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Done Solutions Corporation    
Stock Exchange Release             September 3, 2007, at 1:40 p.m.


Done Solutions Corporation has acquired the entire stock capital of Finnish
Led-Signs Oy (”FLS”) from Mia Järvinen and Olli-Pekka Salovaara. This
transaction was based on a share swap according to which Done Solutions
Corporation offered 1,999,998 new shares. The subscription price per share was
EUR 0.74, which corresponds to the closing price of Done Solutions
Corporation's share on August 31, 2007. Waiving the shareholders' pre-emption
rights, this private placement is based on the share-issue authorization given
by the Annual General Meeting of April 3, 2007. The unexercised share-issue
authorization of the Board of Directors covers 31,000,002 shares after the

As a result of the private placement to Mia Järvinen and Olli-Pekka Salovaara,
Done Solutions Corporation's number of shares will increase by 1,999,998
shares, from 66,436,484 shares to 68,436,482. 

Furthermore, the transaction will include a share swap in addition to that
cited above, with the sellers receiving 50% of FLS's profit from 2007-2009 in
the form of a Done Solutions Corporation rights issue. The new shares issued
under the swap will be valued at their average closing value during the 30
trading days prior to the subscription date of each share. 

FLS is Finland's leading manufacturer of LED information display systems, with
service station price display systems as its main product where the company is
the market leader in Scandinavia. Significant part of the company's production
is exported. The company is based in Turku, Finland, and has a staff of 10
( In 2006, Finnish Led-Signs Oy posted net sales of
EUR 1.5 million and its operating profit was EUR 0.2 million. However, higher
net sales and operating profit are forecast for 2007. The audited financial
figures for the company in 2006 were as follows: 

INCOME STATEMENT (MEUR)                    1-12/2006
Net sales                                      1.5 
Operating profit                               0.2 
Pre-tax profit                                 0.2 
Net profit                                     0.2 

BALANCE SHEET (MEUR)                      31.12.2006 
Non-current assets                             0.1 
Current assets                                 0.5 
Total assets                                   0.6 
Shareholder's equity                           0.4 
Long-term liabilities                          0.1 
Short-term liabilities                         0.2 
Total liabilities & shareholder's equity       0.6 

The CEO and former main shareholder of FLS, Mia Järvinen (37), will continue
working for the company in her old position. 

“Typical customers of our flagship products are large or very large companies.
Following the successfully completed product and production development phases
of recent years, our next challenge is to enter the growing European markets,
in which our products are very competitive.  The change in the ownership
structure undertaken at this stage was necessary in order to speed up our
growth and enhance our export opportunities,” comments Mia Järvinen, CEO of

The acquisition of FLS is in line with Done Solutions Corporation's strategy of
developing its business through company acquisitions and will facilitate growth
in the Group's net sales and operating profit for the rest of the year. 

Done Solutions Corporation
Juha Kujala
Acting CEO

For further information, please contact:

Juha Kujala, acting CEO, gsm +358(0)40 7349017,

Mia Järvinen, CEO gsm +358(0)40 7592660

Helsinki Stock Exchange
Financial Supervision Authority
Major media

Done Solutions Corporation, listed on the OMX Helsinki Stock Exchange, is the
parent company of Done Group. Done's subsidiaries focus on the provision of
advanced Finnish specialist expertise and export-based operations.