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Done Solutions Corporation    Stock Exchange Release
          December 19, 2007, 11:00 a.m.


On December 18, 2007, Done Solutions Corporation has acquired the entire stock
capital of Midas Touch Oy and GDZ Markkinointi Oy from Timo Juurakko, Sami
Latva and Markku Pihlajaniemi. Midas Touch Oy owns 100% of its subsidiaries
Midas Tech Oy, Midas Touch Gateway Oy, Midas Touch Interactive Oy and Midas
Touch Care Oy, all active in business, and 81 per cent of Midas Touch Media Oy.
The transaction is based on a share swap according to which Done Solutions
Corporation offers 7,500,000 new shares. The subscription price per share is
EUR 0.66, which corresponds to the closing price of Done Solutions
Corporation's share on Monday, December 17, 2007. Waiving the shareholders'
pre-emption rights, this private placement is based on the share-issue
authorization given by the Annual General Meeting of April 3, 2007. The
unexercised share-issue authorization of the Board of Directors covers
23,500,002 shares after the transaction. 

As a result of the private placement to Timo Juurakko, Sami Latva and Markku
Pihlajaniemi, Done Solutions Corporation's number of shares will increase by
7,500,000 shares, from 68,436,482 to 75,936,482. 

Furthermore, the transaction will include an additional share swap in addition
to the one cited above, with the sellers of Midas Touch Oy receiving 10-60% of
the company's profit from 2008-2010 in the form of a Done Solutions Corporation
rights issue each year. The new shares issued under the swap will be valued at
their average closing value weighted by the number of shares traded in January
in the previous year. 

Midas Touch is Finland's leading, rapidly growing Contact Center and
telemarketing company, operating in six localities. 

The Pieksämäki Technology Center specializes in expert services for the IT
sector, managing HelpDesk operations for leading Finnish IT service providers.
Highly trained professionals, qualified with a Diploma in Business Information
Technology, form the core staff. Certain services operate on a 24/7 basis. 

The Lapinlahti and Iisalmi service centers specialize in the public sector, in
managing a variety of special tasks in the care sector, in health care
services, in social sector travel center services and in serving major
customers in the financial sector. 

The Jämsä Media Center focuses on expert services for the television and media
sector, with a customer base mainly comprising large firms in the electronic
media industry. Furthermore, the Media Center provides services for major
customers in the insurance sector. 

The Lappeenranta Gateway Center specializes in services rendered by the
company's international customers. Special expertise and customers in the
tourism sector, alongside expert services provided in the Russian language, are
centered in the Gateway Center. At present, business targeted directly at
Russia is minor, but it is expected to form one of the main growth areas for
the whole company in the next few years. 

The Helsinki Service Center focuses on solutions providing services for the
public sector. 

The company is based in Lapinlahti and has a staff of 520 (
In the financial year 8/2006 - 7/2007, the company posted net sales of EUR 10.5
million and its operating profit was EUR 0.5 million. The company's audited
financial figures over the last three financial periods were as follows: 

INCOME STATEMENT (MEUR)          8/06-7/07   8/05-7/06   8/04-7/05
Net sales                        10.5        8.5         5.4
Operating profit                  0.5        0.4         0.4
Pre-tax profit                    0.5        0.4         0.4
Net profit                        0.3        0.2         0.3

BALANCE SHEET (MEUR)             31.7.2007   31.7.2006   31.7.2005 
Non-current assets               0.6         0.3         0.2
Current assets                   2.4         1.7         1.4
Total assets                     3.0         2.0         1.7
Shareholder's equity             0.4         0.3         0.3
Minority interest                0.1         0.1         0.0
Long-term liabilities            0.5         0.1         0.1
Short-term liabilities           2.0         1.6         1.2
Total liabilities & 
shareholder's equity             3.0         2.0         1.7

The CEO and former owner of Midas Touch Oy, Timo Juurakko (44), will continue
working for the company in his old position. “Midas Touch is now taking the
next step by finding its way into good company and, simultaneously, becoming
part of a listed corporation. The former owners will still be owners via a
share swap and the management will not change. We are confident that Done will
provide outstanding support for our growth. It is good to become one of Done's
growing and highly profitable subsidiaries. Simultaneously, we will provide a
significant increase in Done Solutions Corporation's net sales and earnings per
share. We also value the fact that Midas's ownership is remaining in Finnish
hands. I expect Midas to increase its profits markedly next year”, comments Mr.

“The acquisition of Midas Touch is in line with Done Solutions Corporation's
strategy of growth, based on complementing our Group through the acquisition of
the shares of Finnish, well-managed profitable companies with specialist
expertise. Midas Touch is an outstandingly managed, intensively growing company
providing outsourced customer services based on modern technology. The
company's customer base is very broad, which means that the company is
extremely well equipped for rapid and continuous profitable growth. The
acquisition of Midas Touch will increase Done Solutions Corporation's net sales
and operating profit considerably next year”, states Olli-Pekka Salovaara, CEO,
Done Solutions Corporation. 

Done Solutions Corporation
Olli-Pekka Salovaara
President & CEO

For further information, please contact:

Olli-Pekka Salovaara, President & CEO, mobile +358 040 5675520

Timo Juurakko, CEO, mobile +358 50 464 9411

Helsinki Stock Exchange
Financial Supervision Authority
Major media

Done Solutions Corporation, listed on the OMX Helsinki Stock Exchange, is the
parent company of Done Group. Done's subsidiaries focus on the provision of
advanced Finnish specialist expertise and export-based operations.