–16.0 percent), and net
loss  for  the  period  totaled EUR 2.2 million  (a  loss  of  EUR  6.3
million), or –12.6 percent of net sales (–25.4 percent).

-  Earnings per share were EUR –0.045 (EUR –0.096), while equity  ratio
stood at 28.6 percent (41.5 percent).

- Liquid assets were EUR 0.6 million (EUR 0.9 million).

- The company improved its profit performance during the report period,
although still showing a loss.

-  The company estimates that its net sales for the second half will be
slightly  lower than those for the first half, while showing  operating
results similar to those of the first half. The company expects to show
an  operating loss for 2003. The company is expected to show a  neutral
cashflow during the second half and a slightly negative cashflow during
2003 as a whole.


MEUR                                 Q1/2003  Q2/2003  Q3/2003   Total
Net sales                               6.3      6.0      5.1     17.4
Operating profit/loss                  -0.6     -0.4     -0.6     -1.6
Profit/loss before extraordinary items –0.6     -0.5     -0.8     -1.9
Net profit/loss for the period         -0.7     -0.6     -0.9     -2.2

Done Logistics

Within  Systems  & Software, third-quarter demand was satisfactory  for
management  systems software and maintenance services  while  materials
handling  systems reported low order volumes, which had a major  impact
on  the  unit’s  profit performance. As a result,  the  unit  began  to
restructure its operations during Q3, with a view to boosting sales and
improving   project   implementation  methods.  Following   the   joint
discussions   with  employees  (based  on  statutory  information   and
consultation), the unit decided to lay off 21 employees for  a  maximum
of  90  days  by  the  end  of  December, and,  depending  on  manpower
requirements, a maximum of 40 employees for a maximum of 90 days by the
end  of  March.  Distribution  showed satisfactory  order  volumes  and
operating profit.

Done Information

Within  Software  & Services, the Q3 volume and profit  performance  of
multilingual  documentation  services  remained  weaker  than  planned,
whereas the unit’s Translation and Localization services met volume and
profit  performance  targets. Sales of the  unit’s  software  solutions
remained  at  low  levels,  even though  the  market  showed  signs  of
rebounding  demand.  As  a result of joint discussions  with  employees
(based  on  statutory information and consultation), the Software  unit
decided  to lay off a maximum of 17 employees for a maximum of 90  days
by the end of December.

Within  Engineering, demand remained subdued for new projects,  whereas
that  for  projects with current customers remained at  a  satisfactory
level.  Due  to  the low order volumes the unit showed  a  weak  profit
performance. New project launches were postponed until a later date, as
customers refrained from investments.

Done  Information  and Done Logistics net sales and  profitability  are
summarized below:
                   Net Sales    Net Sales    Operating Profit/Loss
                   Q1-Q3/2003   Q1-Q3/2002   Q1-Q3/2003  Q1-Q3/2002
                   MEUR  Share  MEUR  Share  MEUR    %   MEUR    %
Done Logistics
 Systems&Software   4.6   27%    9.0   36%   -1.1  –23%  –1.7  -19%
 Distribution       7.1   41%    7.4   30%    0.1    1%  –0.7  –10%
 Total             11.8   68%   16.4   66%   –1.0   –9%  –2.4  –15%

Done Information
 Software&Services  4.6   27%    5.9   24%   -0.0   -0%  -0,2   -3%
 Engineering        1.0    6%    2.5   10%   –0.6  -62%  -1.4  -56%
 Total              5.6   32%    8.4   34%   -0.6  -11%  -1.6  -18%

Done Solutions     17.4  100%   24.8  100%   -1.6   –9%  -4.0  -16%

While  year-on-year net sales fell across the board, operating  results
in euros improved within all units.

                   Net sales    Net sales    Net sales   Net sales
                   Q1/2003      Q2/2003      Q3/2003     Total
                   MEUR  Share  MEUR  Share  MEUR  Share MEUR  Share
Done Logistics
 Systems&Software   2.0   32%    1.3   22%    1.4   27%   4.6   27%
 Distribution       2.1   34%    2.8   47%    2.2   43%   7.1   41%
 Total              4.1   66%    4.1   68%    3.6   70%  11.8   68%

Done Information
 Software&Services  1.7   27%    1.6   26%    1.4   27%   4.6   27%
 Engineering        0.5    8%    0.3    6%    0.1    3%   1.0    6%
 Total              2.2   34%    1.9   32%    1.5   30%   5.6   32%

Done Solutions      6.3  100%    6.0  100%    5.1  100%  17.4  100%

                   Operating profit/loss     Operating profit/loss
                   Q1/2003      Q2/2003      Q3/2003     Total
                   MEUR    %    MEUR    %    MEUR    %   MEUR    %
Done Logistics
 Systems&Software  -0.3  -16%   -0.3  -27%   -0.4  -30%  -1.1  -23%
 Distribution      -0.0   -2%    0.0    2%    0.0    3%   0.1    1%
 Total             -0.4   -9%   -0.3   –7%   -0.3  -10%  -1.0   -9%

Done Information
 Software&Services –0.0   -2%    0.1    4%   -0.0   -2%  -0.0   -0%
 Engineering       -0.2  -35%   -0.2  –50%   -0.3 -184%  -0.6  -62%
 Total             -0.2   -9%   -0.1   -6%   -0.3  -19%  -0.6  -11%

Done Solutions     -0.6   -9%   -0.4   -7%   -0.6  -13%  -1.6   -9%

The  comparable  figures  for  2002 include  Done  Logistics  Ab  (Done
Solutions’  Swedish subsidiary) and its subsidiary,  Actipac  Ab,  both
declared  bankrupt in April 2002, until March 31, 2002. Their  combined
net  sales  for  January–March  2002  totaled  EUR  2.2  million  (Done
Logistics   Systems  &  Software  accounting  for   EUR   1.8   million
Distribution for EUR 0.4 million), while their operating loss  amounted
to   EUR  0.4  million  (Systems  &  Software  EUR  –0.4  million   and
Distribution EUR 0.0 million).

Financial  items  include  EUR  0.15 million  expense  from  associated
company Ametro Oy which made one-time write-downs of goodwill.

Taxes  for  the  period  include EUR 0.3 million write-downs  of  avoir
fiscal receivables.


Period-end consolidated balance sheet total amounted to EUR 7.3 million
(EUR  14.0  million  on September 30, 2002) while shareholders’  equity
came to EUR 2.1 million (EUR 5.7 million). The shareholder’s equity  of
the  parent company amounted to EUR 6.3 million (EUR 13.0 million).  At
period-end,  the  consolidated  equity ratio  was  28.6  percent  (41.5
percent),  gearing stood at 27.6 percent (34.5 percent)  and  interest-
bearing  liabilities  EUR 1.1 million (EUR 2.9 million).  Earnings  per
share  came to EUR –0.045 (EUR –0.096). Equity per share was EUR  0.042
(EUR 0.115). Liquid assets totaled EUR 0.6 million (EUR 0.9 million) at
the end of the period.

The Group forecasts that its cashflow from business operations will  be
positive  over the next twelve months. The company estimates  that  its
liquid assets will suffice during the next 12-month period.


The  company  did not make any major investments or divestments  during
the report period.

Product  development costs for the period came to EUR 0.1  million,  or
0.6 percent of net sales.


At  the  end  of the period, the Group had a total staff of  218.  Done
Logistics’ Systems & Software unit had a staff of 71, Distribution  18,
Done  Information’s Software & Services 98 and Engineering 31.  A  year
ago, the Group’s staff numbered 264.

In  addition,  Ametro  Oy, a staffing service provider  in  which  Done
Solutions  has a 30 percent holding, had a staff of 159 at the  end  of
the report period.


On  September  30,  2003  Done Solutions had a  share  capital  of  EUR
7,420,122.60 and the number of shares totaled 49,467,484.

The  company’s  largest shareholders are listed on  Done’s  website  at  (Investors /  Financial  Information  /  Largest

The  highest share quotation for the period was EUR 0.20 and the lowest
EUR 0.10. With an average price of EUR 0.13, the company’s share closed
at EUR 0.14 on September 30, 2003. The reported value of share turnover
was  EUR  0.7  million, or 5,347,173 shares, and the  company’s  market
capitalization on September 30, 2003 was EUR 6.9 million.

The  unexercised share-issue authorization given by the Annual  General
Meeting  of  March  21,  2003  to the Board  of  Directors  applies  to
9,893,496  shares  on  September 30, 2003. As of  the  same  date,  the
company held no treasury shares.


Please  refer  to  the  öNET  SALES  AND  PROFITABILITYö  section   for
information  on major events during the report period. The  period  was
still  characterized by difficult market conditions,  and  the  company
continued its streamlining and restructuring program, with the  aim  of
matching the current business volume.


Done  Solutions  has reached agreement on the remaining purchase  price
for  Done  Information, Inc. (formerly Dialogue Marketing, Inc.).  Done
Solutions was paid EUR 0.3 million on October 15, 2003. After the write-
downs  of 2002, the agreement will not considerably contribute  to  the
results of 2003.

Done Solutions has decided to spin off the Distribution business within
Done  Logistics.  The January 1, 2003 starting company  will  be  named
Providor Logistics Oy.


The company estimates that the second half net sales will fall slightly
below the first-half levels, and the operating loss will be at the firs-
half level. The company expects to show a loss for 2003. The company is
expected  to  show  a neutral cashflow during the  second  half  and  a
slightly negative cashflow during 2003 as whole.

Done Solutions Corporation
Board of Directors

For further information, please contact:

Kari  Åkman, President and CEO, tel. + 358 (0)205 253427, gsm  040  586

Mika  Söyring, Controller, tel. + 358 (0)205 253425, gsm 040 777  0033,

Helsinki Exchanges
Major media

Done  Solutions shares have been quoted on the Helsinki  Exchanges’  NM
list  since 2001, and the company is organized into two business areas:
Done  Logistics provides comprehensive logistics systems, based on  the
automation  of  materials handling, the supporting information  systems
and   outsourcing  services.  Done  Information  provides   information
solutions, from design and documentation to after-sales marketing. Done
Solutions  operates  in  selected industries in the  Nordic  countries,
Central  Europe  and  the  United States, and its  customers  typically
represent leading international companies in their industries.

GROUP KEY FIGURES AND RATIOS (MEUR) Q1-Q3/2003 Q1-Q3/2002      2002

Net Sales                              17.4        24.8        32.0

Operating profit (loss)                -1.6        -4.0        -5.0
Operating profit (loss), %             -9.3       -16.0       -15.7

Profit (loss) before extraordinary     -1.9        -4.7        -6.0
Profit (loss) before extraordinary    -10.8       -19.0       -18.6
items, %

Net profit (loss) for the period       -2.2        -6.3        -7.7
Net profit (loss) for the period %    -12.6       -25.4       -24.1

Gross capital expenditure               0.2         1.1         1.1

Gearing %                              27.6        34.5        -8.5
Equity ratio %                         28.6        41.5        37.0

Earnings per share, EUR                -0.045      -0.096      -0.127
Equity per share, EUR                   0.042       0.115       0.087

Average personnel for the period        233         309         300

Cash flow from business operations     -0.9        -7.1        -4.8
Cash flow from investments             -0.0         1.1         1.1
Cash flow from financing               -0.2         4.3         2.6
Total cash flow                        -1.1        -1.7        -1.0


NET SALES                              17.4        24.8        32.0
Operating income, total                17.6        25.4        32.6
Materials and services                 -8.4       -12.4       -15.5
Personnel expenses                     -6.5        -9.9       -12.4
Depreciation                           -1.1        -1.4        -1.9
Other operating expenses               -3.2        -5.7        -7.8
OPERATING PROFIT (LOSS)                -1.6        -4.0        -5.0
Financial income                        0.0         0.1         0.1
Financial expenses                     -0.3        -0.8        -1.1
ITEMS                                  -1.9        -4.7        -6.0
Extraordinary income                    0.0         0.0         0.0
Extraordinary expenses                  0.0        -1.6        -1.4
AND TAXES                              -1.9        -6.3        -7.4
Direct taxes                           -0.3        -0.0        -0.3
Minority interest                       0,0         0,0         0,0
NET PROFIT (LOSS) FOR THE PERIOD       -2.2        -6.3        -7.7

CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET    Sept 30, 2003 Sept 30, 2002 Dec. 31, 2002

Intangible assets                       0.7         2.0         1.6
Tangible assets                         0.7         1.1         0.9
Total long-term investments             0.8         1.0         1.0
FIXED AND OTHER NON-CURRENT ASSETS      2.1         4.1         3.5

Inventories                             0.1         0.1         0.1
Long-term receivables                   0.7         1.4         1.2
Short-term receivables                  3.8         7.5         5.4
Short-term investments                  0.0         0.0         0.0
Cash and cash equivalents               0.6         0.9         1.7
INVENTORIES AND CURRENT ASSETS, TOTAL   5.2         9.9         8.4
ASSETS TOTAL                            7.3        14.0        11.9

Share capital                           7.4         7.4         7.4
Issue premium fund                      0.4         4.8         4.8
Other funds                             0.2         0.2         0.2
Other unrestricted funds                0.0         3.7         3.7
Retained earnings (loss)               -3.7        -4.2        -4.2
Net profit (loss) for the period       -2.2        -6.3        -7.7
Subordinated loans                      0.0         0.0         0.0
SHAREHOLDER’S EQUITY, TOTAL             2.1         5.7         4.3
VOLUNTARY RESERVES                      0.0         0.0         0.0
STATUTORY RESERVES                      0.9         0.7         1.2
MINORITY INTEREST                       0.0         0.0         0.0
Long-term liabilities                   0.1         0.4         0.2
Short-term liabilities                  4.2         7.2         6.2
LIABILITIES TOTAL                       4.3         7.6         6.4
LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY    7.3        14.0        11.9

The figures in this Interim Report are unaudited.